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Everything posted by Mete

  1. nope, untradeable items need to be gifted through the store, so you have to pay somebody adena and trust he won't scam you (ie they will gift you the item you want and not run away with the adena). Tradeable items can be bought and sold ingame.
  2. nobody's asking for 24/7 dethrone. People are asking to be able to do their 32 hours of dethrone when they choose, like TOI, instead of staying at 1 AM to do it.NCWest instead of finding a solution removes one dethrone, cause they are incapable of doing maintenance and Korea has to step in. And yes, if you want to progress in terms of XP you need dethrone, open field exp is a joke. Much like you need TOI to progress financially.
  3. helping a friend out , he came back and needs to regear
  4. I make around 280 bill from TOI another 25 or so from Atelia and IF i do 3hours of IOS/day that's another 40 bill/month (having deducted the the recharge stones cost).
  5. nope, they deleted the letter event pots and had to extend maintenance to restore them
  6. Normal company -> constantly makes mistakes during maintenance resulting in delays -> hires competent IT staff NCWest -> outsources maintenance to Korea Yes having maintenance during prime time for your East Coast playerbase, in the midlle of swords and dethrone for the bulk of you playerbase is in no way "a good idea". But you don't really care, do you?
  7. So basically from now own maintenance will destroy both swords and dethrone (not to mention half a day of exp for most of you client base) because you are incapable of doing maintenance and it needs to happen when Korea is available to fix things up. Yeah Yeah we all realized you deleted the wrong pots today, and had to extend maintenance to restore them
  8. @Hermes you deleted the pots from the letters event. These WERE NOT supposed to be deleted, even before the event got extended @Hermes
  9. maintenance delayed by an hour, like it is every week https://twitter.com/LineageIIOps/status/1641072678399246337
  10. then play that, spectral is more of a second iss slot in party, POM gives more damage. and start saving up for a +7 or better Aden cloak, the rest of your gear is fine for your level. by the way have you tried silent valley? it's mob groups and might be easier to handle (and better exp)
  11. also cosnider switching that spectral dance to POM ... far more usefull buffer for small party
  12. Mete

    evis pve weapon

    long term dragon weapon is the better option, next update adds pattack crit damage, and obviously stage 2 breaks the element barrier for 116+ mobs problem is you kinda need NCWest to wake up from their slumber and deliver claws
  13. 2 hour delay on regular maintenance ... did a server hamster die? seriously though, 5 hour maintenance ...
  14. cmon Jamoa has been dropping 2x everything last week, that's getting nerfed back to 1x crystal, I think it has to do with the vitality pots it's been dropping
  15. it means they will nerf the drops, cmon, it's ncwest, what do you expect it to mean
  16. the game is designed for korea, one country over here we have to make compromises. Which means people to the extreme west of our region (US West coast) have events in the middle of the working day, people in the extreme east (Eastern Europe) have events late at night. Nobody's 100% happy, nobody's 100% excluded. ps I doubt they can "let" you transfer to a different company's server
  17. Mete

    AP Tree Dagger

    daggers need both pskill and pattack crit (stab damage comes from both)
  18. Also there's insane lag spikes. Not in movement. But for example I was "receiving" a clan quest, took a full two minutes to receive. Same with paying 200,000 adena to change the buff from the fire npc, took a good 90 seconds
  19. th there are 3 arrows to the left of trade, party, clan chat. Clicking those arrows allows you to rearrange which chats (including alliance) you see
  20. hate it to break it to you but ... dt drops are slightly ... how should I put it .... nerfed to funk and back
  21. I said you didn't because you didn't miss anything, there is no way to obtain blessed exalted ingame (except the shield/sigil that you can buy in Heine) or to upgrade regular exalted to blessed in previous updates they gave out a coupon that could be used to craft one blessed exalted pack for free (ie without buying it from the NCoin store). Current management discontinued this practice.
  22. at 112 with dragon weapons and a full live party you should be doing 110 dailies, not boasting about how you can 105 with effort it's the equivalent of me at 122 bragging I can drag 6 boxes through 105 krofin without breaking a sweat. How e-mazing and no 105 SHOULD NOT require dragon weapons to complete. A 109 party with ok gear in the R110 range should be able to do them, otherwise call them all 115 dailies and be done with it ps if 105 is the chronicle equivalent of level 40, you are basically arguing you should be 61 with full A grade to do .... your second class change quests
  23. well try it and see, it's add to ignore list
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