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Everything posted by Helv

  1. That's correct, I've seen this many times as I run a clan for newbies. There have been many new people joining my clan over the last few years, they were mostly returning players who played l2 years ago. They were very enthusiastic and eager to do stuff, fun to talk to. However, reality check made most of them quit around lvl 105-106. The ones who decided to use their credit card usually stayed till around lvl107-108 when they realised that what they have spent gives them almost nothing and they would need to spend a fortune to progress. Nowadays, I rarely see returning players. Overall, the server (Naia) seems to be dead.
  2. There's no way to progress in this game just by playing the game in a standard way, i.e. through killing mobs, doing quests etc. At around lvl 105 you hit a wall and you have 2 options: 1. start using your credit card 2. get creative. You can try playing the market: buy cheap sell with profit, provide services to rich players for example offer to pull mobs for them for adena or find your own niche. Usually people who played L2 before can find their ways, but for players new to the game I can't image they would bother
  3. I got only scrolls, scrolls and tons of scrolls. Last time they ran this event at least occasionally you'd get something more. All events are getting worse and worse when it comes to getting anything that would be permanent.
  4. Yes, you're gonna need an ISS, don't use self buffs - they cost tons of ores, you will burn more adena than you can farm if you use them.
  5. It's better if they don't, for their own sake. Based on the maintenance comments from players I've seen so far, people in Europe tend to get confused with their GMT for summer/winter time
  6. Indeed, scrolls scrolls and nothing but scrolls... this is boring.
  7. If by any chance someone from NC Staff reads this... The game's sooooo boring without any feeling of progress, I only log in to do dailies a few times a week and then I go offline. I spend more time on forums than in game, as it seems to be more entertaining In short: L2pass is meh for people who don't pay for premium, aden tour gives only scrolls, which are nice but I already have enough to use till they expire, farming the same spot for months in AFK mode does not give me any progress XP or adena-wise, so no point in doing it, I can't even trade anymore because the market seems to be dead (naia) - I am getting less and less trades, so this month I will not even get the usual 'pocket money' Also about progress... I've been farming PI for literally years almost every day and Crystal of Dawn dropped literally twice for me throughout that time. I need 114 Crystals of Dawn to upgrade my gear I'm lvl 111 and still can't obtain a Greater Rune Stone to learn a lvl 110 skill, because the price is ridiculous (around 20kkk now)
  8. If you don't take them they will disappear as well. I have not taken mine as I was waiting for the issue to be fixed and they all disappeared
  9. True, but throughout those years nc west introduced 7264834728 new fancy OP items and messed up existing stuff by boosting mobs which has pushed people back to lower lvl locations with every upgrade - this approach does not even let you remain where you are and slowly farm your way up, because if you don't progress fast enough you are regressing. If everyone were to spend YEARS on obtaining one item then throughout those YEARS they would be pushed back to desert quarry (I was literally pushed back from FoM to SV in a matter of 3 upgrades, now I'm back at Alligator's). Besides, they have done that before, it took me a lot of effort to get my Ruby lvl3 some time ago and a few months later they added it for free as an exalted quest reward. Did I complain? No. This was a good move by NC because players need those items to progress.
  10. It's not about getting stuff for free. There are people who would like to progress in game by actually playing the game, you know, old fashioned stuff like doing quests or completing some Task - every achievement in game should give a reward, otherwise, why bother?
  11. It should be permanent, most of us are sooooo undergeared - the least you could do is to start giving some decent non-tradable items via l2pass main reward. A Greater Rune Stone would also be more than welcome!
  12. At first I look at L2 pass and see Talisman - Heaven. I think to myself, oh, this is nice for a change. .......But then I see it's going to be removed on Nov 2nd.!!!!! Seriously? The main reward? Why can't you give ppl something permanent, something to aim for? Make it non-tradable, whatever, but why nothing can ever be permanent. There is no way to gear up in this game except for l2store.
  13. Finally something permanent which I can stack up on, thanks!
  14. Some people like to have life... and maybe I've missed something, but isn't game supposed to be fun? This is bad design if you have to do such things to be able to progress. Also, you'd still need about a year because marks are not tradable and you need to get 10k on a box to get Blessed Codex lvl1.
  15. All items should be available via in game means, l2store should only be used as a shortcut for people who do not want to dedicate their time to farming stuff. PI scrolls have low drop rate, Codexes can be farmed but it takes many many months to get enough marks for your skills etc so it is actually reasonable for NC West to sell such items. Too bad they totally ignore my first point which is allowing people to progress by actually playing the game.
  16. A new server does not solve anything, the game needs to be redesigned to allow players to obtain items via in-game means and not only via l2store.
  17. Thank you, that's very sweet of you! The box had 3 Freya's Ice Roses and 5 Dragon Keys. I've never been lucky with gambling Please note, I am not posting here to make others feel pity for me I simply know the GMs have no clue about this game, so I am trying to get their attention and explain that there are issues with access to Gr Rune Stones for regular players.
  18. Just an FYI, Greater Rune Stone costs now 30 bil on Naia and there is only one available at Auction House. So learning one nice, but not OP skill at lvl 110 costs now the same amount adena as an R99 +12 Weapon It's nice that you have included Gr Rune Stones into Oriana's Event as rewards, but I think there should be more in-game means to obtain this item. Now we're at the point where a few people can afford to manipulate the price. (I don't blame them, I'm only trying to show NC West this is in my opinion bad design).
  19. Regardless of the cost, 4 clients would be nice - that's how I played before NC West limited the number to 3. 3 clients let you farm quite comfortably with an iss and a tank, but it would be great to also have a possibility to setup a shop in aden on the 4th account. Not all items can be put into AH and given that Naia is a bit dead, it takes some time to do the trading.
  20. You're right, not worth I guess when there are more important things to obtain Tho I think I'm never gonna get that greater rune - 22 bil at Naia's AH now and red libra will come soon so it's gonna be 40 or who knows how much... x_O /emocut It could make sense if the intention was that it's for the box winners, but I still think it's bad design - if someone wins the box in the last days they will not get a chance to enjoy their ruby .
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