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Everything posted by Dargor

  1. I don't think it's the right thing to do, not to the extend some are demanding. Perhaps 7 would be appropriate. As for your example, it's weird and completely unrelated to the topic at hand, but to put your mind at rest I'll tell you this I don't know what either of those singers sound like, nor do I listen to those music genres, let alone singing their songs.
  2. Begging for 3 clients is pathetic and shows people are out of touch with reality. I've said it a bunch of times all over the threads, client limitations only stop completely or -I guess- willingly clueless folks. Bot farmers will bypass it, hardcore macro farmers will bypass it and those of us who can't or won't be arsed with bypassing it will have to turn on a 2nd computer and take just as many spots regardless. Going back to 3 boxes after having limitless and then up to 7, is a ridiculously pathetic downgrade. 40 minutes here, 19 spots to go.
  3. Have fun doing 8k hb, then 10k gc/ev, then 10k gc/refinery and lv6 factions, then more factions, then more 10k here and there and while you're at it, god forbid they change anything and you need to reroll. Then do it ALL over. NA servers are here to cater to westerners and the macros are here exactly for that. If you think people are going to stick around with disabled macros, think again. If you like to live in the past, classic is as good as it'll get for you. Long live the macros and the auto hunting system!
  4. Not true in all cases. Some of my boxes dced at random, none have stayed online so far.
  5. I'm not even gonna bother arguing against the silly suggestions to limit boxing to 3 per pc again or "pay to skip queue" or "durr real player out/bot in". It's blatantly obvious someone messed with the server's player capacity yesterday and that's semi-okay if it's temporary, but what is worrisome is the fact @Juji & @Hime have been extremely silent compared to the past few days. Would you be so kind as to let us know what is going on? Should we expect this mess to continue in the same fashion of the wandering knight's way? Will you do any reasonable changes to alleviate both latency and our newly acquired queueing problem in a timely manner?
  6. I've started getting random dcs since the maintenance yesterday. Wonder if this has anything to do with freeing up spots and keeping the queue moving.
  7. 1) Yes, very low chances and not any of the worthwhile stuff. R99 is probably the most you can hope for and you'll probably never come across it, especially if you refuse to macro. 2) Dunno. I've seen shouts about Unity recruiting lv100+ toons of any class. 3) As you said, it is improbable.
  8. @SafeStash We only have lv2 brooch jewels now because those cannot be turned into gemstone powder. Apparently there's more money to be made by selling boxes for compounding rather than for getting jewel grinders.
  9. Doubt it wasn't intentional since they also added the option to kill 10k mobs in gc or ev instead.
  10. You don't need to kill raids at all. Any monsters that are listed in the monster collection will do.
  11. Yes it could be. I know lots of people from Southeast Asia playing in NA servers. I'm not fond of the queue, but it's not just players or just bots on it and it certainly isn't a coincidence it started happening right after the maintenance.
  12. That's one post I can get behind. They blame positive changes trying to get them reverted and what for? If your gear is so lacking that you can't do hb 8k on your own, don't go thinking you'll find an active party to do it with you if you manage to get NCWest to remove the automated hunting features.
  13. Yeah, sorry, but I prefer my boxed toons to people who cuss me in broken English for using macros.
  14. Nice logic there, but in reality there are players in the servers and players in the queue as there are bots in the servers and bots in the queue.
  15. I'll take nothing less than 7. Too lazy to have multiple computers on to do all my quests at the same time, but also too lazy to do my quests 3 toons at a time. All, while a non paying user can log just as many boxes and while Chinese farmers laugh with their unlimited boxes.
  16. I assume that since you're casually testing things out on the live servers, you cannot reproduce the lag issues in test servers. I also assume that with the latest maintenance you did something to limit the maximum amount of players per server, because honestly it is the first time in years that I've seen a queue for Chronos and Naia. We've had no client limits for a while and no such issue presented itself before, so it's only normal to assume the maintenance had something to do with it. As others have noted, this is getting old. We don't want a VIP system like in classic to decide who gets to log in in a timely manner. We want a solution to the latency without collateral damage.
  17. That's no good for actual bots. If they don't have a healer to res them on the spot, then they have scripts to return to their farming spot.
  18. So what was the ninja change that made us have a login queue? And is that setting here to stay?
  19. You can still buy the old bracelets for 100 raid points at the hunter guild NPCs in Hunters Village. The soul bottle quests have indeed been deleted.
  20. I don't like it. There are other ways to claim a spot without interrupting the game play of everybody else. I wouldn't want to log in a bunch of boxes daily and I sure as hell wouldn't want to set up my shops -especially the crafter- daily.
  21. Is that permanent or temporary? Did you manage to pin down the exact cause for the latency, or is this new restriction a test while you're still working things out?
  22. Depends on your class, where you xp, what your intended use for the character is and so on and so forth. It all comes down to how much you're prepared to spend and if you want a low tier pvp toon, that's still in the thousands. Now, about the weapon specifically, depending on its enchantment (and the rest of your setup), you can probably get away with pveing with a dark weapon. The enhanced shadow weapons is another thing for you to consider, while their pve bonus is slightly lower than bloody weapons, they do provide extra attack attribute and are considerably cheaper.
  23. Why? So that just a portion of the players will be able to have more than 4 or 5 boxes? And we will continue to be even with less boxes. No one wants to do 8k, then 10k and then yet another 10k, double or triple that if you are forced to reroll by some changes after an update.
  24. I'm sure it's a popular setup and I'm seeing it a lot lately but I have no plans to use such a setup in the near future at least as it wouldn't suit my needs. I have yul/iss/healer +2 lowbies to leech xp. And since you mentioned honesty, lets not kid ourselves, it is not hard to circumvent the 3 box limit, it's just obnoxious to do so. All in all, instead of bashing positive change, lets instead focus on the clearly ill tested update we got. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I didn't see consistent complaining about massive lags before the update even though we had unlimited boxes.
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