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  1. Greetings hickok, If you have not received the verification email by now, please get in touch with our Support team by submitting a ticket using the Support tab above.
  2. Greetings everybody, Since this thread is more and more evolving into personal attacks and harassment (which have been cleaned up accordingly), we are now closing it. As a reminder, if you suspect foul play in game, please submit a ticket with as much evidence as possible to our Support team, so we can investigate the situation. While the general conversation on the forum is encouraged, the specific situations can only be looked into by the Support team. We appreciate the feedback and suggestions shared here and have been collecting them and forwarded them to the appropriate team members. Thank you everybody for your input!
  3. Greetings Cradle, Please feel free to get in touch with our Support team for a closer look. You can submit a ticket via the Support tab above.
  4. Hi everybody, The fact that there isn't an option for shields is intended.
  5. Greetings everybody, Since we communicated this before: https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/20427-chronos-server-latency-and-capacity/, the reason we are sending players to our Support team is simply to rule out any issue beyond the higher than normal traffic. Thank you for your help with this!
  6. Greetings everybody, Please open a ticket with our Support team, using the Support tab above, so we can take a closer look. We have been keeping an eye over the last few hours, but need more information from you to troubleshoot this. Thank you!
  7. Greetings everybody, We are keeping an eye on this situation and would like to ask you to contact our Support team, via the Support tab above, with as much information as possible, if you haven't done so already. Thank you!
  8. Greetings everyone, We have double checked some setting. Please try again!
  9. Greetings Nevermind, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have checked some settings. Please try again.
  10. Greetings everybody, As with any situation where you suspect another player of wrongdoing, the proper line of action is to submit a ticket to our Support team for a closer look. The forum staff does not have the means to look into these reports. Please use the Support tab above to submit your ticket with as much evidence as possible. Thank you!
  11. Greetings CyberSpace, Please feel free to reach out to our Support team for assistance. Simply submit a ticket via the Support tab above.
  12. Greetings everybody, We have removed the names from the first post. Please note that if you would like to report any players for their behavior, this needs to be done via ticket to our Support team. You can reach them by clicking the Support tab above. Thank you!
  13. Greetings AngryUser, Please refer to this thread regarding this topic: https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/19327-known-issues-tales-untold-1142020-live/
  14. Greetings everybody, We have cleaned this thread up a bit. Please keep your posts civil and constructive from this point forward, refraining from personal attacks and calling each other out.
  15. Greetings everybody, Based on the thread creator's comments above, this discussion has come to an end.
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