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Everything posted by iAndouille

  1. @Juji @Hime Yo GM's hope everything going well by your side Is there any way we have a flash sale on Vit booster, (erupting pot) and other things if u guys are kind we all runned out of those erupting pot, would be a good idea to put them again! alot of income tyty
  2. @Hime @Juji it seems that with current event, we're only benefiting of the 100% xp boost from base xp, but not from the 50% party bonus that was added on top on previous event Exemple: Ketra mob at 1461% boost previous event gave me 64b XP, now it give me 128B xp, but with the 50% bonus it should have been 128B + 128x50% = 192B XP (x3 from base) or maybe NC changed the system and the 50% hunting bonus is just added on top of all other boost which would be not so great considering that 50% added on 1400% is only 4% more XP
  3. Enjoy Thxs all for fighting ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Em0vf7nTyY
  4. Hi @Juji @Hime Is there a way to bring back monthly previews ? it was helpful for ppl to know where to spend or keep their money Can we also have additional info on Sayha Talisman event? God Jewels event? Brooch enchant etc, we're missing those and we should know so we can keep money ^^ ty
  5. Put this company in some ppl with knowledge in the business and in the game, ncwest would have 10 server Heavy and 10x more income from micro transaction, than 10 ppl paying for everyone. simple fact
  6. I will tell you exactly how LUC is working LUC is a Stat that does not Affect Enchant success Rate LUC is a separate stat That has a Chance to Proc in every enchanting system (No compound), It means that more LUC you have, More chance you have to proc The Green leaf above you'r head Even though you'r enchant sucess or fail, LUC can proc at any time, its the reason why it also proc when there is 100% success rate aka on +1-3 weapons etc By exemple: You have 50 LUC, it's low , u will maybe proc the green leaf once out of 20 enchant, More LUC u have more % chance the green leaf can proc The Best Number to get nowadays is approximately 90, i believe the cap is around that, i personally reach 100-110 LUC but doesn't see much difference than having 90 Let's say with 90 LUC u have a 15% chance to proc it ( there is no Exact Data and % rate posted officially) if you enchant a Dragon shirt +5 to +6 which has a base of (10% success rate) and u separately add (15% from LUC), u have more chance to success ur enchanting from LUC than actually succeed it from the enchant success rate. but Both stat does not stack, u don't have 10+15% togheter, u can succeed the 10% and still proc LUC, with 10% chance u have a big chance to fail this is why LUC matter so much, it's like a second chance, and that's how people managed to get their shiny shirt +10 in past, nowadays +7 dragon shirts,bracelet ... I've been using 90+ LUC everytime i enchant something and its clearly a MUST to have, otherwise you will most likely lose ur money annother exemple: Radiant circlet enchant from +4 to +5 is 15% success rate, with 90+ luc, u have annother 15% chance to proc it, it means clearly that u have alot more chance than someone without LUC to succeed, and personally at very low success rate most successfull enchant comes from LUC. I hope that was clear enough ITEMS TO GET LUC: Hat +3 LUC / 6 slot brooch +2 LUC / Venir 17+ +2 LUC / Insanity +2 LUC / Ruler ring +2 LUC / Truth seeker ring +2 LUC / Gods ring or dragon ring +3+ LUC / dragon neck earring +3 LUC / Nevit cloak of light +3 LUC or castle cloak for elite member +2 LUC / Dragon shirt +5-7 LUC depend stage and enchant / lvl 3 artifact +1 LUC / Greater emerald +3 LUC / Dark Beer +3 LUC / Nano pots +6 LUC / Brilliant rose +2 LUC / +15 LUC Dye / weapon augmenting +1-2+ LUC / Exalted passive +3 LUc / Fortune seeker passive +3 LUC / honey vit beer +3 LUC stage 3 / NPC buff at giran-aden church +1-3 LUC im probably missing some items but mostly those items will boost ur LUC.
  7. "Intended for balance" what balance exactly? people are making a little adena there to survive ingame and they call this balance? only the Ppl who pays 1000$+ in store monthly will pay, and get bored because everyone is gone
  8. @Juji @Hime Hello, with all my respect, we must Realise that korean updates are focused on their servers situations, They have many ppl in the lvl 115-120 Range In NCwest there's not even 20 players lvl 115, and alone in chronos only 4 people are 115, The average lvl in chronos is 109-111 at most, and 90% of the server is still below that lvl This update made the life harder for 99% of the players, and all the new xp spots, team play spots are made for 0,001% of the server, I Don't think it is what you guys aim for, by exemple Swamp of Screams before the update was crowded, people had to fight for their spots, Now please log in and check it by urself, all the pits are empty, no one can exp anymore, i am 110 almost 111, i have alot of gears, and i am unable to do anything from this new patch. So i don't imagine how the lowbies will even "play" decently. That's on top of all the nerfs. Im just trying to give feedbacks of the reality of server, not trying to cry or point fingers. Thxs for understanding this
  9. Hello NcTeam @Juji @Hime @PhoenixMitra Can we have clear explanation on what's happening please? IOS got nerfed to 180 minute max instead of 360 minute, will the Adena be doubled to compensante the loss? TOI recharge stone removed, annother Adena nerf even for the high lvl players New 115+ Zone but for who are they in the server? i am 111 and mobs are red and i do shit dmg,there are only 5 ppl in server lvl 114+ lol Plunderous Plain Adena nerfed, not in the patchnote, ninja nerf, We want clear explanation on NCWest plan to keep their players playing. /Discuss
  10. Why did Mammon magic staff page disapeared from website????
  11. @Hime Thanks for the update hope it brings alot of good things for players Thanks also for the new events! @Hime i also pmed you for something, if you can take 1 min to read it i would appreciate it thxs alot
  12. 15 second angel touch in a 9 minute pvp, stop finding excuses for everything, my friend angel touched me and i told him not to, he did it because Elldo go that Paagrio buff from Domi during the pvp too, he left Combat Zone multiple times too, u can't rely everything on a 15 second angel touch, that's just poor excuses come on
  13. Didnt saved it, it was only 20 second long, totally not worth to show when i messed up skills,jewels etc , if i die in 20 second, and survive 9 min next game, u know that i just fked up in the first game
  14. Back in action! An arranged 1v1 vs Elldorith (114 Feoh Mystic Muse), when trashtalk and Hero shout war gets boring, we go on the field ! Thanks to Elldorith for the fight We did 1-1, First fight was 20 second, he 2 shotted me i wasn't rdy and didnt record it This is the best 1v1 i did since a long time, no 1 shooting, just pure gameplay and skills from both side! Good fight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4COqYPi_cY
  15. Camping those pools are wrong at first place, you'r playing an MMORPG, not hello kitty, if you don't like people griefing you, fighting for spots etc, dont expect this to be solved
  16. 1: Is this Dragon Breath version tradable? (if not, is the rate good to farm 40 opening box? or will i need to open 5k box for a stone?) 2: can we have a clear explanation of what's tradable and not in the reward list? 3: Please check Shilen soul crystal Restoriation exploit (some people got stage 8-9-10) from that exploit apparently. Check is urgently. 4: Thanks
  17. @Juji Any comment on this or we all should start doing the same? there are peoples with stage 9-10 Shilen crystal in server. they all came from that exploit, during the event time rare are the people who made their way to stage 8, so stage 9-10 is hard to believe i have myself spent more than 400 tries and i didn't get past +7. (3x +7)
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgJavZOjTiw A few pvp Video vs xFireDarkx From Polaris (112 othell GH) 1v1 Protecting FS parties at SoS against 1 guy pvping only And locking Down SoS for Polaris until they drop War. Second Step after taking Oren Castle from Polaris hand last siege. PS: He was only able to kill me also but on macro, with wrong setups, and full pop after Hide (Coward pvp)
  19. Its a disgrace to say Tyrrs need increase because they became useless, we got huge boost on pve/pvp we can't complain, Any Tyrr can be good depending on gear and who u fight or pve, its all about the right setup.
  20. for me playing 2h to get the same xp u get in 3h++ = Huge boost but it all depends how u see it and also its difficult to make more then that, unless they put more mobs on the spots
  21. 1150-1200% Boost i get approximately 170-180T per hour, i would get around 130T with 800% boost around Yes p crit dmg is the easiest way to go and the cheapest. Skills using is good for over Hit, that's what lacking from all other DD's who are only skill based (Archer, Feoh,Daggers) it's a huge boost on total XP to over hit every mob, that's how i managed to make 170T+ per hour ( 1,2-1,3% per hour at lvl 110 )
  22. 500 Boxes opened till now (Best drop was a Longing talisman) Thxs ncsoft for scaming ppl.
  23. if i start mixing p crit dmg and p skill dmg it won't be that good, by exemple if i wanna go for full p crit dmg setup i will need to change my cloak augments, my weapon augment, and many other little things, not a good idea i chosed the path of skills since tyrrs in this patch doing pretty well on skills dmg, this setup is the best for pvp too since tyrrs are only good using skills on pvp.
  24. I Prefer to post endgame content and full potential of a claas on different setups. its smarter if u can't pay for all those items yes.
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