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Everything posted by Sharlanna

  1. @Juji@HimeDon't know what's worse.. the lag or DC's!!!!! This is unacceptable!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Fix the frigging servers!!! This DCing is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. WHY were the servers suddenly brought down?? Please enlighten us!
  4. And don't tell me it's my ISP. This is getting old. I wasn't dcing this much during the xp event. The tank and his iss I party with are also dcing a lot. Do something!
  5. Not worth spending a fortune on a cloak in this game. hahaha
  6. Not worth spending a fortune on just another fail cloak event.
  7. Been out at Field of Silence for a few hours and no ingredients.
  8. Just more of the same ole NCwest's BS. I will not be a part of it any longer... no longer care.
  9. 4 hours and 45 minutes to do what exactly????? Give us some kind of incentive!! This is getting B-O-R-I-N-G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. System.OverflowException The image data generated an overflow during processing. at System.Windows.Media.Imaging.ColorConvertedBitmap.FinalizeCreation() at System.Windows.Media.Imaging.ColorConvertedBitmap..ctor(BitmapSource source, ColorContext sourceColorContext, ColorContext destinationColorContext, PixelFormat format) at System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage.FinalizeCreation() at System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage.EndInit() at System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage..ctor(Uri uriSource, RequestCachePolicy uriCachePolicy) at NCLauncherW.Views.SplashWindow..ctor(ServiceRegion serviceRegion) at (ServiceRegion ) at A.c4373bb884a7415918869f08a7250f816.c47dc36c3ef840496a5f5c268b6bdd157(ServiceRegion ) at NCLauncherW.App.c4d8686bfe532514bdb3c355715f8776a(ServiceRegion ) at NCLauncherW.App.c44bdd0881849d49d6c6d3f3196c0216b.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0(Object state) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler) Has anyone else gotten this error? I sent in a support ticket but rolled back to Windows 10 version 1909 so I can play. This will need to be addressed sooner or later and I'm at a loss.
  11. I stand corrected once again . I just logged my lvl 85 Feoh Soultaker in and she has both Wizard Spirit and Essence of Mana. Very strange. https://imgur.com/A9F220A
  12. Apparently Essence of Mana replaced Wizard Spirit so don't know how you can have both if you had Wizard Spirit before the patch in 2017. Guess you either have one or the other (Wizard Spirit or Essence of Mana). Empowering Echo has nothing to do with Wizard Spirit. I was mistaken. So many patches and updates can fog your memory.
  13. I have no problem no longer having Wizard spirit. Like I said in my earlier post, I created this toon in 2005 and it's difficult to remember what choices I had and the choices I made back 8+ years ago. I vaguely recall that I did have Wizard Spirit and was faced with the choice of choosing either that or Empowering Echo... I chose Empowering Echo. I was just trying to remember what had occurred back many years ago. There were also a few server merges and I took a break for a few years during that time. I was hoping to help others understand the murky quagmire of the devs decisions back then. Have a good day.
  14. I thought so. Thanks Daik0n for clarifying this... BUT why do some have both Wizard Spirit and Empowering Echo?
  15. Wow... then why don't I have Wizard Spirit??? Some skill had to have replaced it. It shouldn't have anything to do with class specification. I'm Feoh Archmage. What class are you? One thing I did notice is I don't have Mana Burst.
  16. UPDATE: Out of curiosity I logged in 2 old accounts, both level 85 Feoh Soultakers. One has Wizard Spirit but NOT Empowering Echo (didn't learn it). The other HAS Empowering Echo but NOT Wizard Spirit... so apparently when you learn Empowering Echo Wizard Spirit is deleted. Mystery solved.
  17. Wizard Spirit and Mana Burst are two separate skills. I'm beginning to wonder if Wizard Spirit is an older skill that some Feoh's retained rather than upgrading. Mana Burst replaced Double Casting. I've been playing since 2005 and somewhat recall that skill and I believe you had the option to upgrade it to another skill (perhaps Empowering Echo which I have) and that would delete Wizard Spirit. I remember contemplating as to whether or not to upgrade a skill and after thinking about it I'm almost sure it was Wizard Spirit.
  18. I'd like to know myself. I'm a 109 Feoh Archmage and not familiar with it. Next time you see it ask the person who's using it.
  19. Nothing to write home about. Bye Bye XP boosts! Bye bye Vit (in 2 days)! I'll miss you! It was fun while it lasted!! Back to the sad reality of the L2 XP grind .
  20. 546 people in the queue!!!!!!!!!!! So much for the final days of thix event! This is intolerable! And what do we get... a total of 5 Dandy balls and Tersi for 1 hr. Fix this!!!!!!!!!!
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