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Fatal Counter? srsly?


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okay so you basically gave curse death link to those phantom Rangers at lvl 59.
This is definately the most retarded thing ive ever seen.
Whenever i PvP against Phantom rangers i just get one shotted here and there for like 6 k. as soon as i hit them down at like half hp ...boom dead. and they are also able to exp with that because the reuse time is like a few seconds????
is it really supposed to be like that or is it getting nerfed or something?.
so Hawkeye and Silver Ranger is pretty much useless in this "wannabe Classic" Server right.
Man i remember the good old L2 Days when Win Skills like that didnt exist ...you cant compare this sht to the Original Classic Server back then tbh.
this is sad. plz tell me more info if its going to be nerfed. i would have played a Phantom ranger if i just would have known¬¬

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okay so you basically gave curse death link to those Necros and Sph?!
This is definately the most retarded thing ive ever seen.
Whenever i PvP against Necro or SPH rangers i just get one shotted here and there for like 6 k. as soon as i hit them down at like half hp ...boom dead. and they are also able to exp with that because the reuse time is like NOTHING????
is it really supposed to be like that or is it getting nerfed or something?.
Spellsinger and sorceror is pretty much useless in this "wannabe Classic" Server right.
Man i remember the good old L2 Days when Win Skills like that didnt exist ...you cant compare this sht to the Original Classic Server back then tbh.
this is sad. plz tell me more info if its going to be nerfed. i would have played a nerco or SPH if i just would have known¬¬

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It's true that Fatal Counter power is way OP but there's quite an easy way to avoid that : kill them. Sounds hard right? 
SPH and Necros can farm with CDL and spam nuke, so why should PR get nerfed while they don't? 
Actually, in 1v1, SR and HE are in advantage against the PR : first who cast stun win. And PRs are slower than both of them. SR and HE are archers who land damage on skills while PR are for auto-attack (due to Dead eye) and they get OP once they learn FC.
There are lots of classes that can easly counter a Fatal counter : every dagger and every class with a range-stun. Or just a tank who focus the aggression. Ofc, if you face a PR and you're a mage such as SPS, ggwp to village. 

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