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Everything posted by voo

  1. I cant remember last time i crafted anything...cause I havent in last 3 years. gratz to all that have luck.
  2. @juji you really need to go into my accounts and remove all the nerfs you put on em....
  3. @Jujianyone mention not being able to delete or modify my teleport locations or just me?
  4. it feels so good not gambling for items but feels like crap when game nerfs the means to farm adena that used to exist. at least in my case...and i am too lazy to keep adjusting my toons....Im getting older/wiser I guess.
  5. I have lost and changed my credit card i use for ncsoft many times. I never have done a charge back...and the credit cards always ask who to apply chargeback to...so from my experience you/father asked for chargeback and thats ground for account to banned. good luck with your issue.
  6. there are more things nerfed on archer than just skill crt rates. ...but I already know game admins dont care and I stopped caring. especially w/my monies...this game just a cheap log in and hit marco afk button, play something else and check every so often when toon dc's cause of crappy servers. have a nice day.
  7. @juji u know by nerfing toons range to auto attack u gave control back to bots/botting....why you mess with ranges and auto attacks?
  8. everything this game does is make stuff stuff harder
  9. toi 2 and ios 3hrs by multiple archers
  10. I must be missing something....I lost ability to farm adena by over a tril a month...my archer seems to be nerfed in range and skill reuse speed and crits...and I see nothing to do.... what am i missing?
  11. 5 man parties in ketra/varka until you can get sea of spores party and then fafurion
  12. diablo 2 resurrected has 10k input/queries a min lol....lol
  13. @Jujionly a few dozen left to play this game...your input last 2 years been amazing...when you cashing out? i dont see any reason to play/upgrade....new update thanks, but what that do for me? nada...maybe i keep wasting my afk time while i play other stuff. so @Jujiwhat in it for me? just log and afk? i am past gambling...
  14. well at least u did something last 2 monthsd
  15. 30 days without anything on the news page for this game is quite honorable...you guys on vacation or just gave up?
  16. this game so ezpz...you know the rules...so get your act together and farm the heck out of the game or dont. whats so complicated?
  17. can we get an expansion on adena limit held by toon? its pretty annoying to have to keep creating new toons just to hold more adena?
  18. 99% of the gm's dont know anything about this tiny lil niche game and they cant give you any feedback so what do you expect? thanks for the tip we banned em all?
  19. game is so much more fun when you dont spend money or gamble
  20. Lindvior was most challenging back when i did raid bosses. do they still exist?
  21. maybe @juji has decided no more xp events?
  22. everything matters in this game. but somethings offer more value than others. attack attribute is one of the harder things in game to achieve. so the answer is yes, its worth it.
  23. dont just make 1, make 7 accounts so at least you have a party. tank. heal, iss , tyr and some archers
  24. lots of big spenders have moved on from @Juji not so much the game. they must know something we dont. I wish after playing last 18 months this game was more rewarding...but it just isnt. everyone knows I try to spend some money....but odds just are not there.
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