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Everything posted by Blitzball

  1. The best days of l2. i was blasting all today and not a single ban
  2. why kamael? what is the gist of that situation?
  3. they had a list of 127 games and L2 was at that position. Wow was first and then FFXIV.
  4. back in the day with hp build i was running bison at 30% with 3-4k hp an xp even pvp was surreal.
  5. i am guessing +con and hp build with bison zealot is wrecking?
  6. holy cow. the tyrant totems have been massacred.
  7. It would appear that this is the core of the dev plans for the game.
  8. Where can i find the classes and their skills?
  9. what is different in the classes mentioned as modified?
  10. I started FFXIV a few days ago and out of curiosity i checked mmo-population. Then i said good time to check l2 and it was 74/127 with around 6k. How pathetic is it. And half if not more, are bots. Sad state of affairs but 100% deserved.
  11. Would you be able to understand where ncsoft is generally heading? Just trying to milk top players and mid players?
  12. And most of all create a path so the average player is sort of equal to the average japanese/korean player. The gap right now is of astronomical proportions.
  13. Draecke do you have pvp videos? Or any other high level GK here? I have tried to find in korean and japanese to no avail.
  14. So the poorer you are, the more chances to get good stuff?
  15. Amazing answer and thanks for taking the time. How much does destiny pack cost there? How much erupting vitality potion, party cake? I also notice that they have 99+ deton, roses, shiny dragons etc and it would be explained by what you say. I am very tempted to describe nc but i will get banned.
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