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Hi to all and gm 

Pls let me understand what's the point of this event you put this week don't you c you kick all to classic or to some where els I play sins 2005 and this thing in the server o haven't c it before activity is so low plp start QQ 

IF you planing close the live servers tell us from 6 servers I remember only 1 remain naia and chronos is 1 when 2k plp play only 

And you put this event Now for what send more plp away? 

So what im saying is plss make my stay and play the game I loved before so many years make the plp my old frends come back make us stay ....


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2 hours ago, Original said:

Hi to all and gm 

Pls let me understand what's the point of this event you put this week don't you c you kick all to classic or to some where els I play sins 2005 and this thing in the server o haven't c it before activity is so low plp start QQ 

IF you planing close the live servers tell us from 6 servers I remember only 1 remain naia and chronos is 1 when 2k plp play only 

And you put this event Now for what send more plp away? 

So what im saying is plss make my stay and play the game I loved before so many years make the plp my old frends come back make us stay ....


What's wrong with the event? I like it.

The fact that the Live version is going the dinosaurs way is well known fact, nothing to do drama about.

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Totally agreeing with Mixa here. The event is F2P and everyone who are 90+ can participate, which is a win win for every player in the Live servers.

Everyone gets a possibility to get some nice free stuff. As like the GM said...May RNGezus be on your side...

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Lol they are not putting event to send away ppl. They are putting events for more $. It is like fishing. If you still do not know whats going on you are a total fool.

and who cares about ppl coming back and ppl like yourself who do not contribute to the nc store - no one. 

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