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Everything posted by NejJim

  1. not really.. it's the xp "before level".. not for next just check from the very beginning and it will be clear.. 0 xp to make lvl1.. 68 to lvl2
  2. Are you sure you reading the tables right?... Because when i compare... really not what you state 9 818 868 909 705 630 is the value shown needed to make 110 on EU according to l2wiki
  3. like all DD you should consider to boost.. skill pwr/crit dmg and attribute (became very important even in PVE now).. m.atk is always good to raise, but for nuker not biggest priority for dmg. With nuker its a good boost to raise INT (for m.atk + crit dmg), so getting rings with INT is a good option. The advantage with nukers its the m.skill and m.crit dmg are same boost, tho crit rate are capped.. so no real need to increase crit rate, since you max out easy. But you should put some focus on attack attribute/forgotten skills and OE skills.
  4. Ehm.. i would say L2 Live.. Sharing Equip (Wynn skill), Exalted Weap (Live since non in classic) Not sure if you didnt apply logic.. or just trolling with this question. But to answer the question itself.. yes, but only the attribute and pve 10%
  5. k.. but doesnt change the fact that my Fenrir didnt lvl to 120 from 119.. it became lvl130. Since 20+ lvl difference, it cant be controlled! So, even with the pre-GoD Exp table.. should not do a 11 lvl jump!
  6. My Fenrir jumped from lvl119 to lvl130 instead of 120. Meaning my char cant even use it until reaching lvl111. This happened twice, thought the 1st time was an exception
  7. Before off to bed.. your calc is off.. you dont make it 130% = 2.3.. since you like that example as a reference.. you should also use same calculation. Meaning you need to multiply for each seperately.. and in your example would then give a value of 55.32% Have to correct myself.. its skill crit dmg rings Yul uses.. so remove all remarks regarding rings
  8. K.. even if that calc is not accurate.. but by your measures.. its still passed the Feoh 33.4% cap -20%??? lvl1 have 30% Again.. so just added artifact but no Yul using rings.. Also if you read again.. i said in THEORY! Yes not too many Moonlight.. doesnt change the fact that Yul can exceed the Feohs CAP!
  9. He is calculating that the Quick Shot in the example has 10% and Dex is a constant value added to the crit rate.. that the graph proves it really IS NOT! So he believes if that Quick Shot nerfes to 5%.. EVERYTHING in that graph gets halved.. this is simply not true. Dex influence on crit rate is bigger than the skill value!
  10. and WHERE??? do you see the constant value dep on Dex on that graph? If it was based on 10% skill crit rate.. and the Dex changes.. then it would increase with a constant value.. right? So at 61 Dex you have 13.6% and at 121 35.4%.. now tell me.. how would it be based ONLY on the 10% skill crit rate decreasing to 5% make it half.. when its not even a constant change when Dex increase. Also in your calc.. you actually saying a stacked Yul not using rings?
  11. This is not true... If the skill is 10% Then the Dex influence scale ontop of that.. If the skill is 0.1% then it would only be the Dex making the crit rate base. Meaning the Dex have much bigger influence now when they made it 5%
  12. Actually hit me.. ppl are missing that its only the skill % that is nerfed.. ergo.. the Dex value are not.. that meaning with the % from skill + Dex % influence.. make the base crit% So a skill with Dex incl.. had 20%.. gets 15% and not 10% (just a rough example)
  13. Yeah.. this is what im saying.. I'm not taking sides regarding Yul VS Feoh.. just mentioning that the cap on Feoh is a stuck solid CAP! So the point regarding skill % rate is insignificant here, when it comes to compare with Feoh.
  14. Another note on that experiment.. was to establish base crit % depending on Dex.. so no rings or other blings, just skills. Later same but added PoM and DW and some bling (Abu4).. you reached 100% with just 110 Dex. So to do that today.. YES you can reach above 100% in theory.
  15. and if you check... its 2018... just add artifacts and some agathions (to mention a few changes added) and you will see huge diff
  16. ehm.. k.. i explain more clearly.. Before nerf.. the base crit rate on 2 AoE Yul skills were 10%. With proper enchant/items/buffs.. you could reach close to 100% on those skills (all skills) But after nerf.. it got 5% base (only on 2 skills).. and this is what the crying is about.. the argument was that Feoh can (at this point) NEVER go above 33.4% crit rate (no matter itemst/buffs/enchant combo).. but Yul can still reach way above Feoh's magic number 33.4%
  17. If you didnt get it.. he refer to that regardless of the % of skill crit rates base.. Yul can still build up way above the Feoh cap!
  18. K.. you awesome wiz... explain this.. A Yul that have 95% crit rate on AoE skill before nerf.. gets what after nerf.. and then lookup if that number is less than the Feoh cap.. Throwing comments like that is just ignorant!
  19. Since you solo hunting alot with your tank.. i advice you get lv2 artifact set.. lvl1 only give you def. Bloody set +8 r99 is good enough until 110. Krishna Ench Cutter +6 or higher, for the xtra p.def and attribute, Belt you get any that give you both atk and def. Abundance lvl1 is sufficient until 110 aswell. These are just budget suggestions you will be needing to upgrade later on, but made it myself good enough on my tank with this.
  20. Unfortunatly this is the danger and very common reaction after such an event.. ppl feeling misery going back to "normal". But lets be honest.. its like wishing its christmas EVERY day... then those days wouldnt feel special at all. What bothers me is the changes that been made to the "normal" state.. so much been stripped and removed/altered. This is a grinding game.. and ppl used to work hard for their lvl and gear. With alot of options how to get it. When NCStore was added.. i thought it was ok and good for the people that had limited time to play, gave them an option to catch up by buying some boosters and such. Now it developed into a MUST.. the crafting system is just basically gone.. the adena is less or barely enough to support your grinding, buying ss/sps/ore for most ppl. Then we have the gigantic gaps between lvl grinding, that seems off somehow.
  21. Curious how this will help? Or did you mean join a clan?
  22. Sent you a message in case you playing on Chronos.. might be able to help you get into the game abit and some solid ground to stand on.
  23. @Juji anything about extending server setting.. would be actually nice to get a heads up (for a change), so players can plan abit when it comes to using boosters.
  24. @Slycutter after reading your reflection on the Dex.. think you mistake the crit rate with p.skill crit rate.. there is no limit atm... prob why you thinking you maxed out at 75 Dex About core dmg.. sure.. your crit during skills same regardless Dex.. BUT rate changes ALOT,, and big advantage to crit almost ALL the time
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