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Everything posted by Sharlanna

  1. +1 Also curious about this. What a waste.
  2. For the last 2 days I've been trying to purchase NCoins but I keep getting this error: Your purchase could not be completed at this time. Please contact Support for assistance. Error: PGP99150 Is anyone else having this problem? I sent in a support ticket yesterday and it still hasn't been resolved, nor have I heard back from support
  3. WTF!! This is getting fricking ridiculous!!!!! No warning!!!!!!!!
  4. @Juji @Hime Can you please explain to us why CRPs have been cut 50%. It's difficult enough nowadays trying to level a clan, but my god, what the hell!! It was bad enough that you deleted the clan reward boxes. Why not make it easier on us all and just shut down the server until your so-called *cough cough* devs get their acts together. You're killing anything that's left of L2.
  5. +1 When are we getting Blessed Modify Weapon Scrolls back??!
  6. Those days are long gone and it has never been more obvious.
  7. All will not be happy. And there are many other issues that Juji's dealing with... sad to say.
  8. This Update is a MAJOR FAIL! Worse one EVER!
  9. @Juji Why do you give us stuff from the Anniversary Event that we can't put in our WH nor destroy it!! Example: Raid Master Armor that you get for being in this fricking game for 15 yrs!! We're stuck with it in our Inventory and CANNOT destroy it!!! WTF!
  10. Oh joy... why they hell did they do that? I swear they're doing their best to kill this game! ISMH
  11. @Juji I don't see any Regular Dice in Clan Quests anywhere. Been playing for 15 yrs... smh.
  12. By the looks of things that's not going to happen any time soon, unfortunately.
  13. You must be new to L2. I've played this game for 15 years. I've seen Juji come and go more times than I can count. We've seen GMs and Moderators leave countless times. Poor dears. Can't say I don't blame them. We've been manipulated and lied to over and over again yet here we are almost a year later and these issues still haven't been resolved. If you think they care about their customer base, think again. All NCwest thinks and cares about is how to fill their bank accounts, but hey, some people have to buy NCoins and keep these bleep poor servers running. The Devs or what's left of them have taken away any fun that was left in this game. Every time we turn around their removing something yet again and with no explanation why. They've ruined crafting. Drops are a thing of the past, adena from mobs??... LOL. Anyone else remember times in the past when we actually had fun events that DIDN'T involve the L2store? We can kiss those days goodbye as well. Why do I keep logging in? God only knows. I'm just a sentimental old timer who will stick around for some unknown reason until they pull the plug. At least they've left the decent graphics and beautiful music in-game and for that I'll say thank you. For all the rest either **** or get off the pot. We've had enough already.
  14. And then some people are just blind and so willing to put more money into NCwest's pockets when it's so damn obvious they don't give a flying fig about their customer base. Hey at least your contribution will help keep the servers going.
  15. All NCwest knows how to do is take away the few nice things we had left in this game; i.e., blessed weapon appearance scrolls. What's next? Blessed armor app scrolls?
  16. Typical reply from you, mixa. Says a lot about you.
  17. They've taken away any kind of fun aspects in this game. I remember when they would have fun events to break the day-to-day grind. The Anniversaries were something we looked forward to. Now it's just adding more "STUFF" into the L2store to fill their coffers. Hell, we can't even change the appearance of your weapon now unless the extraction item is cheap and one you don't mind losing. It simply sucks!
  18. +1 Amen iAndouille. Couldn't have said it better myself.
  19. They're all in quarantine so I wouldn't expect any changes any time soon.
  20. +1 How much longer do we have to wait for a fix! I can no longer play!! Between the lag and the disconnects it's BAD!!! My 3 toons had a tough time staying connected to claim the daily attendance award!!!!!
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