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Everything posted by Helv

  1. I haven't had a single DC since maintenance.
  2. It would make more sense if the counter on Jewels started the moment you buy them. I'd like to get Ruby but I will not be able to get 13k coins until the event's last days. Why can't you make those items to last 20-days from the moment you buy?
  3. if you're not a fan of Pom Poms you can transfer them to another character on your account via Dim Merchant. If you have a spare slot you can create a character just for that purpose and delete it after. While I love my pom poms (got yellow and red ones :3), I am also annoyed that I can't delete some other old useless stuff, like a dwarven S-grade bracelet and such - can't transfer them via Dim Merchant
  4. Main info clearly states: Jeni Secret Shop Event (7/27 - 8/24). Today is 8/23! I would have used my remaining tickets in the last round if I had known it was the last round! Now they're useless.
  5. No new expansions please Each update boosts up mobs and pushes me and many other players back to the previous location we grined. A few updates ago I easily farmed Forest of Mirrors (lvl 109+), then mobs were boosted and I was pushed back to Alligators (107+) and then back to Silent Valley (105+!) x_O Now I'm back at Alligators (which changed description from 107+ to 108+), I don't wanna go back to SV again ;_; @Hermes before pushing new stuff from Korea, better give us the means to obtain the kind of gear that they have, so that we can at least keep up.
  6. Things went back to normal today, so maybe it was some kind of a mele lag or sth.
  7. Has anyone noticed issues with the Spirit of Golem? I use my Maestro lvl 110 to do IT daily. I've been using it for literally years. Maestro is in a trio with an ISS (my dual class) and a Tank. Maestro uses exalted spear, has blessed exalted set. Last attack is enchanted to +16 Penalty. I don't use shots as normal hits don't do any dmg anyway. I have macro focused mainly around last attack. Usually I set this trio in afk mode and it completes the 150 mobs quest in around 45 minutes. After last maintenance I started IT - I returned to my PC after 1h only to see my characters were out with 145/150. I thought maybe someone took over my room or I got fear when I was afk - this happens. However, the next days showed that I seem to have slower kill speed - Spirit of golem seems to take more time to land. I don't use my maestro for anything else than IT, so can't compare with other places even if I wanted to. Now I can complete IT only when I'm active and I control when to switch to a mob with low HP when Last attack is ready. This seems odd. Any thoughts, please?
  8. PS. 24 bil for a greater rune stone on Naia, have you lost your mind??????? I'll never learn that 110 skill ;_;
  9. Sorry for the offtopic guys, but I don't feel this deserves a separate thread. When you enchant greater agathion and fail does it go back to 0 or gets destroyed like the regular one?
  10. Not sure which event he refers to, but the one with 30kk per ticket is definitely a bummer - there should be no time limit on pots when you pay for tickets. NC, why you don't let us stack on those items? Naia is dead, more players would participate if they knew they would get a chance to use up obtained boosts. Now many people don't really see the point as other rewards are too rare.
  11. Could you elaborate on this one, please? How the system knows you're directly attacking someone? Does it mean you need to manually switch Combat mode on or hold ctrl?
  12. I'd love to go back to the old system While I doubt they would bring back the gear dropping part, as they still cannot fix this bug when someone can make you go red when afk and it would again be exploited heavily, it would be nice if they at least made karma more difficult to get rid of. It's sooooooooo annoying when I hit the PKer and they clear karma instantly by killing one mob, so I get immediately flagged as my character keeps hitting and I die one shot because the former PKer is stronger than me and can now kill me without even going red. Now I don't even try attacking the PKers if they are around mobs (and they always are!) as I know it will only get me flagged and killed - double punishment for the victim.
  13. That's right, the same issue happened last time, the box was called 1billion, but gave 100 mil. Clearly, other regions have it better, there were so many emergency maintenances due to adding the content from other regions. Thumbs up for Hermes for at least giving affected players 1bil. If I remember well they did not get such a compensation the last time. I can see he is trying to be active on forums and he is able to push some little things through
  14. +1 We need more Greater Rune Stones on the server - 17kkk adena (Naia) is a ridiculous price for learning a skill (people say you need more of them at higher lvls). You've already made forgotten skills luxurious, why everything has to be so difficult to get? In terms of expiring items, people should be able to stack up on the items they paid for (30kk adena per ticket).
  15. Wow, Naia seems dead. Again, no Star3 rewards. As for the event itself. Last time Star3 rewards were given out too quick - the event closed within a few minutes and no one could take any rewards, so the improvement in the rate is a good decision, but I think you've overdone it It would be good to have something in between. I could buy some tickets to increase participation rate if the XP boosts did not expire, otherwise, I will not be able to use them up, so it's a waste of adena. PS. It would also be great if a Greater Rune Stone was Star2 and not Star3. On Naia it is sold for 17bil at the moment, which is ridiculous for learning a skill (I'm 111 and still haven't learnt my lvl 110 skill)
  16. That's a good one, lol. Invoke also has something similar in the description to 'severe damage' if I remember well
  17. If you give POM only to 1 DD better not have it in a macro, use auto instead (right-click on the skill). Yes, it will give POM to you as well, but if you have reduced skill cooldown throughout a few hours farm you will waste less ores
  18. I see it all the time, I have a clan where I invite mostly newbies and active box characters. In terms of newbies (who are mainly returning players), they are fun to talk to, they have a lot of interest in the game and I enjoy helping them with IT and such, but I can see that a great majority of them quit after reaching lvl 105, the ones who decide to throw in some real money usually stay till around lvl 108 and then they quit. People are discouraged by the pay2win paywall and bored with little to no content for their lvls.
  19. Apparently I was wrong, people who have the means to get Greater Rune Stones will not release more to the market so the price is now 15kkk on Naia lol. I guess the demand increased slightly with the XP event. @Hermeswas that an intention from devs to make this item so rare/precious? I get the old price of 1kkk, 2-3kkk could also work as we've got high inflation overall, but 15???? I know it's supply and demand, but I think it's bad design. We already have forgotten skills which cost a fortune and are very exclusive, why make other skills like that too? It so happens that regular players like myself can't even scratch a mob in TOI where Gr Rune Stones can be farmed. It would be nice to include a Greater Rune Stone in to a rewards list in some future events.
  20. Helv

    make adena

    Yuls have been nerfed quite bad. My main was a yul, after the recent update which boosted mobs in all areas I couldn't do almost anything - i switched to tyrr during red libra and with the same gear (switched weapon as well) i am doing quite ok (nothing awesome due to my low tier gear overall, but at least I can manage things I no longer could as a yul).
  21. I got a lvl3 Red Cat's eye, I guess I'll replace my free Diamond lvl3 with it - always sth ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  22. I think the XP boost is reasonable, given most ppl on the server do not have gear to enjoy higher lvls anyway
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