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Everything posted by Helv

  1. I've not found any precise table, but according to my estimates you need around 47.000 tomes (and 18.800.000.000 adena xD) to get from lvl1 to 50 if you don't want to gamble with chances and go for 100% each time... so good luck guys! My dream of getting this GRS is long gone.
  2. lol ppl are asking to put stuff into store... is this how you really want to play this game? Just buy everything? Shouldn't the game give you fun and a sense of progress by allowing you to advance though in-game content like quests, instances and such? I know, this update has killed the very last things regular players could do, but asking to put stuff into store feels sooo wrong. Lack of GRS has been an issue for over the last year and it seems the situation has become simply ridiculous at this stage.
  3. wow, those daily instances... baylor and kama lvl 105 for me at lvl 112 are soo painful. And the reward is only slightly better. Seriously, this update may finally be the game over for me.
  4. I'm sure there shortly will be some for an absurd price like 300bil or more
  5. I can't remember the exact name, I had 1000+ of the ones i marked with red box
  6. They were not on the removal list in patch notes. If I had known I would at least use them >.<
  7. When it finally goes online be ready for an emergency maintenance
  8. That's a very good and constrctive feedback, but I'm afraid you are wasting your effort, they don't care about anything anymore. The every volume of responses under this topic and the overall forum activity shows that most people have given up.
  9. so who is this update for, exactly? let's take Naia: lvl 122 - 10 ppl lvl 121 - 8ppl lvl 120 - 83ppl lvl119 - 42ppl I myself am at lvl 112 without skills from lvl110 due to an absurd price of GRS
  10. The only feedback they will understand is for players to stop taking part in those 'promos'
  11. GRS price dropped from 50bil to 30bil in 1 day when the adena burn event started. Usually AH had 1-3 GRS available on the list, on the 1st day of the event it was 15+ This only shows that the GRS price/scarcity was intentionally manipulated.
  12. This is unreal. People are so used to spending so much money on this game that they consider this event ok. Let me break it to you, normal players don't farm 1.7b in 3 hours.
  13. lol, keep dreaming Hermes works the same way as Wissp, you should know it by now
  14. Good luck in getting a response on the Valentines event question.... They really show in every possible way that they want us to quit... yet here we are, posting, being engaged. This is sad
  15. Bad copy + paste, it's a standard maintenance time, but I guess it's too much of a bother to read what you copy... Cheers
  16. Probably missed this post, like I just have. @Wisspthe code doesn't work.
  17. Yeah, market manipulation on this item is disgusting, only few have enough resources to pull this off. I wonder if there are people who actually pay 50bil+ for a GRS, knowing the pathological approach of our server top even if no one paid that much, they would rather hoard those stones in their warehouses and let them rot than sell cheaper to the public.
  18. Sooo..... you are asking for something which is part of a basic support best practice and should be a no brainer to every company. Meanwhile at NC West: <<enter aint nobody got time for that meme>>
  19. I'm lvl 112 and still have not learnt my 110lvl skill ;_;
  20. And please tell us: 1. Where do you like spending most of your time? 2. What is your best wish for Lineage II in 2023 3. PvP or PvE? which content of the game you have enjoyed the most? raid bosses? world instance zones? maybe Dethrone? Throne of Heros? What is your level of Hero's Historical Tome skills? or forgotten skills? I'm dying to know....
  21. @Wissp was seen last time 20h ago so around when he posted about maintenance, I'm afraid there will be silence only.
  22. @Wissp If we are close to the end of this game's lifecycle at NC West but you're not allowed to tell us due to legal matters use a smiley face ' ' at the end of your next maintenance post, we will understand and will appreciate
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