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Necromancer or Sorcerer.


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Sorc is definitely more straightforward, aoes and single target keep working the same as at lower levels.

Necro, your aoe first requires a dead mob, single target is cdl at 50, you need to stay at low hp, their other single target is very expensive to use.  They do get body to mind levelled higher, which will help without a recharger.

Necro is great for pvp, but definitely more complicated to level

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1 hour ago, MJpwnz said:

Necr need in all pvp and pve partys, mage party need mass glom for best xp farm. and he doing dmg as well...so i say necr is better.

If he has a CP that he can leach early and that can feed him money later, then sure. If he is a solo player or plays in an unorganized clan, necro is way too expensive to level at this point. Death Spike is 240 adena/use (on top of the shots) because of the cursed bones, he wouldn't have CDL until 50 (if he is even able to get the book buy then) which can be difficult to use for a newbie, and mass gloom(which he only gets on 58 or so) consumes 4 cursed bones too (so 960 adena/use).

So basically, he either uses Death Spike and spends a lot of money to be able to progress alone, or he is barely more than deadweight in aoe groups early on.

Playing necro can pay off in the right circumstances (you know what you're doing, you can afford to actually use your skills, you have an organized group to play with), but if your looking for simple and easy leveling, then Necro is most definitely shouldn't be your choice.

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1 hour ago, worldpusher said:

What dyes do you recommend for a Necro pve focused?

It really depends on your farming habits and whether you have a recharger box with you; if you're farming mostly in AoE parties then I wouldn't be afraid to go +12 WIT -15 MEN, but if you happen to solo often and maybe don't even have your own charge box, then I wouldn't be afraid to go +8 or even +12 INT instead.

But generally speaking don't be afraid to lower your MEN, it's mana management benefits are hardly noticeable.

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18 hours ago, worldpusher said:

I solo often and i have a recharge box,

how about +8 wit -12 men?  

Nevermind, they changed the dyes to the old system: https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/7821-an-update-on-greater-dyes/?tab=comments#comment-61610

So I'd say good old +5 WIT / +4 INT / -X MEN, not much to think of there... Perhaps you can just stick to +4 INT / +4 WIT for the time being as there's no +1 / -1 dyes yet to my knowledge, and you don't really need to destroy the MEN for any price.

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On 3/11/2018 at 2:14 PM, Pepperoni said:

Hey, i can't decide, between necro or sorc. I'm looking for overall simple and easy leveling, i heard that sorc is good at that, but then again people say necro is much better, whats ur opinion guys ?


Thats your answer, you are looking for overall simple and easy leveling then it doesnt matter who is better, because choosing Necro you will choice the totally opposite of simple and easy. You will be choosing a class that at lvl 40 doesnt have a main solo damage skills, damn it doesnt even have Death Spike at lvl 40, you only get Vampiric Claw that is really MP expensive, you need to keep leveling up with Blaze till lvl 50, or till lvl 46 to have an AOE skill that needs a dead corpse. Necro in AOE kill with blaze or vampiric claw then Corpse Burst or... 1 - Summon a lvl 1 Reanimated Man (you level up this further and you bleep up) -> 2 - Send the Reanimated Man to hit the enemies -> 3 - Kill your own summon -> 4 - Use Corpse Burst (3 Spirit Ores per Reanimated Manso 440x3 = 1320a per hit, 3 hits per pull + 1 to 2 BSSC to kill him and 1 BSSC to Corpse Burst = 2300ish Adena per pull at least)... so no... you want to level up with Curse Death Link?... best solo skill in the game, great is a great choice... oh, you dont have PP, SE, EE and BD?... ok then no... if you dont use PP you dont have the necesary Cast Speed, if you dont have SE you dont have the necesary Damage, if you dont have BD you dont have the necesary Cast Speed and Damange needed and on top of that if you dont have EE you will not have the necesary MP, cause of recharge and Clarity... so you are bleeped if you dont have the necesary CP or the necesary Dual or if you are not skillfull enough to use CDL with just a PP and SE wich is not easy I can tell you I played Necro for a long time and I have leveled up alone in Interlude in Stakato Nest with and without all that and more and the differences are impressive.

So you dont even think about it go for Sorc... if you want the best of both worlds... then make a new character and choose a SpellHowler... you will have a main damage for solo PVE (Hurricane), you will have a CDL if you happen to have all necesary and want to go hard on that wich is awesome, and you have a good AOE that doesnt need to sell your house to use.

And for PVP well a average Necromancer user is less effective than a average Sorc user, cause Necro is usefull if you know how to use it, because if you dont then you are the same as nothing.

On 5/11/2018 at 8:51 AM, worldpusher said:

What dyes do you recommend for a Necro pve focused?

I have used +4 WIT +4 INT +4 CON -8(-10) MEN -5 STR on my Necro since C4, actually +3-3 may be even a better choice, cause you may not want to have -8 or -10 to MEN..., and with the announcement that you cant have more than +5 no doubt I will go for that, I was thinking on going +8 WIT or even +12 WIT because I have no Acumen SA here but if you dont cant go for any of that then mix things up and get more Cast, more Damage and more Life, have in mind that CDL is percentaje based, so more life will mean that 50 - 100 HP total life will be less % of the total life meaning that your CDL hits will be a little bit higher, and often that little bit could mean the difference between killing with one hit or not the targeted mob, and if not that could mean death.... also more HP good for PVP.

Best Regards

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3 hours ago, Hexploder said:


Thats your answer, you are looking for overall simple and easy leveling then it doesnt matter who is better, because choosing Necro you will choice the totally opposite of simple and easy. You will be choosing a class that at lvl 40 doesnt have a main solo damage skills, damn it doesnt even have Death Spike at lvl 40, you only get Vampiric Claw that is really MP expensive, you need to keep leveling up with Blaze till lvl 50, or till lvl 46 to have an AOE skill that needs a dead corpse. Necro in AOE kill with blaze or vampiric claw then Corpse Burst or... 1 - Summon a lvl 1 Reanimated Man (you level up this further and you bleep up) -> 2 - Send the Reanimated Man to hit the enemies -> 3 - Kill your own summon -> 4 - Use Corpse Burst (3 Spirit Ores per Reanimated Manso 440x3 = 1320a per hit, 3 hits per pull + 1 to 2 BSSC to kill him and 1 BSSC to Corpse Burst = 2300ish Adena per pull at least)... so no... you want to level up with Curse Death Link?... best solo skill in the game, great is a great choice... oh, you dont have PP, SE, EE and BD?... ok then no... if you dont use PP you dont have the necesary Cast Speed, if you dont have SE you dont have the necesary Damage, if you dont have BD you dont have the necesary Cast Speed and Damange needed and on top of that if you dont have EE you will not have the necesary MP, cause of recharge and Clarity... so you are bleeped if you dont have the necesary CP or the necesary Dual or if you are not skillfull enough to use CDL with just a PP and SE wich is not easy I can tell you I played Necro for a long time and I have leveled up alone in Interlude in Stakato Nest with and without all that and more and the differences are impressive.

So you dont even think about it go for Sorc... if you want the best of both worlds... then make a new character and choose a SpellHowler... you will have a main damage for solo PVE (Hurricane), you will have a CDL if you happen to have all necesary and want to go hard on that wich is awesome, and you have a good AOE that doesnt need to sell your house to use.

And for PVP well a average Necromancer user is less effective than a average Sorc user, cause Necro is usefull if you know how to use it, because if you dont then you are the same as nothing.


Isnt the same for every class if you want to play solo? Sure

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To be honest, I had the same struggle .. Sorc or Necro... and I went for NECRO! To be honest... I dont regret it a bit... yes Death Spike cost a lot of adena... But you dont need to use it all the time... I can still 2 shots mobs with blaze and I'm lvl 45 atm. Our big burst skill is at 50... ok it might seem a long way but with the 2 dailys 35-50 ( 3 mil XP ) and 45-60 ( 7 mil XP ) and on top of the Abyss daily quest witch can lead you to a Dimensional blessing ( 37 mil xp and 1.11 mil sp ) ... you'll be 50 faster then you think.. Of course it's way easier boxing with a SE and PP if your goal is to play solo all the time.. but saying that NECROMANCER is SO HARD to play and to level up... No its really not that bad.. And trust me.. when it comes to PVP ( The Fun Part IMO ) You're going to REGRET going Sorc over NECRO

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Just wondering. Why didn't you consider spellhowler? As far as I know is the king of pvp mages with BtM, Corpse drain and high matk. Yes, I know the shadow doesn't have recharge but after 45+ that is useless and the spellhowler wilm bright since there so, why not?


Also I understand that even that I don't like skirts on humans mages, prominence is such a cool skill and, you know, fire. 

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