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Everything posted by iHyperlite

  1. I thought you could change it but it will reset the lvl to 85 if not through libra. Buy chaos essence dual class from ncoin store.
  2. @Himeyou should probably sticky this thread @Juji you should probably add a notice when you log in and/or a re-occurring system message telling people to visit the forums and check this thread @LIME i dont know what you do yet, but if you can do either of the above, please do
  3. I've always disliked the 20k cap. It defeats the purpose of making your character better. I wish they adjusted the difficulty/reward based on lvl like the other dailies.
  4. probably bc skills have books to enchant to 30, but we just capped at +20...
  5. Against my own gut feeling, I spent 8k ncoin on 2 of the 4k event promo packages. I got literally nothing of worth, and didn't even get a single shirt aug stone. I'm also about done with spending in this game. Summer is here. Better things to do with my money. Edit: +1 to the coin store. It's absurd we are still denied this game feature.
  6. this is literally the entire mobile gaming market summed up into 1 sentence. it can work, yes.
  7. If NCwest had some sort of marketing strategy, and cut their event prices to 1/4 of what they currently are, they would have a massive influx of players beyond belief. This game isnt affordable for most people who play.
  8. i have no intent on punishing the low player. if that is how you see my suggestion, that is not correct. low lvls need adena and xp. of those 2, xp is far more important. currently this zone cannot be used by ppl who are 105-110 to lvl themselves up. more spots wont change this sadly my friend. and the people who need this zone for xp cant kick out the high lvl toons farming. you talk about increasing adena everywhere on the map. im not opposed to that, but inflation is a real thing, and wont help the low tier people. if a lower lvl zone gives more adena than a higher lvl zone, it will be exploited. its that simple.
  9. +1 our forums are dead, there should be a login message. thats a good idea.
  10. Those same people log 49+ toons to do valakas cc. More spots = more adena for those farmers. It's that simple unfortunately. The Adena needs adjusted to make the area not desirable for adena farm.
  11. @Juji @Hime @LIME Ok, I don't think much will come of this review/feedback post but owell, here goes: Neutral Zone – This area is dropping 4-5 times as much adena as any other open world zone. It is being abused by higher level players because it is the single best income source outside of ToI and IoS. If the intent was to make a ketra/sos for 106-109 people, you actually just created a new Plunderous Plains. Solution: You could male Ketra and Sea of Spores equal the adena output of Neutral Zone. However, I don’t think that will fix the issue. Making the adena drop in line with Ketra/Sea of Spores is probably the more appropriate option. Isle of Souls 1 – The adena drop amount of this area was raised to be almost the same as Isle of Souls 2. This makes it much more profitable for high level players to use alt yuls, swap gear, and farm 2x spots all around the clock. With that said, this change has made me start playing my yul dual again as it farms more adena than my main in Isle of Souls 2 (AoE vs Single Target). Solution: Raise Isle of Souls 2 adena drop by 50% - 100% so that there is a clear difference between the 2 zones. It shouldn’t be more profitable to farm IoS on my 110 alt as opposed to my 118 main. Decreasing IoS1 adena is not a good solution. Increasing IoS2 adena is a good solution. Krofin 110 – The XP reward for doing this dungeon isn’t worth the effort. Like the previous Krofin, most people skipped doing it. This will unfortunately be the same for most who do the 110 dailies. Solution: Raise XP reward by at least 2x, maybe 3x. You could also look into adding actual drops to the dailies, such as bloody/dark armor stones for a start. Dragon Shirt Augment Stone – I was very excited about this feature finally coming to our region. It is one of the few things I was excited for in this “update”. However, sadly, this new content is hidden behind a very steep pay wall on the current event. 10b/stone or 4k ncoin/stone is absurd. Solution: Give an event focusing on these stones for a reasonable price. The way this entire “feature” was rolled out is just plain insulting to a regularly paying customer who is end game and needing this feature. Swamp of Screams Time Reduction – I don’t understand this change. This is needed by the mid tier people to catch up to the top level people and the best xp in the game. There was always PvP during the later swamp session as it co-aligns with blood swords. This was literally the only way to raise your XP bar in a non XP event time. Reducing the time of this is not good for our playerbase. Solution: Change time back to 2 hours like before or make the xp the mobs give twice what it is now, so we have the same net gain in XP as before the update. Fafurion Mob Reduction – I’m not opposed to this change as it prevents multi spot farming and promotes PvP for the best mob circles. It will also slow down the few elites on the top. Forrest Instance 110 – I have not done this instance yet, but from what I hear it is decent and worth doing. Overall Opinion – I am pretty disappointed overall about this “update” as it does not feel like an update at all to me. The new ToI floors missed the cut in Korea by 1 week for this update, which was the content all mid to high tier players wanted and needed to keep people logging in over the summer months. The new feature of the dragon shirt augments cant be experienced by anyone due to the insane pay wall its hidden behind. Next time, don’t list this as a main feature in an update and rather release it in the p2w event meant for it. Doing this is just insulting. This update doesn’t address anything that the players have been asking for and complaining about over the past 2-3 months on your forums: · L Coin store which all other regions have · Clan War system and PvP in general are non existant due to the 14- man clan issue and how wars are started · Lack of methods in game to get any required items for upgrades of gear and events have not been injecting needed items bck into the game economy · Inventory Swap Limit for Main/Dual class swapping is still a major issue for every player · 999 Weapon and/or Attack Element is still an issue for most all players who don’t have a $4k-$5k+ weapon. This element is absolutely needed for end game players · Cost structure of events is getting ridiculous causing more people to quit or leave for Core · 2 main dragons are disabled – any plans to turn these back on? · Factions are gone and never coming back? I hope someone from Korea reads these reviews. This is a very poor update and needs some tweaks to make it enjoyable.
  12. im not against player success i am against a system intended for player success being abused by a few high lvl toons to make themselves richer, in turn hurting the players who need the zone and who the zone is intended for
  13. if i was a fortune seeker, i dont think dv would be a problem honestly. the ghost hunter requires aggro for shadow reverse to work properly, and keeping the back is sort of an issue there. i know spoiled was able to do it, we discussed it before i left naia. the fs is strong with self pom and no front dmg penalty. i believe it has aoe confusion too which would be awesome. and yes i agree with you about their strategy on 999 weps and the 120 comment. i will be with my current daggers probably until i quit.
  14. i understand their frustration. i have all gear except a 999 wep and god jewels, and i cannot solo dv with an iss. i either need to spend more absurd money than i already have or quit. it doesnt get better at higher levels unfortunately... edit: im 118 so i should be in dv. cem is a joke its so easy.
  15. i can read just fine, thanks for your concern though. i dont think a spot intended for 106-109 ppl which is actually being farmed by 113+ ppl is working correctly. more spots wont prevent that lol.
  16. They should make ketra and sea of spores drop the same adena amount. Imo, the current neutral zone adena drop rate is a setting not for our region that is here by error. But, maybe they wanted another plunderous, who knows.
  17. I know someone who lost a +7 dragon ring bc he already restored a different accessory with another ticket. And I guess you can only do 1 item type per restore per account now. I always confirm in a ticket if an item is restorable or not, then proceed.
  18. The mkb software is doing 1 click per action, just like hands would do. It's just repeating it very fast, which hands could also do. The support response was lack luster and vague as expected. You need @Juji to comment.
  19. god jewels arent for mid or high tier, its for top tier only imo. its the ultimate adena sink just like the collection book for end game players. the rest of the stuff listed i agree with: cloaks / la vies / bloody armor / etc
  20. chronos had 2x down server settings since maint.
  21. im passing on past info, which is more beneficial than your opinion/interpretation of the eula.
  22. i hear you on that. many people ive talked to who are 105-110 are saying they are struggling now just to do normal xp. unfortunately, ios1 is going to become the same issue it was before we had ios2. all good spots are perma locked down by top farmers with their gear on alts farming. this exact thing is happening in neutral zone bc mobs drop a ludicrous amount of adena compared to any other open world spot.
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