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Everything posted by aelian

  1. Given how old these servers are its a miracle they work at all most of the time
  2. Ok fine, lets go with the idea that Hermes took over all tasks that were assigned to Juji when he left as he explains in his intro post. As a game producer he has not really shown any vision of what his L2 will be and we are now 3 months in. In the contrary his posts are less and less with only "managing" our expectations when they mess something up. Even in his intro post Hermes says he is a new hire, how many hours did he play as a free to play user spending his own money? As I said many times before, we have an issue of transparency where the game team does not communicate with the player base outside of announcements. The player base is not being heard and that is in part because decisions are being made by people who have no understanding of this particular region. Now is Hermes - a forum username who nobody know who he is in real life -the one that has the power to make decisions for ncwest... i doubt it. Even Juji - a publicly known person - with all his glory, had limited reach in decision making. Do you think an anonymous will bring joy to the player base when one Juji could not? We should all just accept that L2 is a forgotten game even by its publisher. You can see for what projects they are hiring people if you go to ncwest website. Its just in service mode and no effort is really being made to progress it outside of copy pasting things made for other market.
  3. This is exactly why we are where we are. Ma boi need to understand that the money you put in is gone no amount of you wishing it be there makes it real. You think you will RMT the money you invested back when you quit one day? Let me put it to you like this: Accept you gambled in the casino and lost, you spent some time having fun and stop paying money to people who don't value you as a customer.
  4. Diablo set a very public precedent that even with game studios behaving like utter assholes in the end it does not matter because profit is profit. OF course I agree a game should be fun, but end user fun means nothing to the executive who is charged with quarterly growth, to them only numbers mean something. And in the end it doesn't matter if players are hating the game as long as the cash cow brings, well, cash they don't care about why the money is coming in. No money no honey.
  5. This free event is just a bait out so people get frustrated by not achieving this "free" thing and cash out for the real thing. Simple as that. Thats why its so obscenly hard to get something that is is essence vaporware.
  6. You are completely wrong, the trend in gaming is exactly wehat L2 is doing - just look at the massive profit Diablo Immortal has. The glorious p2w is here and here to stay. What L2 is doing that no other game is doing is hard pay walling content - taking the Diablo example you can either pay to go faster or sit for 5 years to eventually complete things. In L2 there is NO WAY to get, i would say, 80% of the game unless you pay, and pay ridiculous prices. L2 has evolved into an online cassino with extra steps.
  7. Hermes is not a developer, and probably, outside of communicating the forum complaints has no actual decision making power. Don't beg him for stuff he will not be able to approve anything. Developers don't care what they are instructed to do. So even someone who is 12 could do the job if they have the skill and can follow instructions. The biggest issue is that whoever is making decisions on how promotions/events/approach to the player base work on ncwest servers is just deaf to the player base requests because that person is just an accountant pushing numbers - or not even that, sometimes its really hard to see what the actual direction of whoever is making decisions for ncwest is. Some people say go complain on korean forums, what for? They are not involved in the day to day of ncwest, so as long as the manager who just looks at the excel char with the summed up revenue numbers is happy nobody will do anything to change the situation. Unfortunately the ncwest player population has no power to exert any form of influence just because there is not enough of us and the ones that are here are just perfectly happy investing into milking events and pointless promotions. That's the sad truth, the player base of L2 is toxic as bleep and cant unite to exert some influence because everyone just thinks of themselves.
  8. @Slycutter you have to understand the free ruby that everyone wants is not for everyone
  9. Well no, having as much accounts as you can logged in increases your chances to get something right? And they cant be giving out free event items willy nilly, who will spend ncoins if you would have a free event where you can actually get something for free.
  10. The point is for people to log in as many accounts as they can to inflate the player numbers.
  11. You do know that @Hermesprobably didn't play an hour of L2 in his whole life. How is he supposed to understand issues the player base is having? Just from believing what people post on the forums? Don't be ridiculous.
  12. How about we ask ncwest to address the basic issues the player base is having.
  13. Let's bet they manage to ruin that one also.
  14. Continuing with the "let's see how long untill they all quit parade". The new parade float is spot on.
  15. Oh boy look at all of you so excited for a shitty rigged event.
  16. Pretty sure your GPU is refusing to run L2. Better for you tbh go play minecraft or something. Or like reinstall drivers.
  17. Game is boring because you are stuck in the same lowbie zone for years. You should be asking for a meaningful and not ridiculously priced ways to progress your character in stead of cannibalized expansions.
  18. You dont need to spend anything, but you should know that this game is not fair - investing x amount of real money does not equal y amount of adena. This game is basically an online cassino with extra steps, and as we know the house always wins. So its not in ncwest interest for you to make your gear with these events. Its in their interest for you to continue spending money. Wanna guess how they keep people to continue spend money? Bingo! By creating ridiculous items at ridiculous prices with ridiculous craft rates. So dont complain that you didnt get your shinty thing, you will never get your shiny thing unless you invest in it more than its worth.
  19. So you are asking for Dev time investment for a system that doesn't bring in revenue. How optimistic.
  20. completely agree with you because i have a similar experience trying to make a ruby with the new crafting system, its a joke and w8st of time and effort - and i dont even wanna say how much times i tried for lvl 4 the issue here is that people who are using this system to craft are not important since they dont bring in revenue so unfortunately not a single person at ncwest cares that 90% of players dont even have normal lvl 5 jewels after what 8 years of introducing them? during this jewel event in stead of boosting craft rates for lower lvl jewels, reducing limiting mats like ether or introducing some way to get these jewels in a reasonable way they boost the compound of jewels they put on promotion for ridiculous amounts of money - just milk the people who play your game, that's how you keep them around and engaged
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