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Everything posted by iHyperlite

  1. it is a p2w event https://www.lineage2.com/news/ancient-kingdom-cloaks-June-2019 on Elmore or Aden cloak: +7 = 1st lvl of wraith of Elmore proc (on for 2 mins every 10 mins) +10 = 1st augment (7.5% crit dmg is best in slot) +15 = 2nd augment (15% skill power best in slot) +18 = top level of Wraith of Elmore +20 = only 1x 20 elmore exists, a few 20 adens exist, get your credit card out... ferios and elmordean are more for pvp
  2. aden server is more p2w than live servers, and makes classic look good. no way it lasts.
  3. upgrading your artifacts is the most cost effective thing you can do right now. +4 balance patk / p atk crit dmg / p skill crt dmg will all go directly to dmg. if you got detons, those are high price pots to sell. all of that "junk" from boxes still has a price. set your goals for a 7 or 10 cloak, not a 15. 15 is very expensive. a 10 can get 1st augment and be very strong. la vies need an event, u are correct. regarding how to buy the items you are missing that are too expensive, its the same solution you have already been doing. spend ncoin. you just need to be more targeted at how its spent to maximize your adena to upgrade with. as far as making items yourself via enchanting. dont. save adena and buy what you need.
  4. 3 grand, if spent wisely, would equate to 1.4-1.7 trillion adena. edit: re-reading your gear list edit 2: your cloak is non existant, but thats not a deal breaker. you are missing a dragon rind shirt? Do you use prestige? you get 15% pve bonus there. Bloody your wep = more dmg there. the game is not really designed to xp without a bloody rune and bloody weapon. thats easily 30-40% dmg you are missing. what skill macro are you using? which othel are you? whats your AP in? it sounds like you have no la vie upgrades past the free ones. A ruby 4/5 and red cat 4/5 would be insanely powerful on you. I am unsure if your artifacts are +0 or +'s up, but if +0, thats a limiting factor definitely.
  5. the drops are pretty much the same in all regions. it kind of is what it is. the biggest issue with ncwest is that they refuse to implement the in game coin store, allowing us to gear ourselves cheaper and via game play (Einhassad Store, L-Coin, etc). We have a substantially higher cost model than other non Korea regions, which doesnt look like it will change unless ncsoft sales continue to drop. poor p2w event rewards, overly high prices, removal of key gear sources like greedy chests all with no replacement ever put back in. The cost model is killing this game. Couple that with a bad update and summer, yea people are quitting. I've said this multiple times. It is easy for p2w players to find a new game. It is not easy for ncsoft to find new players willing to spend large amounts on their products. sadly, they wont change anything until its too late, like always. o yea, we should merge naia and chronos. make time zone a compensation one in the middle like oly and dim siege so all are happy. Be way more fun
  6. if you have a lvl 3 seed bracelet, you can put anakim in main slot, and then aries cancer leo in the 3 sub slots.
  7. i made a +19 dragon slayer for the top grade brooch, that was highest i made. i can maintain 100 luc, which isnt amazing. pushing to 110 luc gets expensive and time consuming. yes, if you cant enchant, you sell during those times because its the best return on ncoin.
  8. I said enchanting events, not enchant your gear. Something like the dragon slayer event we just had. Alligator island isn't terrible for 110 depending on how much real life cash you spend. Mobs are green to you and 1-2 shot? Nothing wrong with that if yes.
  9. Try logging out then back in, see if it updates.
  10. If u are within 800 range, the person should get your buff if you are in party. Prophecy of might is 400 range or less
  11. Right click the sword symbol in the auto hunt box
  12. Target to taunt will attack anything worth targeting by you, player or npc.
  13. very interesting. On yul, 1500 attack speed, then cast AOE's. then use quick fire and fire the AOE's again. the physical cast animation is noticeably faster when using quick fire, even when it is used at 1500 attack speed. I assume same for BR. That is very interesting. The skill reuse appears to stay the same from a number standpoint, so unsure if you do more dps bc of it, but it seems faster. @Juji care to take a look? this one has me stumped. i will do some testing on dagger too. That is very interesting.
  14. othel is NOT an adena farm character unless you invest a stupid amount of money into it. at 110, you should be 1-2 shotting primevil and ios1. loot boxes are never a good idea to buy. enchanting or item events are better. id be nice to understand your gear better to possibly assess if the dagger is built correctly or not.
  15. Smart on fighters. Do you use cocktail and rose? Do you die in Ios2 or just don't farm the same as ios1? Ios1 enter lvl is 107, but 110 is really needed for there as a minimum. Ios2 entrance is 112, but 114 is really the min lvl there. Me being able to do it at 112 is bc of my other gear, which is end game. At 113, and the gear you list, buy a pet, use your hawk, and do 2x spots in ios 1 for 700/hour. I think you might need 114 to eleminate the lvl penalty with your gear unfortunately for Ios2. What cloak do you have? Have you tried toi 1?
  16. What level and class are you? And what fighter (red) artifacts do you use?
  17. i didnt say 500-1t at 112 would farm ios2. i said ios 1 needs 500b - 1t and 110-112 level for viable farming. ios 2 needs 112+ and better gear. yes i am chronos. feel free to mail Hyperlite in game or try and catch me online in a pm +12 r110 bloody bow = 90b blessed exalted +10 armor + anything that isnt replaced in this list artifact book lvl 3 = 8b fill artifact book with +0's = 10-12b get +4 balance artifacts, 5-6b/ea - need 3-4 ruby 5 = 80b seed bracelet lvl 2 or 3 = 60b +6 agathions = 6b/ea - you need 3 + anakim in main - anakim is 10b insanity = 15-20b skill power p skill crit dmg talisamn 30day = 14b +7 or +10 cloak is the biggest purchase - 200-500b 30 day boss jewel pack from store prestige expect 10-15b for wep augment skill enchant all to +10 or +15 = 10-50b depending on market tattoos = 10-20b for all 3 (old +5 ones) +5 circlet = 70b +5 dragon rind = 70b this is just a quick, 5 min run down of smart, cheap purchases that all go directly to dmg depending on class.
  18. Ill test this tonight after work, thanks
  19. I have spent far too much money on this game. I am well over that unfortunately. I can do 850/hr on my 112 dual yul with a +12 bloody r110 bow + all my gear. I think people misplace what to upgrade with 500b to 1 tril. If you spend that wisely, you can make a decent toon. You just need to understand how items and stats affect your dmg output. Most people are clueless on this front.
  20. current ios1 is 350/hour on 1 spot current ios2 is 850kk/hour on 1 spot previous farm rates above this have been long gone for a while. sucks, yes, but those are long gone...
  21. pretty sure attack speed can be tested based off your ping, using a dual dagger, and wacking an npc in town, counting the number of hits given over a specific time frame. unless you are testing this way, i dont see how the test is relevant. @FistingTime knows this test better than me. many of us on discord were trying to figure out the latency issues based on the above after aws migration. as for 1999 attack speed, i need to see some data supporting this as i've not heard this before.
  22. to farm proper adena on a single target class, you need to be in perma 1 shot world. then it still doesnt compare to a yul who has range. still, you cap a single spot theoretical max on income. range can 2x that most places. if only i had skipping kid on my dagger... QQ
  23. after the main tyr update where maestros became good, stats were changed. if an item says it gives 10% patk / P Atk Crit DMG / P Skill Crit DMG / P Skill Power then that means you will do 10% more dmg on target respective to the stat when it is applied. feel free to test and prove this wrong if you want.
  24. Your attack speed cannot go above 1500. If your attack speed is already 1500, and you use a buff that increases attack speed, it does nothing for you. 1500 is the cap. Always look at your normal buff situation for stats. If you have 1500 attack speed, berserker's haste isn't doing much for you. Take element and patk instead.
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