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Everything posted by MrE

  1. Agreed, the store SHOULD be what controls the adena prices AND item prices in game. If we had items in the store like other servers have in the Eisenhad store, it keeps THOSE items in the store from ever increasing in price above that set store price. So although nice job on adding things to the NC Store, shame on you for gouging people based on run away inflation that is 100% NC Soft Wests fault in the first place. LOWER the prices in the shop ADD things like dragon claws, bloods, lvl 5 jewels etc. so the higher ticket items that are driving up prices are static (if you're not going to have all items we need in game drop, then make them available in the store). This is basic game economics 101, you wont lose money with low prices, you'll actually make MORE because 1. more people will play because the paywall wont be 50k per character 2. The more people that play will gear MORE toons because guess what, that's half the fun of l2.
  2. The minus Damage buffs (or debuffs whatever you want to call them) on Dethroned make PVP SO MUCH BETTER. We're all so tired of one OP person killing an entire clan by themselves. Please make the Live server have the same -PVP damage as Dethroned. It levels the playing field and the PVP there is actually FUN and enjoyable (and while you're at it.. FIX THE DAMN SKILL LAND RATE) . PVP on the liver server is trash, if you'll notice, you have a LOT of people leaving... the lame PVP on Live is a HUGE part of the reason.
  3. I agree, with the original post. Wars need to be fixed, Castles need to be fixed, fortresses need to be fix. NC Soft is so worried about pumping out items to sell, they forgot about the game.. the game sucks right now.
  4. "Older Players" ? BWAHAHAH You're not that old, the level limit was introduced pretty recently. We used to put 5 new toons in a party in Forge of the Gods and level them up from zero all the time. It's NOT unfair, because when you hit 115, you level the same speed as any other 115. It simply enables people at lower levels to catch the higher level people so they can 1. Join their parties, 2. enjoy more content. The ONLY reason this level limit was implemented was due to the mentee reward system. And once again, making a new toon isn't "unfair" a new toon has zero collections, zero forgotten skills, and needs about 5,000$ at current prices to even be relevant in the game to solo anything. Its simply for those who want to reroll, or new players to be able to join their friends. If you're new to L2 and your friends are 120, are you REALLY going to level yourself to 115 to join them.... 12 months later.. HEY GUYS.. im 115! Oh sorry Sarah, were all 122 now, you'll need to gain 2 more levels, see you in another year. And you all wonder why we dont get more new players.
  5. This is a shitty answer. Accepting shotty work isn't "Ok". NCSoft west codes the SAME item with different item codes, meaning we all have 7 different roses, which don't stack. This is much less of a "Korean Developer issue" and an NC Soft west doesn't want to code items the same because they want us to pay for things, then delete them. The fix is pretty easy, and 100% something NcSoft west CAN do.. code your crap right and give all similar items the same identifier.
  6. It's about allowing people to catch up to the rest of the server and not take 2 years to level from 100 to 120. DOnt worry, its NCSoft, they wont do anything and they dont care, just stfu and keep spending money is all they want to hear.
  7. High level toons don't mean anything if they don't have 3500$ worth of forgotten skills and gear. By removing the level limit, higher level parties can invite lower level people and get them to a level that makes them competitive. Your idea of leaving it how it is, furthers that divide between low level and high level groups.
  8. @Hermes This took up more than TWO pages in the patch notes. It's been 3 months and we have yet to see any Fallen Angel's earrings, boxes, them drop in game, even in an event? If you all actually put things IN THE GAME that DROPPED FROM MOBS, you wouldn't forget about them. Stop making EVERY SINGLE ITEM only available through an event, we're SICK of it.
  9. The gap is WAY too wide if people want to reroll to a new class or new character. Most people are creeping up on 120 and you hit a massive wall around 110. Which means if you want to reroll, you're solo without any of your clannies or friends or anyone until you can catch them at 115. However, without an XP event, by the time you hit 115 they won't be 120 anymore. And that is now, it 2-3 months after an XP Event (which we apparently will never get, because all you want to do is take take take) it will be even worse. Please remove the Party level limit as it was in the event a few weeks ago.
  10. @Arctic @HermesWe were told, by end of May we would have an update. Its May 31st 3:40 PM EST, and we don't even have "news of an update" .... NCSOFT WEST is the ONLY MMO that doesn't release notes weeks in advance.
  11. I would just settle for skills landing again like they used to for 15 years. And to remove pvp damage of 15 BILLION. The game was SO MUCH FUN when you would have to use CP pots, run, duck dodge, root, mana burn, hide line of sight, interrupt skills, call in clannies and generally out maneuver the enemy. 15 min team fights was FUN. One titan coming in and hitting your whole party for 5 billion is F#*$ing stupid. Making Fortresses matter Real content again, not just making mobs harder and saying "ok here is new content" Make items in game drop again (were SO tried of having items only available during certain times) Its stupid, we hate it, and it makes the game economy out of control. Make raid bosses fun, and drop REAL items. Include Eisenhad store like EVERY OTHER SERVER LITERALLY IN THE WORLD. Bring back the chests that dropped jewles Make PKers drop gear again.
  12. Just when you think @Jujiand @Arcticcan't screw us any harder, they come back with an event we've all been asking for, with HORRID rates. This is the ONLY GAME in the entirety of Video games where can spend hundreds of dollars, and end up worse off than when you started. Had a +9 cloak, tried to get it to +10, 200$ later, its +3. This entire server has OVERWHELMING TOLD YOU both, that the pay wall is too high, and you come back with an event that has HORRIBLE rates and Packages for 250$. You put a package, where you receive NOTHING of actual value except a "Chance" for TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY F&(ING DOLLARS. I guess you think your player base is stupid, and if you drop prices for a couple things for one event, we will all just collective be OK with you coming right back and dropping an event that fails a 64% enchant rate 10 times in a row? and where you buy 250$ packages on a HOPE that MAYBE youll get LUCKY and something MIGHT happen? You're inaction and absolute unwillingness to take action on the feedback that YOU requested is a frigging joke. NC Soft Corporate, please replace NC Soft Wests management with adequate staff that doesn't continue to destroy a once great game.
  13. So you lower prices for 4-5 items in one overpriced event, and then you go RIGHT back to gouging us on items... WELL DONE GUYS... WELL DONE. @Juji @Arctic do you not learn, or do you just not care? The server OVERWHELMING Told you the #1 problem is the paywall for gear. DECREASE THE PRICES, stop screwing us over.
  14. The whole point, if you all read the post was the economy is broken. So they either need to do the right thing and fix it (preference) by not screwing us every chance they get by putting prices through the roof, or change the cap. I agree in that what they SHOULD do is put drops back in game, and allow us to farm everything, that reduces the price of items. The reality is however they want high prices, because it means they can increase the cost of items in events. NC Soft west is simply a division, NONE of the other servers have costs like NA servers do. Not even close, because they have the eisenhad stores that set prices, so things dont go over those prices. if you can always buy a ruby 5 for 100b in the store, it won't ever go above 100b. The economy is 100% NC Soft WESTS' fault, not the parent company.
  15. @Juji @Arctic Items in this game are starting to cost up to 15 times the current character adena limit (1 trillion MAX). How are we supposed to buy something in lineage2's "Player driven economy" if our max Adena limit is 1 trillion, and items have skyrocketed, in some cases to over 10 trillion? Your economy has snowballed so far out of control we can't even buy items from each other. In order to buy something that is say, 3 trillion adena, we need 3 characters on each side to be able to give/take the adena, and even then you have to "trust" the other person will give you the item after they've already taken trillion. And as we all know L2 is filled with people that take advantage, this is a broken economy, and if youre not going to fix prices then increase the adena limit so we don't get scammed on top of you screwing us over with prices.
  16. What about Fixed an issue where the sword doesn't actually touch the ground during swords and is impossible to "catch"?
  17. Do you have examples? I've never seen a spoiler spoil anything beyond stones before? If it's true Id switch...
  18. You worked with developers? The team that writes code and creates content for the game, you worked with THEM to set prices in YOUR region? Really? Well @Juji No Wonder NCSoft West doesnt know wtf they are doing, the Development team, in KOREA should NOT be setting prices for a server in North America. And as NC Soft is one of the largest most successful gaming companies in the world and EVERY OTHER SERVER in the world is better off than we are, excuse me if I call BS on this. NC Soft West Sets the prices here, not the Korean Development Team. Most of us in this game, are 30+ and are very successful in our careers or we wouldn't be able to spend 20k on a game. We know better, but nice try with the plausible deniability for your failings as a company. The Pay Wall is too high they said, so.. huh.. well drop prices on stuff they REALLY dont need, and that should work.. Brilliant strategy, hope you you all work for NC Soft West for a LONG time, because no REAL company should every hire any of you.... you know.. if they wanted their game to be successful.
  19. You want to see a good event with massive customer engagement, Drop the price to 200 NC coin for the 200 Pack. That's where it SHOULD be in a healthy pay to win game. Dont you dare go back and come back with some crap 560 NC coin for the 200 pack, because all that is.. is putting the price back to WHERE IT WAS IN THE PAST.
  20. You asked for our feedback, and it was OVERWHELMINGLY that the "PAYWALL IS TOO HIGH" then your response to this is to come out with an event with a massive paywall? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU @Juji @Arctic . The monsters aren't the problem, your paywall and wanting $742.50 for 300 artifact fragments that you can ONLY get from events, so we can buy ONE item to help KILL MOBS is 100% the problem. Again, Korea isn't this expensive, Japan isn't this expensive, Core isn't this expensive. This isn't hard to figure out, and you all can't possibly be this dumb. Every other server has figured it out, and they all have a MUCH higher player base.. hummmm... wonder why? Insead of selling it to 50 people for 742$ why don't you try selling it to 500 people for 100$? We would buy multiple and gear multiple toons, get your head out of your collective butts please.
  21. You asked for our feedback, and it was OVERWHELMINGLY that the "PAYWALL IS TOO HIGH" then your response to this is to come out with an event with a massive paywall? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU @Juji @Arctic . The monsters aren't the problem, your paywall and wanting $742.50 for 300 artifact fragments that you can ONLY get from events, so we can buy ONE item to help KILL MOBS is 100% the problem. Again, Korea isn't this expensive, Japan isn't this expensive, Core isn't this expensive. This isn't hard to figure out, and you all can't possibly be this dumb. Every other server has figured it out, and they all have a MUCH higher player base.. hummmm... wonder why? Insead of selling it to 50 people for 742$ why don't you try selling it to 500 people for 100$? We would buy multiple and gear multiple toons, get your head out of your collective butts please.
  22. @Juji @Arctic Any update on this? Or is this just a topic like all the others where you open it, pretend you're listening then effectively do nothing about it because you don't like our answers? To NC Soft HQ, is it possible to get community managers and moderators that actually care about the player base/ customers and interact with us more that once a month? Ones that actual act on our feedback and don't simply gouge us for items when every other server in the world has gear to keep pace with the changes? Ones that actually log into game and look for players using programs and cheating, then take appropriate action? Is any of this possible? If not, can I suggest you make L2 Live Open Source (or open a lease program so others can rent the IP) and we will build our own servers the right way? Or even a DIRECT port over from Korea, or Japan, or ANYWHERE OTHER THAN HERE, We literally could not screw this up worse than NC Soft West is doing now.
  23. This is supposed to be a North American Server, if you want Euro times, you should switch to Naia as that is supposed to be the Euro Server. Please stop commenting on time changes to the NA server to suit your location as all it does is screw every NA player on the NA server. I understand the time for Dethroned, but this isnt something we can easily fix as the Devs don't seem to be smart enough to figure out good times for anyone.
  24. Why you're at it, if you're sharing feedback with the Developers, please pass along ALL of our dislike of the absence of any REAL meaningful community moderators and any REAL interaction with the player base. As numerous posts have pointed out, we have ALREADY given you feedback. We have ALREADY opened tickets we have ALREADY commented on the insane paywall, for YEARS. And there has never been, not one time, an honest legit response to the actual player base... not once. So please forgive us if we think this is a huge BS post and nothing is going to change, just like LAST update, where you gave us a "boost" and then... you peaced out for 6 mo... that seems to be the usual for you guys. Pretend to care, as for feedback, then do nothing. You guys are level 150 when it comes to you do nothing skills! @Juji@Arctic - looking at you.
  25. First I would like to point out that SKILLS, were supposed to work, and they dont. The resistances are WAY too high in the game. Daggers for example have a passive called Scorpion Poison that SHOULD land and it slows down attack speed and acts as a silence for Magic users. This NEVER lands. 90% of the skills that a character is built on, dont work, this update was supposed to fix it.. it did not due to the HUGE Gear difference between the US market and others (we having TOO much damage and special stuff) . The Mob difficulty has increase so before, an ISS could solo ok, so it was almost worth playing support. NOW? DD's can barely kill mobs, which means support have no chance. Support cannot farm adena, they cannot solo, there skills dont land in PVP, there isnt any reason outside of POM or Victoriis of Piaagrio to play a support any longer. The equipment differential between the NA and the rest of the regions is out of hand. it takes tens of thousands of dollars to invest in the game simply to be able to AFK mobs, That's ridiculous. However if you don't increase the mob difficulty, then clans like Mopogos with EVERYTHING, simply make more adena and widen the gear and level gap and continue to make the game miserably for everyone. The solution to this imho, is to SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the cost of equipment. if equipment is affordable, it means people will buy MORE of it, because they will make MORE characters, they will gear MORE parties and actually be able to go to a siege and contribute. As it sits right now, Duroki can kill an entire clan by himself. Its not fun, it discourages new players or less geared players to go to swords, or sieges or be involved in anything. If the level of gear is similar, it at least give new players, and players with pockets not as deep to enjoy the game content. Including the Eisenhad Store with REASONABLE prices, keeps the cost of items on the server stable, it also allows others to advance while not waiting for 6 mo for an event where they MIGHT get a cloak. Any class with a summon right now is a joke as well. Mages have a 90% damage reduction, yet a summoners summon gets killed in one shot and doesn't do ANY damage what so ever in PVP or PVE. In short, the update and the new areas are great, but: Skills need to work in PVE and PVP Equipment needs to be available to the server, not behind the MASSIVE paywall that it is at right now. (the areas are very unpopular, because no one can afford the equipment to kill in them to make it worth it) Classes with Summons need to be fixed (we've been asking for this for YEARS, it's about time)
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