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Everything posted by Piro

  1. now its gone forever never thought this would happen, breaking my heart and my will to login
  2. 5 for remember my login, not sure since I never got it working tho
  3. I can't install the new launcher when they fix it I will install it I like the new feature to be able to put 5 accounts on it, its faster to login
  4. they should think of something that whatever solution we as players do not know the game server codes, only dev can fix it and it can be done
  5. make some limitation to levels and some stuff like more adena or anything Bring back Fioti and disable what ain't necessary like box reward and casting on raid, all participation should be able to get the xp/sp reward this could boost l2store sales for soulshots and xp boost if players can catch up to higher level for new content and spend more on l2store
  6. yeah come on, do not let this be the last anniversary for this game I reckon cake raid was the best event so far excluding the latency problem
  7. hmm vip 1 cheaper than 400 ncoins but its doable it can be done with help from dev
  8. Put NPC Fioti in every town like cat buff NPC make it 1 character per account once a day buff xp/sp according to original table slap VIP on it if you have to, it don't have to be this way
  9. come on producer all you have to do is ask dev for new build with fixed cake raid boss, we cant play without proper events from korea. just put VIP requirement for it like chronicle cube, no one complaining about it. after all this is the 15th celebration is it, why have change of heart man
  10. well I read back about skill changes for ISS. if truly all ISS at 103 will get the same harmony lvl2 then I do not need to change my current ISS on red libra. really cant confirm this till we get our patch note.
  11. better if you make a brand new account and keep the PIN save somewhere or in your accounts email for example.
  12. thanks Yidao for the confirmation, I suppose this a good news to us who cant farm those bosses. I wonder when they will put a dragon armor not some skin but an actual set
  13. so from my understanding they do not remove old bosses from 88-101 correct? only add new ones from 106+
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