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Everything posted by Rotten

  1. There is a reason rates aren't posted for ncwest... they already nerfed from Korea rewards by what 5x?? So I am only to assume the rates are 5x worse at best. So if NCwest follows what they have always done using your math. Rough guess your looking at 1.3tril adena for a lv10
  2. Neither are good nor will I participate, neither is a wise investment for this game.
  3. I base a realistic price off last years slayer event. I reasonably cost me $1,000 to go stg1 to stg2. I do in the end still think that was too expensive. And now see it cost 12x-15x more to do the same is absolutely crazy. It drives players away from the game
  4. I spoke with people on slayer craft this year, some made claws, and they stopped. The feedback i got i would say the average price to craft one was between $200-$300 Thats $24,000 for a stage 3 at $200 NOBODY will do that
  5. they got removed because that was easier than dealing with the people botting the chests.. instead of punish those cheating lets punish the whole server
  6. Slayer was bait and switch as well, last years promo no rates were posted, and was a wild success where people advanced their characters, this year rates were posted, some people assumed it was the same, but with a double price slayer. Many pre bought a LOT of Ncoin, only to find out it was a HUGE nerfed product.
  7. I don't recall a single player asking for a free item, only affordable and reasonable rates to make playing for all fun. To bring back pvp by allowing players to gear up. Really they would make bank if they did that.. now it seems they are going to have other problems from what im reading
  8. Investigating?! Last fiasco, Gran Kain expiration, Wissp makes a statement it was not intended to delete them Later posts It was intended to delete them This time, they make horrible rates to craft a needed item in game, and then incorrectly state what you get from the boxes. After People have already spent money I don't understand what they are investigating, i agree with LordCrypt's statement. They must not even test their content updates weekly, these are OBVIOUS issues, not obscure accidents.
  9. Baiscally ya, 5% to get a cookie, and 5% craft, so cost literally about 20 million dollars to make a stg3 weapon by the math
  10. And they have done this multiple times, so it's not like they can say it's a 1 time mistake, many people on discord have many screenshots to prove otherwise
  11. @Wissp way to sweep it under the rug by changing the website verbage after people spent money that is called racketeering
  12. NOPE but their PROMOTION says you do.. so now the likelyhood of getting enough claws to make stage 3 at the rates players did their test sample, 2 cookies in 40 boxes stg3 cost like 20million dollars literally
  13. @Wissp EVENT BROKEN ... YOU DON'T GET YOUR COOKIE AS STATED EVERY BOX Love Strongbox Rewards Upon opening a Love Strongbox, you will receive a Real Protection Cookie and be randomly rewarded with one of the following items.
  14. Even if they made the craft 100% for a claw, its still $16,200 to make a stage3. As you said that's 3x-4x more than it cost to do a year ago in slayer event. Ncsoft is gonna have to lay off more ppl nobody gonna spend the much. And this again is why pvp and everything else is dead, nobody can gear up, HUGE NCfail.
  15. you will get boosts out of the boxes.. that's about it, it has been this way for years. last event where they actually dropped lv3 jewels.. ncsoft did an IMMEDIATE emergency maint to nerf the drops you rarely saw one after that maintenance.. so realistically i stand behind what i wrote
  16. @Wissp By promotion, does NCsoft mean they are promoting people NOT to spend money? These Rates/costs are HORRIBLE. To make a Stage2 weapon Stage 3 = 120 claws. 5% chance to make a claw. 1x 5% try is 10,800 ncoin you should succeed 1:20 tries so that's 216,000 ncoin per claw by the 5% success rate or about $2,700 per claw If you want to make all 120 that would be $324,000 AND IT'S NOT GUARANTEED COULD COST MORE!!! you all must be crazy!! you didn't listen to anything the community said.
  17. Ran my support ticket.. got a canned response that tells me they are submitting it to qa to see if the removal is a bug. And like I knew they would say they cannot make it +7 so I cant use them, expected nothing less. My request only states that I want one of my items upgraded to +7 so I can use the gran kain that I obtained with ncoin. And referenced wissp notice of the expiration date. My only assumption from this is nobody must communicate there and nobody must know what's going on if they are submitting it for a bug... The last +7 i made took 10k+ scrolls at 125-130luc.. so u less they double the enchant rates these are all being stolen from us.. literally this is the definition of racketeering. Extremely disappointed they can delete items you pay for and yet they refuse to address content issues, exploits and legacy items that are no longer accessible to players that give the ones that have them extreme a unfair advantages. BTW aware of 3x more decent spenders that left this week for good, huge ncfail
  18. all of mine have an expiration date now, even the ones that did not before like circlet, brooch, bracelet, etc
  19. @WisspSo do i open a support ticket to have them make my item +7? I had been saving the Gran Kain's i PAID for until i made a +7. So will support be increasing our items to +7 so we can use the items we PAiD for? Or will the community be receiving a refund? In addition could you then also please expire other legacy items in game that are no longer available, such as the legacy agathions, these give a HUGE unfair advantage in today's game content raids/swords/epics etc, and the general player base has no access to them, putting them at a very big disadvantage.
  20. The way I Interpret the update it doesn't solve much.. we just don't get 1 shot in hide. So the tyrr will just pop us out with aoe, followed by insta eruption and we die.. Yul.. no effect. They still flare us out and 1 shot us... that cooldown needs to be like 30 sec.. Mage now thst they can do a ton of aoe, they just do that and have macro next tgt cast. Real problem is our def, evasion, stab fails. Fix some or all plz
  21. If they do this they also better fix dagger m.Evasion, and 80/20 stab fail etc. Only reason we sometimes beat mages with equal gear now is their crit cap. Ultimately nc needs to seriously review class balance.. if your not a tyrr/dk/yul your mostly trash.
  22. @Wissp Thank you for the reply, that is much better than the week it took for the slayer event
  23. With the new games coming out, why would you drive business away! Why wouldn't you try to increase the satisfaction of your customer base and give players a bigger reason to stay, i can tell you many will likely leave for the new games with the current state of things here.
  24. @Hermes @Wissp I sure hope this is an error, or did you hope by omitting it from the patch notes nobody would notice? It is ABSOLUTELY INSANE that you all now are expiring items we had to pay ncoin to get. That is a SCAM and racketeering! I've been saving these scrolls to hope that i one day hit the 1:1,000,000 chance at a +7, now I'm gonna have to pay again for the same item i already have in hopes i get it from a box promo or event! This is the most dishonest thing i have ever seen in a game. It's absolutely a dishonest and unethical practice, why can you do this for scrolls and your team ABSOLUTELY refuses to remove the legacy agathions from game that give people unfair advantages in all this servers current pvp/event/raids. You guys are just driving more customers away
  25. at this point the only obvious answers are 1. they don't care or 2. legal has given them strict instructions to not say anything they could be held liable for as bad as things are atm.
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