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Everything posted by socketka

  1. cant you give buffs in non-peace zone just for fun and Drama?
  2. some more insight to korean live servers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejBZ8Dgg33M 30:21 you can see around 1.5m pdef (also 1min before that you can see top shirt aug 15+3% with 0.01% chance no one will ever get on ncwest) at 36. minute you can see how well that pdef "works", and now little secret info, in korea they dont have brooch BR, cloaks or god jewels (which totally combined and maxed give far more than +200% dmg).
  3. This statement is not true.
  4. unlucky you are, i getting E from buff like always (but my server didnt crash)
  5. Thanks, players were too strong compared to mobs. I hope it will balance out PvE.
  6. gran kain seed bracelet enchants, usable from +7. and now guess what, how many +7 seed bracelets are on ncwest? you are correct, zeroooo
  7. maybe some ncwest players would like to see what korea official servers economy looks like. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNgJ4UsHVYE for example, divine enchant scrolls for agathions cost there 60 milion per one (!!!), here 20b. you can click through video and you will see what is problem here. also to small notice, that character is not main character and is basically box, +30 weapons are there only for boxed toons, rest gears kinda too.
  8. dispartition and unbind got also 10 minutes of fixed reuse. good move, just should tell community, if someone would care
  9. Update is fine. Exp is fine. Drops (non-adena) are fine. Adena drop is too big, i would nerf it so we finally have deflation and no problems with adena cap. About mobs difficulty. Mobs are balanced, but player base is SO undergeared compared to korea, that is only problem. So make items affordable and cheap (einhasad coins shop, whatever makes up your mind..)
  10. yes thats why I got 600 coins already with only 2 toons logged, and in aden shops i see thousands for 2.5m per. xp event so people can be 113-115 in exalted sets? that sounds wise.
  11. you can have more characters than 1. you can buy coins if you need that ruby so much. free items, people still complain...
  12. Thanks for fixing buf exalted passives not displayed for dual class, weird to fix it by deleting it from main class too. consider this matter closed.
  13. juji said no. no means no. if you want it so much, get weapon with appearance in it, there are still some around.
  14. I think 6 more days are left till people will do a lot of cry about strong mobs. Choose wisely where and how to spend your money
  15. thanks. I'm not into abusing token system that should be never ever introduced. but hey its nice to see +10 greater agathions around.
  16. Great! Will it be fixed till end of red libra? If not, is there any solution for me to change BP with augment somehow with support of our great game support? If none of above, i will angrily remove /not as good/ augment and change it myself.
  17. If I need to remove augment, why opposite change works (works? I won't click it) even when augmented? https://imgur.com/a/QanZMyD
  18. I did unequip my Breastplate, and chose proper chat (Dark>Bloody), also to be sure even moved my other breastplate (Bloody one) to WH as I was thinking it was possible cause of bug. I don't even see enchantment when exchange is offered. https://imgur.com/a/e6um96Z Come on, I don't feel like newbie much..
  19. also cant create new ticket also our amazing jason removed possibility of contacting him via discord truly amazing, someone really pay for this? fix it, contact me and i will explain to you and show you.
  20. its not bug. use it when you dont have nevit-related buff (nevit, dragonball,...) and it will work. it doesnt stack with this buff.
  21. use Ctrl+T to switch your "bug"
  22. because: you didnt have it you sold it you left it dead for enough time to disappear striders werent deleted, i got 2 of them, guardian one and normal one. deleting anashka is interresting option
  23. he ended war 20+ times to me, and i'm alone. its your incompetence and lack of will to kill him always everywhere every time. you can solve your issue by hunting him. its one lame player. or you can cry on forums. oh you did that, then next step is quit this game.
  24. you wont advance at all, even if you spend thousands. someone who spent houses or few cars will onehit you. no matter if price of 38 dawns is 4000 ncoins or 400 ncoins, you wont rule those mentioned above. but you can still spend your little bit, maybe you think ncwest deserve it for such great service provided
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