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Everything posted by Slycutter

  1. For quick leveling if they all stay in the same level range? Archer - Tank - Iss Tank with auras and ability to pull all mobs together will speed up an archer's aoe. Iss also can aoe debuff and speed up the killing. With the right gear in some areas if your good you can probably pull 2 circles back and forth live, or afk quick leveling.
  2. last year these events that all were mushed together were spread out over 3 months so I am interested in what they do. XP, Red Libra, Anniversary, Night market, Artifact was all done from April to July last year. This year it was all done from April to May.
  3. it keeps an archer stationary when in afk macro, archers and nukers can do it but melee classes can't. Why in crowded mob areas archers and nukers stay where they started the night where a melee person could be half a map away by morning lol. Easiest way to stop that is with a tank as a melee toon assisting off the tank, or assisting off archer nuker they wont stray then.
  4. 3 PKs removed = 10 million... really just a drop in the bucket when you farm 1 - 2 billion a day at higher level with decent gear.
  5. There would have to update the skills for some, as an archer I do not need a summon a party to me lol so kind of pointless. Also the safe up to +3 is nice, but after upgrading it to level 10 and then enchanting +3 will destroy it na. I think it has to go to the Cloak idea where it decreases 1 level if it fails down to +3 if it fails destruction is not good.
  6. Glad I could help yea skill cool down is big especially if your aoeing, I have gotten to the point I think my skill takes longer to use that reload lol
  7. I was doing 1.4 - 1.7 Quadtrillion a day before wed. Because of the timing when I took the rune I still made 225 trillion a day on weds and thursday (which cut it to 1/7 of what it was still harsh) now it is horrible so I am taking it easy and leveling a sub. I was getting 70 - 90 trillion xp an hour solo, now i be lucky to get 1- 2 trillion. Takes 200 trillion for 1% at 111 so at that rate 100 hours for 1 % or roughly 1.5% a week. Is there any reason you cannot make party xp perm again? I mean use to be part of the game to encourage people to party. Without it actually hurts to xp with people.
  8. In single target, I onehit a lot of things and if it is first skill in your macro it slows down your killing speed. In my aoe skills I put it before pinpoint to make sure at least mob being targeted gets killed by pinpoint so it the macro starts over on a new mob. %c will skip a skill if its on cooldown in macro, i got so much cool down reduction on my main i hardly notice it anymore but on my sub sometimes it still skips (sub is an archer too lol)
  9. Ok AFK - Single Target Macro = /attackstand /useskillstand Pinpoint Shot %c /useskillstand Bullseye %c /useskillstand impact shot %c /useskillstand quick shot %c AFK - AOE Macro = /attackstand /useskill heavy arrow rain %c /useskill Multiple Arrow %c /usesskill Bullseyes %c /useskill pinpoint shot %c AOE Live Macro = useskill Mass Bullseye %c useskill heavy arrow rain %c use skill multiple arrow % c useskill tornadoshot %c useskill Phoenix Arrow 2 things with the live macro 1. Mass Bullseye and Phoenix arrow will flag you if someone flags near you for pvp so need to around when use this macro or you be dead a lot ..... 2. when you start this macro use phoenix arrow and target the ground first time and then the macro repeats aiming at that spot until you break the macro.
  10. There are more areas but you also specially pointing to areas you can get exalted items to? Most the ones I am going to list don't fill the exalted item requirement though. 101. You got blazing swamp and War torn plains also Atelia Fortress 102. Garden of Spirits and Superion Fortress 103. Atelia Refinery (lower level) Atlar of Shilen Shadow of Mother tree 104. Plunderous Plains 105. None others I can think of 106 - 108 is suppose to get added in next update neutral zone party area.f
  11. Complete the quest for the first 2 items to disappear.
  12. Please see my comments above on most of these issue. That was fun lol
  13. If server goes down then all parties are disbanded so yes you have to make the party again.
  14. That might have changed though with the update this week. As they added a line to update: Fixed an issue where the effects of the Drop Rate Rune and Prestige Rune would still apply to party members who were outside the normal range (more than 1000 in distance) from the NPC location. Not sure how that effect us as party bonus is usually an event thing. I think it has only to do with drops but not 100% sure.
  15. If you disconnect the next person in the party order gets party leader when you crash. If the party leader does no actually leave the party but DC's that is. So yes you can find the party but they have to invite you back.
  16. Not saying this is the case with you Mitzza but when you see someone taking more than 30 seconds to kill one mob, or see a full party of people struggling to kill one mob at a time it frustrates people that actually level in those places without all the super jewels and buffs. Over last few weeks I have to say I pked a few people to just put them out of their misery because they were not in the right zone to xp effectively anyway lol It is not my usual attitude but some people need to be realistic when xping in areas they really don't belong, then go afk lol. I mean if your trying out an area to see if your able to do it that is one thing but one person I pked wasn't even hitting with soulshots (they must of run out) I am like wow come on lol
  17. Honest and I do no think NCSoft will mind with your situation is invest in a programable mouse/keyboard combo. Since you cannot really type but can use a few keys this should be able to allow you to program the macros to or skills to appropriate keys to allow a semi quick reaction time even in some intense pvp. It won't be perfect but I would say it is workable with modern tech. I will be honest even being fully functionable with or without macros, so people are just going to one hit you regardless its the way L2 is now lol
  18. No its not the minority, the minority are the people that actually farm them with exploits and skirting the rules. I have been lucky enough to see 6 of them spawn, killed 2, 1 got a greater rune, 1 got a shilien crystal box. Other 4 I was pked by someone who ported out of no where (and it was way out of way no near a port each time). People who farmed the stuff were not helping the server they were hoarding everything they collected. Jewels are still expensive for 90% of the server to afford.
  19. With the exception of FPS or RTS or MOTA games that is how most online games are now, set it and forget it. Most people want instant gratification in the younger generation so these games are not designed for that kind of play-style.
  20. When you Aoe as archer two things. 1. if your doing it completely solo or just a buffer you need areas that do not have range mobs IE Tanor, silent valley for the most party, primative isle, field of silence, field of whispers otherwise one range mob can kill you. Places like Forest of Mirrors, Alligator Island and much later Isle of Prayer can be farmed aoe but you need a tank to pull the range mobs to the middle to avoid being by the one you agro but aren't targeting, nukers have a little easier with this with ere snare skill but we do not have skill other that mass bullseye that isn't effected by terrain. I have 3 main Macros and then a bunch of situational ones. 1. Single Target AFK (nothing that flags you for pvp in this macro) 2. Multi target AFK (nothing that flags you for pvp in this macro) 3. Multi Target Live (things that will flag for pvp that wont use if I am just macroing) I have other ones for pvp, olympiad etc but those are 3 main ones most of leveling comes out of. I will break them down for you tonight when servers are up if need me too.
  21. PvE damage and crit damage on skills. Bloody/Limited Bows and Armour increase damage on PvE, level 3 artifact book Damage increase, Clan belt, ruler authority belts, Elmore cloaks, PvE wings of splendor. Ideally a level 1 greater ruby and level 1 greater red cats eye (at least 1 helps a lot) and finally weapon elemental damage corresponding to you mob level.
  22. I use a dominator as I am a clan leader so it will always be useful and i level it too. If you can get spot in your clan with a dominator once you get it to 105 you can have it out of party buffing you but that is expensive. Heirophant has the best solo buff for a dd but is completely useless if you need to party people. SWS or BD special buff stack with doomcryer/dominator special buff. If adena not an issue and u get extra spot in ur clan dominator is best xp solution for a buffer, otherwise you need to play the dead pet game with your buffer which annoying. Otherwise I go with a BD for more damage (SW are good but their special is more defensive) Now to the pskill damage issue. People confuse this all the time. STR = Skill mastery triggers = more skill damage (either auto reset, skill crit, or double duration if its a debuff). Patk has very little effect on most skills, skill power is added to Patk but the skill power is a mulitplier and I could go down this rabbit hole but people probably jump and start arguments lol. So i divide my skills in power/focus enchants. Some are increased in power some in crit chance to balance the damage instead just hoping a critical will save me. Some go all power, some go all critical. Dex will also increases skill crit rate but it hard to track that but higher the dex at least over 90 (min a high end archer should have ideally over 100 when all said and done).
  23. Thing you have to understand Yuls can be overpowered (im getting to point where I am one hitting white mobs ) but also an expensive toon to gear up at current rates I easily have 1.5 - 1.8 trillion worth of gear on my toon. Still need to upgrade somethings but realize its a toon that requires investment. So if your understand that want to build start building with Str (Dex is later as your cooldown times decrease and you want to up your skill crit rate). However you want to build for skill power and skill crit damage not regular patk or patk crit damage. For example I have 151 base Str and 93 base Dex with tats and gear without using Pots. Skill mastery is important to archers and your bow. Armour helps but bow is what you need to focus on upgrading first. Also look for things that increase skill power/skill crit rate/skill crit damage and decrease skill cooldown as guiding factors in buying gears or creating augments. Until you upgraded the basics stay away from artifact books they will upgrade you immensely but also very very expensive. Look for talismans and gear that also pair with each other to further increase your stats when you can. Easiest one to do is Seven signs with Longing. Another is Sayha talisman with Venir 12 or higher. Little further down would be radiant circlet of authority with Wings of Splendor (pve) +3 or better. There is no magic formula to make your toon great overnight but if you invest it can be, but also learn what all (and I mean all) your skills do. When you cannot 1 hit someone you better know what skills you can use to keep yourself alive in a fight lol as archers are not tanks or heavy armor people so can die easily once people target you or even mobs now lol.
  24. Where are you located North East US Are you using a VPN? No How frequent is the latency you're experiencing? Odd this something I wasn't dc but somehow my macro was still turned on my toon was just standing there having a stare down contest with the mobs Where and what are you doing in game where you experience latency I hit move on my mouse a little and the macro kick back in again. It oddest thing I ever experienced. If i was a tank I can see how could wipe a group though?
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