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Everything posted by Mete

  1. dude are you new to NCWest? ... the wording "between 10-100" is there to make you feel like you are not paying a buck per stone. Realistically you are paying a buck per stone, with a 0.0001 chance of getting more than 10
  2. it's not the same, it's considerably cheaper to play in EU servers. They have einhasad etc, and consequently they not item starved like we are because we only generate items through random loot boxes
  3. Jeez, the existing servers are dead as it is, why would they launch a new one?
  4. go to the grocery in any town and buy an infinite orichalcum quiver r grade
  5. and extended again, by another hour https://twitter.com/LineageIIOps/status/1625871057881030659
  6. Maintenance extended by 1 hour as per their twitter
  7. you can spend $100-$200/month and progress. You can spend less and progress slower, more and progress faster. If you want to start today and be endgame in a month, you can't do it. If you want to be endgame in a year, yeah you probably need $20-$30,000. But generally looking for decent event opportunities and spending during those is the better strategy to just blindly buying loot boxes. Myself and most people I know spent and made huge progress in the 2022 Slayer event. Problem with this game is it took over a year where there was no event to make significant progress in, just loot boxes. They have decent $50 packs for newbies, but for some reason I can't really understand they only sell them when new updates go live. @Hermesput these on the store permanently, it's not like people only start playing during updates, the attempt at FOMO to boost sales is silly. Also repeat random newbie events, last year's heavenly enchant event for example helped lowbies, as did the lottery. Add another $50 for blessed exalted enchants, and you're basically good to go to 110. From there yes, you have to spend some, grind some. At 112 you should be able to do IOS solo, that helps a lot. That's when you start needing prestige. You grind, you upgrade, that's how this game works. I can do 150 bil/week (1 dk + 2 archers sharing gear) from TOI, there's people that do a lot more. If I had the time, I could probably do another 40-50 bill/week doing 3 hours of IOS a day/ 3 chars. But that has taken time, you can't turn up with an abandoned 99 level from 10 years ago and expect to do the same in a week.
  8. it's the second phase of the freya event, where you can use thestage 9/10 bottles to attempt 5% 1 per server crafts read the event description
  9. Out of boredom I tried. 2 lvl 10s cost me 62billion and 90 billion respectively. From friends I heard varying figures between 30 billion for a level 10 (lowest I heard, guy was insanely lucky and got 7->8 and 9->10 with 3 clicks) to 380 billion for a level 9 , temporarily paused enchanting. I still believe the vast majority of the playerbase can't afford to get the good stuff out of this event and will probably end up overpaying for 7 Lvl 1 forgottens.
  10. pretty sure the candy basket part is bugged @Hermes you guys are on a roll (the two buffs don't stack, you can either receive the freya or the valentines)
  11. [#LineageII] [#LineageIIClassic] and [#LineageIIAden] Maintenance will be delayed by 1 hour. We'll update once this is concluded. Thank you for your patience! https://twitter.com/LineageIIOps/status/1623320817605001219
  12. each enchant click costs 15mil 15*100=1.5 b
  13. the event is ridiculous, the items on offer only interest low to mid level people. Nobody with trillions in their warehouse cares about crafting the 1 dragon fragment per server or the 1 rune stone if it was a good adena burn event, it would target those with excess adena to burn, and offer items of interest to them. Not insanities and seven signs. As it stands, all it will do if people are sucked in is burn up the adena of mid level players hoping to get 7b worth of forgotten books and a seven signs. Hi 2018, this is 2023 calling.
  14. my viewpoint is based in simple math (2 separate 5% events to get to lvl 3) anyways, to avoid confusion, I have an account maxed out on adena and I have zero interest in this event and its rewards. Poor people ingamewill gamble, and then go buy loot boxes to replenish the adena they burned up Which is the point of the event
  15. the problem with your math (and logic) is 1.5 billion (100 ICE) will get you ... a lvl 2 freya. Ivl 3 if you 're lucky. So ... a few time limited (will be deleted on 02.22) pots
  16. What's hilarious is every year the valentine (like most other) event is one month long. This year, two weeks. Like we don't remember. As to the rest, well so long as they can delete posts OBVIOUSLY they think everything is fine.
  17. the answer to your question is go do Jamoa in Korea and Jamoa here or open 100 crisis boxes in Korea and 100 crisis boxes here We get what korea gets divided by 5. Because in NCWest's eyes better rates would infringe on their loot box sales, which is basically all they want to do. Player frustration? Who gives a damn about players, it's all about swiping that CC
  18. The game is designed to make you pay to progress. Shortcuts? You can in theory find/make a party for Beleth and get to 107, but that's just pushing a problem 2 months forward. Realistically you need to get your credit card and start spending on gear. If you can't spend, there's very few ways ingame to make the billions of adena you will need to gear up. The only way available to lowbies is honestly to just level up an endless stream of mentees, buy timed zone recharge stones with the mentee coin and sell those for around 300 mil each (check your server for prices). That means hitting pause on your main character and basically just levelling mentees for weeks till you will be able to afford stuff so that your main can go kill mobs. In the meantime spend some time to understand WHAT items you need to buy. If you are on a budget you need the most bang for your buck items for your specific character, and those aren't always what you think.
  19. Nobody cares about the cookies. The event is a dumpster fire, nobody is going to pay hundreds of dollars to try a 5% craft. You know very well this event, in Korea, costs pennies, that's why craft rates are 5%. And yes we know it too, this is 2023, and this is the internet. All this hiding behind fingers is getting silly. What people care is about you or whoever manages this game sitting down and writing a few words about the FUTURE of the game. Are we stuck paying 200 times what koreans pay for the same content? Are we stuck being the only territory in the Lineage 2 world with random loot boxes as the only way to generate items in game? Do you plan to take any steps to fix this game that is starved of items, because YOU choose to charge thousands of dollars for them, starved of players cause nobody's gonna start an almost 20 year old game and spend $10,000 just to progress with any semblance of efficiency? You are bleeding paying players, unless you move past silly polls and hollow apologies and actually enunciate a roadmap to fixing this mess of a game, guess what? Nobody cares. That's what the community cares about. Not hollow apologies about an event, that if you do the math, which I am sure you can, will cost a "normal" player that wants to use it to upgrade their dragon weapon MILLIONS of dollars to accomplish. No exaggeration, I challenge you provide the math that proves the word millions wrong. If anything, it's closer to tens of millions. Then we can talk about how embarrassing it is to have an event out that costs millions of dollars to participate in.
  20. I 'm pretty sure outside of North Korea etc that is considered fraud
  21. Garcia ... need 3 full parties to enter
  22. not necessarily. They might decide next month to put a timer on them, and not run a cloak event for 6 months after the timer runs out
  23. if you do the actual math you 'll be disgusted. 8000 coins in Korea cost 39,000 Korean won (about $32) one cookie costs (when they have this event) $0.004125 so over there 5% craft rates make sense, because for example an insanity attempted craft costs 15 cents and a dragon claw attempted craft costs 62 cents, it's a gamble with small change over here an insanity attempted craft costs $33 and a dragon claw attempted craft costs $135 so it makes 0 sense with a 5% craft rate YES we are paying 220+ times more (not 220%, 220x) what koreans pay for the same digital item, and we have 0 items relative to what korea has because shock horror people will not pay the equivalent of a decent house to maybe get a dragon weapon
  24. Don't listen to the naysayers. This is an amazing event. I was thinking of buying a new house, but as it turns out I 'm better off spending that money on a chance to upgrade a level 2 dragon weapon to level 3. Keep on trucking guys, all is good.
  25. they dropped a lot more frequently a year ago
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