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Everything posted by HotSoup

  1. I agree, please fix this issue. Multiple tickets have been submitted with locations and the mobs that have issues with spawns. @Hime
  2. It was NCwest's first and only actual attempt to limit the amount of illegal bots getting the event items in places like Ruins Of Agony. I agree that the limit does seem a bit high though, should have been more like lvl 50 and up. Apologies if you have been left out of the event.
  3. Would there be any unforeseen consequences of having no xp loss by lawful characters when dying to a perma-red character?
  4. I agree. Also, it feels like certain places have had their mob count reduced drastically, like the inside of the Cemetery in Aden. That used to be a great place to xp, but there are 50% less mobs to kill there now.
  5. Good luck getting anything changed, if you submit a ticket to support they say "start a forum topic and developers will see it." LOL
  6. Another boring and unnecessary move that removes even more IMMERSION from the game. What the heck do bathing suits and baseball outfits have to do with the world of Lineage 2? Lineage actually had some interesting lore going for it...
  7. *SIGH* You're obviously one of the mouth breathers doing it. High level PK in lowbie areas has increased by like 1000% since anniversary event. PK is part of the game, (again) obviously. But what's not intended is the combination of high level toons who are quitting so they decide to PK into retirement, and a teleport system that promotes it.
  8. Makes me sad I seriously feel like we are in some Psych experiment to study how long a group of nostalgic people are willing to put up with abuse. Not only do these boxes cheapen the "holiness" of over-enchanted weapons (used to take guts and determination to achieve), the boxes also insult the 'gamblers' intelligence with useless and cryptic information like 'VERY LOW'. Seriously?! Is the community supposed to actually determine the hard numbers behind "VERY LOW"? Should I buy 1000 boxes on 10 separate accounts and start calculating the odds for the l2wiki page!? Probably still wouldn't get +16's
  9. This draw event and the baium mystery box event have officially made over-enchanted weapons less cool.
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