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Everything posted by Dargor

  1. Because they cannot or will not fix the macro issues resulting from pk drops and no, the afk macroing isn't going to go away either, the game is structured around it and unless that's changed in a future update it just isn't happening.
  2. They removed the pk penalties but not the pk counter. People should've connected the dots instead of indulging in pk sprees.
  3. I'd rather they sort no longer used areas like dim 100 which still has mobs lurking around for some reason. I'm pretty sure that mostly because of all the mentee toons stopping at 105.
  4. Most players can't beat the spawn time. Others (especially those without prestige and fancy items) barely break even daily. I doubt they'd go for worse and more costly buffs than to have their own iss instead and I don't think you need me to tell you how to have your iss move out of range so you only have to share xp with it for a matter of minutes per day. Different classes have differing amounts of usefulness at any given time. I think that we can all agree that lately the game is centered around playing on your own rather than playing with others. What the affected classes can do is evolve or wait it out and see if any future changes are in their favor. Playing a support class as your main class means you're most likely going to have to rely on others one way or another.
  5. To fully buff using self buffs for 24 hours you'll use 48,480 spirit ores which will cost you 22,300,800 adena at the very least. Iss buffs are better, you get br and a lv2 harmony among other things (like pom or bison) which you don't have from self buffs. People won't count on a random iss to do their activities but rather they'll either have a trusted iss or use a box of theirs, because it just works better. Iss is fine.
  6. I'm getting kinda fed up with logging in multiple times in the span of less than an hour, wasting runes and consumables and having to look for a new spot because the previous one was taken while I was logging back in. At least it's a mass dc so finding an empty spot was easy enough. Yay!
  7. Idk about you, but I tend to sleep a few hours a day and since my clan tag is enough to make specific people from certain clans go out of their way to pk me out of spite having to log back in can get tedious real fast. And although it's common practice these days, I would find it ridiculous to drop from a pve clan into an alt clan just to be left alone.
  8. Congratulations to the winners and y'all better take care of your newly acquired elpies. https://www.lineage2.com/news/16th-anniversary-screenshot-contest-winners
  9. Honestly that just sounds like extra incentive to grief people through PKs.
  10. You say the developer is aware of the issue. Is this going to be fixed and when? I refuse to pay out of pocket for vitality items so I can make use of the other things I've already paid for and which are now going to waste due to your mistakes.
  11. Every business cares about making money, that's why it's a business and not a charity. Lots can be said about how they chose to monetize their game, but it should be pretty obvious to everyone that a corporation wants to make money from the products or services they provide. Duh!
  12. That's not what he said though
  13. It seems to me like you love making assumptions about strangers. I'm pretty sure it's against the code of conduct so I won't mention that saying about assuming and what it makes out of you and me.
  14. I don't know and it's none of my business how much ncwest or zendesk employees are paid. I know that if one isn't happy with their job no one is forcing them to stay instead of finding another one. By the way, show me one instance of me mistreating or abusing an employee. Oh, right, there's isn't one, because I don't and never have I done such a thing. And lastly, yes I pay because I want to and as a paying user I expect certain things like items I bought straight from the l2store to not be deleted because the developers discover some issue in future updates.
  15. This is not some private java knockoff server and we are paying customers. Maybe you aren't and maybe that's why you're content with this latency mess we're experiencing for close to a year now. Many of the complaints on these forums are valid and I'm sure it'll shock you to know that those employed to deal with the community are paid to do so.
  16. Are you people being serious? Give it a few more months and it will have been a year of lags and "temporary" restrictions and queues coupled with connectivity issues. What better way to spend one's afternoon than to wait in queue to log in, only for an iss to disconnect a little while later and land right back in the queue again. This situation is becoming more and more absurd.
  17. Not to mention that support alts directly or indirectly generate some income for NCWest. People keep focusing of what f2p users do. Realistically f2p users don't do much of anything in the long run. They'll log alts and try to farm the atlas earring, then get sick of it and either start paying or most likely move on. As for rmt adena farmers, boxing limits never worked and never will.
  18. Clan leaders and clans themselves benefit from what you seem to call bots same as the average player if not more. As far as I'm concerned should ncwest further limit the number of boxes allowed, I would much seriously consider migrating my mmo activities either to another region or another game altogether. And while I am by no means a heavy spender, I am still a paying customer and have been for years, so that would be minus one more for them.
  19. And we will continue to do so even if they limit us to 1 box per pc. No way in hell I'm doing dim100 on my alts 1 alt at a time. Obvious aggression aside, the queue is temporary and most likely it will once again become a thing of the past with this maintenance.
  20. Then people are gonna complain that scripted wynns show up in FI to buff up.
  21. Thank you for taking the time to let us know. I'm having the exact same issue with disconnections. It's not a problem on your end. Best thing to do is wait it out.
  22. So, anyone else having random lag spikes followed by disconnection, one box at a time?
  23. I dc, I log back in, then some boxes dc, I wait in queue and get back in after about 20 minutes, then my main dced, waited 40-50 minutes to log back, then by the time i cleared a spot the box I was powerleveling dced, so I started shinedust quest instead, then my healer and tank dced and I sure as hell am not waiting over an hour at this point to get them back in only to get them to randomly dc again. That compensation you speak of better be more than buffs in FI for whoever happened to be around.
  24. I provided some arguments, you just call me a redneck. That's a nice assumption you're making while accusing me of doing exactly that. This argument however is worthless, so if you need to have the last word go right ahead. I'm done arguing with you.
  25. I'm not missing the point because there isn't one. You just keep trying to insult me with out of place examples of things you consider cool, it's amusing.
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