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Everything posted by McByczek

  1. Don't worry about it, they'll delete everything. You only have to pay for the rest, they will make sure that you do not win anything, and that you will have nothing left after the event: D and then it's great: D
  2. In my opinion there is a simple recipe for keeping class balance. Player solo = 30% two players = 40% three players = 50% four players = 60% Five players = 70% six players = 80% seven players = 100% and only for full party all bonus xp With this XP and SP bonus, everyone will be adding all classes.
  3. But only one player was lucky and the rest are just losing, get it?
  4. If they get what they want ... then why would they change it, you don't understand that you are the reason and only you. Pay and don't win, it's not the first time but you are buying yours I wonder who gets hurt first, they or you;)
  5. Now it will be like that, everything that they gave away is gradually taken away, if the game is not a great entertainment: D
  6. I have Tyrr maestro 110 Iss from pom 110 iss with crip 110 I have free equipment blessed exalted on each character nothing buys 0 euro 0 $ I do some spots on my lvl so I can play. I don't understand why are you crying all the time ?????????????????????? Not only that, I don't want them to introduce a free exp bonus.
  7. The combination of servers will only make players fall, not increase them, that's not what they mean.
  8. I think that they don't like players, that's why they introduced it: D You or me or others are only supposed to pay, not to say that you don't like something. What's more, they are 100% sure that they are doing a great job, and if it doesn't fit, PA will tell you.
  9. To kill you to the max: D https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/687514/ BUHAHA
  10. I want everything to cost $ 10k each. Maybe then no, I'm sorry you will never understand that they are deceiving you: D It's only a game of people, not a goat's life: D
  11. It took you a few years before you realized that they were deceiving you: D
  12. You still don't understand, it's not about your success .. It's just about $ and nothing after that, remember that, always only $.
  13. waiting for a friend to give them a random draw: D
  14. There is permission to cheat !! Just do that too, there's no other way! Officially GM supports other programs!
  15. But you have nothing to do in your life anyway, so you can make another gun box: D buhaha Red Libra NO
  16. Maybe it will help you: D https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/685543/#post-9262027
  17. Only this solo class rocks https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/685543/#post-9262027
  18. Remember that only a few will win. The rest will only spend $ and win nothing. What do you tell them then it's worth it? I say it's not worth spending $
  19. Why are you non-stop QQ. You play, you set the prices, you spend $. Ncsoft is only helping you kill the game. I don't understand, I don't like the end of the game.
  20. I do not wish to make such bonuses for free! I require you to pay $ for the xp bonus and a lot! I do not wish to cry on the forum! Holidays are coming, so you play or wąd: D If you are to leave, go, let others live, leave your regrets with you! Dumb cries l2. And this is how you will play forever: D
  21. I don't understand your thinking !! You soloed the game yourself, ncsoft was just helping you get the players $. And now you write whatever game you want, hypocrites. I think your heads are bleeped up!
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