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Nectar seeds drop rate changed!!! Take care

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HI guys, i am from server ti, i open more than 1500 seeds everyday (110.000 nectars) and i know who in server open many nectars too like me, last 3 days all of us, in total opening more than 6000 seeds in total noted a change at drop rates, drop rate got big lowered without ncsoft sayng anything to us

empeor is comming less than before and drops like cloth piece, ieaa and other got lowered and many others

ik ncsoft dont give a bleep about ppl losing adena because they changed rates without telling anyone, but i care with ppl like me who just want enjoy the game by doing things that bots do not do and be competitive in farm events without be a botter

so, cuz that, i am here warning u, they lowered the nectar seeds drop

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1 hour ago, Juji said:

I checked the event data and files, but nothing has changed for the Squash event since it was added to the server.

I was always curious about that but how `detailed` data u get from Korea? Im not a tech person so I dunno if this is even a proper question, but I`m just wondering if this is anyhow possible that Koreans intentionaly fluctuated the drop for the whole period of the event and you are not able to identify that with the data pack u have at your end?

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4 hours ago, Juji said:

I checked the event data and files, but nothing has changed for the Squash event since it was added to the server.

@Juji thx for awnser, now i have just more 1 question

list of drop most probably like to drop change each day or each n period of time?

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4 hours ago, Juji said:

I checked the event data and files, but nothing has changed for the Squash event since it was added to the server.

Is just so complicated bealive that is luck

someday i get 5 cloths, any rune or a grade box

other day i get 5 box and any cloth

other day i get 5 runes

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