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Everything posted by Mete

  1. I am pretty sure the exalted purchase limit is account wide, not character specific anyway, they used to give out free bexalted sets with upgrades. They stopped that. But if they hadn't stopped, it would be easy money for them (people would feel they are partway there and would buy the enchants)
  2. probably cause everybody will quit, aint nobody got time to sit in town begging supports to login. that's how the game's been for 15 years or so. ps live only allows 3 windows, 10 is aden, op's complaint is missplaced
  3. the coins thing is a misstranslsation, it should be add to ignore list etc
  4. this ^^ seems to be Jamoa specific perhaps they ninja made jamoa drops go direct to inventory randomly? ie no pickup
  5. @Hermes Also something is borked with pickup/party distribution I don't know which. Finders Keepers party , everyone except one set to not pickup, 5 got drops. Before update all drops went to one char
  6. instances are harder, rewards are better ... I mean what's inside the new Venusta boxes (105-> up to greater jewels, 115 -> top grade)
  7. @Hermes @Primali /useskillstand is broken. The char doesn't ... stand, it moves
  8. their office hours change, maintenance happens at 7AM when they get to work
  9. daylight savings time in the US as of last weekend
  10. you 're too stuck on light/heavy. Both do fine with light, but if you must you can swap light/heavy with redlibra, the cost is minimal (I assume you have R110) The essence is the rest of the gear. Dread needs more gear because dread can realistically only AOE. Titan can survive with lesser gear, going single target. That's the difference. The changes in the last few years have made Tyrs stronger. Tyr and DK are the current "FTM" classes IF you try Dread keep in mind VR doesn't work on skills if berzerker isn't up. So you will need a build that balances pattack and pskill (like a dagger) and will need to add regular hits into your mix, to get VR, not just skill spam.
  11. 70-80 b/week twospot toi5+atelia
  12. well, with redlibra on spend 3-4 billion to try both classes (use chaos essence not stone so you retain common skills since both are Tyr) your question is incredibly difficult to answer. I have a dualclass dread on my DK, 116, he can single spot ios just fine with a simple bloody r110 spear. TOI is difficult even on lower levels but IDC cause I do TOI /Ateliaon my main. Same for dethrone. But has +15 cloak, top ruby/redcat, greater rest jewels, +10 main artifacts +4 or +7 lessers etc.
  13. define "viable" both are amazing classes for PVE but both require about 15 trillion in gear to be amazing
  14. Just Aden , we 're the redheaded stepchildren for NCWest
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLsT6D4Pxcw&t and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApsqiCrKJsA&t
  16. don't worry, you 're not going to reach 115 with one exp event. Getting to 115 will take you more than a year.
  17. You do it. I made my peace with the fact the game is made by koreans for koreans 15 years ago.
  18. learn korean and post in the korean forums
  19. black coupon event has only happened once, 18th anniversary. But as of the next patch those event jewels can be augmented. also in juji's days they gave out free blessed exalted sets each update, for the lowbies, I believe last update in October that stopped. All I 'm saying is, dont just assume that something will happen cause it has happened in the past
  20. Why you can exchange for dagger and not a cutter is what I don't get
  21. Both FS and Dread need gear to do well. If you have gear, Dread is obviously better at PVE (aoe class). If you don't want to spend on gear, best classes are either DK or Evi (DK -> AOE , Evi -> Single target) This makes no sense. You are exchanging weapon aren't you?
  22. You can buy it from other players or wait for the Night Market Event to run again
  23. Sure. But they are not dropping in game, they are only generated through microtransactions. So wishing is nice and all, but reality begs to differ
  24. Naia's been dead for a couple of years. Too many people convincing themselves they can F2P = no item generation = no market
  25. nope europe has russia for dethrone. NA doesnt. So no merger.
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