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Everything posted by bentorero

  1. i dont think so. but if its a new char i suggest u reroll. u still have a few days of exp bonus
  2. this queue is just a show. i dont believe someone's logging out every few secs
  3. just hope they get included in zones where u can finish exalted quests too/
  4. u just need to stay online for 30 mins then the reward will be available.
  5. 1. soloing as an elven knight in 20+ zones. 2. event where shadow weapons drop; got a spear and tried to make train; got laughed at cus as they say im an elf and have low dmg 3. meant to be a temple knight; had problems with class change quest and ended up being a sword singer 4. still soloing as an SwS. no idea. my 1st mmo 13 years later im still here in L2
  6. one account takes almost 20% cpu?
  7. if its 2006 this may be possible. but hello????? 2020 already, game lost many players. you yourself wouldnt want to wait hours to make a fkin party for something
  8. Sorry GMs but i dont think this queue is real...
  9. i used to farm (ineffectively) rune stones/BEWRs/BEARs/Craft packs in Balok... over (loooong) time, i had more than enough for my skills and sold the rune stones overpriced ofc this was when instances are alive. u can still get ppl to join instance raids. now all ppl do is macro xp also ppl outgrew the instances. most ppl are 105+ and dont get drops here anymore
  10. When do you think is next one?
  11. don't u have other things to cry on too other than the regions in launcher?
  12. bentorero

    YUL Macro

    i sell macros for yuls. pm me
  13. dont have macro but they have something better. yall know wat i mean LOL
  14. 100 ele: I wanted to put that to macro but will lose more skills re k99, properly stacked feoh can do it in < 3 mins. could be less
  15. tried this many times and I was told it was a 'security feature'
  16. if he posted it maybe he have done it. ill give it a try if he's wrong, ill end up with 3 more toons to play.. so it's all good
  17. try to contribute 40x by resetting it when u enter dim server dunno if it's bug or what...
  18. i dont think it can be played outside l2 window
  19. so anyone who have bloody/dark gears who are saying that they didnt donate are fuking liars. my source of adena (not guaranteed): balok i try to finish all of my 20+ toons every reset. yes 20+ (my hobby is to lvlup low lvls when i'm done with all dailies on main char) last time i finished all my boxes: 8 rune stones, 2 BEAR and 1 BEWR - for me this is not bad i also farmed KEs for a good portion of 2017. there was a time when i held 3 fortresses at once Lucky i did that before they made it hard. I managed to collect about 1.5m KEs. Now i can sell KEs at the range of 25-35k each i also farmed rift 100 since some of my boxes already are 100+: sgc1 and rune stone every 10 days - max 10 of each reward
  20. Conguero, any chance on increasing box limit? Five would be lovely
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