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Everything posted by iHyperlite

  1. Yes, the price is rediculous, but on par with past events.
  2. This is the 1st xp event in a long time I'm considering not full boosting on. You all need to fix issues, not sleight of hand an xp event over us and continue to fix nothing. If I push 119 or 120, what will I then be able to do? There is no content to do anything on. You pushed all that content out to our next update later this year. Also, 80 ncoin for a lvl 1 la vie box is an insane price.
  3. i have 107 dex on my 110 yul dual with jsut iss buffs. its not too hard to get to 117, but yes u need some good gear (no god jewels tho)
  4. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/495322730510680064/859189862741573632/unknown.png edit: thank @ConanTheCimerian for the image
  5. no, auto pickup is the single reason why yul is the most op pve farm character in this game. if they had to run around and pickup the items and adena that mobs dropped, it would be on par with the rest of the non range non aoe chars.
  6. i dont believe u can use the craft skill if any mysterious is in the inventory. in theory, u could stand at the wh, craft 10k, deposit in wh, repeat, but i dont see the point with auto use.
  7. dex walls on a yul are: 94 / 97 / 107 / 117 build accordingly
  8. well, 5% dmg =/= 5% xp boost i think it matters alot in the hypotheical sense this question was originally asked in.
  9. yes its cheap and nice. more removal of people's ability to make money via crafting on a maestro...
  10. would it be possible to see what main topics are being fed back to them after the review is complete? you know, full transparency and stuff...
  11. all items should be restorable once every 3 months imo. all items. and an item should be restorable more than once, after the set period of time. if they made the policy this way, there would be 0 complaints. straight forward and fair for all.
  12. make penalty for leaving a clan a full 14 days (336 hours) for anyone level 110+ this will prevent people detagging after siege to do ToH/farm/etc is the simplest fix that doesnt require Korea to do too much the other option is people need to stop being bitches, but that wont happen...
  13. i dont agree with removing a service people were able to use to make un-obtainable items, then later preventing everyone from using the same system in the same way but leaving all of those un-obtainable items in game. ncsoft always does this. instead of allowing everyone to get the same gear/service, they cut it off after its abused by a few without ever letting the rest of the people catch up fairly. i slowly, day after day, start to think ncsoft is somehow connected with the rmt scene
  14. i know 100% this is incorrect from 1st hand experience the issue is a wep that is app modified doesnt change color at +21+ correctly like R grade+ it will just glow more red and more red like s80 and lower. there is no other catastrophic bug that happens. i wish they let us item log old skins like blade n soul and let us use them as we wanted.
  15. they would have to give back blessed wep app scrolls. good luck
  16. what do u mean old and new? if u mean the old agathions that went to stage 12 and the new agathions, yes u can equip 2 taurus for example
  17. 1 whole month of an incredibly crappy pay event after we just had a very nice pay event. edit: some dude on discord opened 4k event gambles boxes (not gold bar ones). they barely got 600b back for 4k chests, and got 1 dragon shirt aug stone. just lol ncsoft...
  18. if only they allowed limited weapons to move to 750 element form 450 via some upgrade path or added back in that mysterious herb, our problems would be solved.
  19. soon enough theyre gonna bore all the spenders into quitting. its pretty much to that point already sadly...
  20. I miss factions. It's clear they have no intention on bringing those back. It gave each zone something to work towards to break up the grind. Now, its just grind and no rewards...
  21. i do not want to poke the bear per se, but can you define what "interact" means in the above statement you gave? MKB software doesnt "interact" with the game service, it would need to read a packet that contains information about the service to break this policy? This is what a bot does, not macro software that simply mimics keyboard strokes. since you finally gave a formal response to the issue, even if slightly vague, i hope you can clarify the above word's meaning as it would provide some much needed clarity for all of us.
  22. current war system is a joke. definitely needs reviewed/changed but korean players dont do this crap, so if it isnt an issue there, doubt it gets changed here sadly.
  23. using the chaos essence for dual class will allow you to change to anything you want. Howewver, the level will be reset to 85 if you do this, and you will need to re-level the character as if you just chose the dual class for the 1st time.\ the talking island option, if still there, could work as well. I am unsure if that is still possible there or not.
  24. if i was spoiler id slaughter dv i may change...
  25. Sounds like an Eviscerator is exactly what you want, which is an Ertheia melee. Is a fairly cheap dd to gear, is good in pvp and has survivability, can solo or add to a group. The other option would be a yul Archer, but it will be a bit more expensive to make good.
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