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Everything posted by Mete

  1. https://www.lineage2.com/en-us/news/deathknight-spellcaster-update einhasad coin and cross server AH incoming August 1st this will be ... interesting
  2. as a top 20 ranking player I can assure you I want events that generate items for the server at reasonable prices. this is NCWest/NCAmerica/Whatever they call themselves this week robbing its playerbase, it's no an event/promo/whatever, it's highway robbery and it saddens me they refuse to learn $20 for one elcyum or one crystal of dawn they don't even log in to their own game to get a sense of what's real, they just copy paste korean events and just price them 20x more expensive than korea prices them
  3. You guys continue to not even attempt to get a clue about how your playerbase feels $550 in cookies for a 5% to get a random stage 2 weapon is crazy $300 in cookies for a 5% chance for a +10 armor set you refuse to listen, aint nobody paying these prices
  4. you are talking nonsense mate. The "original" server had no limit, you could play as many accounts as you could afford. At $15/month
  5. it's obviously a typo in the event page. It has happened multiple times before, even with paid promotions
  6. We have no gear because our territory does random loot boxes exclusively. And our loot boxes give out junk. No offence but IDC about star signs, that was 5 years ago content. A month ago Japan, Russia and Europe (the other export regions) had an event linked to einhasad store where a blood stained cursed weapon cost $150. That's the equivalent of Stage 2 dragon weapon. Great weapon to get you even to 120. Over here you need to pay thousands of dollars to get that level of weapon cause a) swords are basically gone (maintenance, reduction in days) b) 1 dragon left in the game. This is NCSoft moving the game to 100% pay to play (not win, you need to pay to play) but NCSoft has events that keep the supply of items to the servers steady, We don't. L grade and stage 4 dragons are coming in a few weeks, I know literally 5 people across both our servers that can do these upgrades. Our last dragon weapon generator event was a complete failure (that was back in december) the attitude of the staff in charge of the game was well you are not willing to invest tens of thousands of dollars to get claws/weapons, tough luck on you. Wait a year for the next event. The game no longer generates anything through ingame mechanics. Supply is 100% controlled by paid events, and ours are nerfed because as the player base shrinks each player has to pay more money to maintain NCWest's bottom line. And it's a vicious circle, cause the more people quit, the more expensive everything will become, leading to more people quitting. Unless management decides one day to try and sell people items at more realistic prices, and see if they can attract more players, don't expect a solution to your problems. The content is balanced on what the Korean player has, and you will be unable to ever get what the Korean player has unless you mortgage your house and dump that money into a game. People play this type of game (open ended ones) to see progress. When lack of item supply stifles progress players quit. Management doesn't seem to get this. So we're stuck in the loop where each update Korea launches makes things a little bit harder (because Korea expects a certain amount of items to have been generated since the last update) and we can't really progress with the game, because we haven't generated the items necessary, so we have to move back. That has been going on for years.
  7. We usually get updates at the same time as Japan, and they are getting theirs on July 19th. Make of that what you will
  8. Ari but not for skill power, for reuse. Your damage is your self buffs, the longer they are up, the more damage you output. Infact first skills you should +20 are the self buffs
  9. try it and let us know how this works now. not last week , now
  10. This is the problem with not having a "home" team. The game is designed for Korea. Gear in Korea is plentiful and cheap, yes high end gear (dragon weapons etc) are available for <110's to buy. So they tailor mobs to fit Korean gear. We (those that play on NCWest/NCAmerica/Whatever they call themselves this week) on the other hand we are MASSIVELY underweared so the mobs 110 lvl Koreans one shot, take a 110 in NA half an hour to kill. And "our team" is only concerned with shoving more pay to win FOMO [give us $200 for 5% pattack NOW or lose it forever] down our throats, not balancing the game for the playerbase and the gear available to this specific playerbase.
  11. meh, lineage 2 runs fine on $200 mini pcs, considering the amount of money people spend on this game I am sure $200 for 3 clients is not an expense that will scare anybody...Poor people though, you are screwed
  12. you and half the playerbase restorations reset last week, after a month of +19luc let's go crazy enchanting. I am sure everbody and their dog is requesting restores
  13. The game starts at 115 now, and there is a bunch of things to do in Dethrone to benefit your character.1-115 is the intro beyond that, the game was a Korean grinder when it launched 20 years ago, and it's still a Korean Grinder. It's just so niche NCWest or whatever they call themselves this week will fleece you if you get addicted and want to progress semi efficiently
  14. look in your clan quests, first is kill 1800 mobs, second is complete 3 instances
  15. it wasn't removed, it was never added the only source of bexalted weapon scrolls was the night market event
  16. I think if "our" producer cared they would have instantly rejected the 105 dailies lets make them impossible for anybody under 115 update. 105 dailies were half the daily exp sub 110 made. And no, the answer just spend some money doesn't work, nobody under 110 will spend 4-5,000 USD/EUR to buy a dragon weapon to do dailies. Our region is massively under geared relative to the other regions, the content must match OUR gear not the koreans' gear where dragon weapons are plentiful and cheap and a 108 can realistically buy one. NCWest makes the choices that starve our region of gear, NCWest must make sure the content matches the gear they allow us to have. Also the gatcha/loot box model hurts naia badly. Seems there still exist people in Chronos willing to drop $500 +/month to buy gatcha/loot boxes and generate items for the server. People in Naia aren't. So there's no item generation, and people that are willing to spend money are forced to go feed the Chonos market, buy the item they need and transfer it to Naia. Which further depletes the Naia market (What they are selling in Chronos in order to get adena to buy the item is ... gatcha/loot boxes ie items) The game right now starts at 115. NCWest needs to figure out ways to push the population to 115, both in terms of levels and equipment. One week vit runes are nice, but they are a bleep. Also it remains absurd that a 20 year game old in our region requires tens of thousands of dollars to play. Japan, Russia, EU, the major other export markets had an event connected to Einhasad store that gave basically bloody cursed weapons for $150. Over here the same item will cost you in the thousands. We only get gatcha/loot box events. Cause for reasons only NCWest understands we remain the only region in the L2 universe WITHOUT an einhasad store. Naia can't be fixed unless management understands the deep routed problems the game in our region has. Unfortunately management only cares about maximizing gatcha/loot box sales. And Naia can't be shut down (which would be other solution) because we need two servers for olympiad and dethrone.
  17. if your problem is the 30 bucks the destiny pack costs then this really is not the game for you. And I say this with kindness.
  18. We 're basically the redheaded stepchildren of the L2 world. Go look at the event Japan got last week and Europe/Russia got this week. Centered on Einhasad store. People getting blood stained cursed weapons for 100 bucks. Meanwhile over here we have to pay multiples of that for pots, and few low tier rewards. I really don't get it. It's like they hate their playerbase
  19. so you 're saying we're skipping the 19th? pretty sure it's the event we got by mistake with the update, boosted drops in Jamoa, boosted adena in Pantheon, boosted exp in Floren's etc
  20. So you 're saying the only reason you don't do dethrone is ... because you can't? PS I am not saying bots don't exist, they exist, but most of what newbies consider bots are keyboard/mouse macros. Those afaik are legal. Bots get mostly abused in PVP PPS Dethrone is where Korea wants the game to be at this point. Do dethrone. You get more exp in daily Dethrone than you do afking for a couple of days in open field. Plus all the benefits that are not exp. Not doing is cutting off your nose to spite your face
  21. korea had events that raised the limit to 1200 from 120. We, as usual, get the shaft events. 2-3 months/year of libra plus here's some boxes to buy, see you next wednesday I mean tuesday
  22. are you maybe responding to the wrong thread/post? Anyways ...new or old (and I 'm old) when you reach a certain point each upgrade costs half a trillion as you get into endgame. The recent adena burn event helped alot, lots of people got their top rubies/rcats cheap. The only difference is if you're new, into your early 110s and want to move from open field into instances to begin farming you need to drop a hefty investment , there's so many "systems" in the game you need to upgrade (Brooch & Jewels, Bracelet & talismans, Seed Bracelet & Agathions, Cloak, Artifacts, Shirt, Headgear, Jewels, Armor, Weapon,, Forgotten Skills and I won't even touch Tomes and Collections) that if you do the math, even "entry" level stuff by todays standards it's way past a trillion. I mean you can't go to ios with bexalted, lvl 3 jewels from quests and a +12 krishna and farm. You 'll probably die, and if you don't your killspeed will be so low you 'll barely "farm" 100mil.
  23. Destiny is irrelevant when you are farming adena. Prestige is relevant, and it's 15 bucks a month, a non issue. What is an issue is the trillions (plural) of adena worth of gear you need to farm adena efficiently.
  24. Maintenance happened, it has been moved to Tuesday https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/26550-live-server-maintenance-april-4-2023-new-day-and-time/#comment-184661
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