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Posts posted by iHyperlite

  1. On 2/20/2021 at 11:52 AM, Bloodstryke said:

    I am curious as to whether it is in my best interest to continue with my FS. I’ve always loved the idea of spoil/plunder to supplement my income with something I can sell. Basically I am wondering if it is worth the time and effort and will the spoils be relevant and worth a damn.

    I talked to another FS in game and asked about the drops. He was still in low 100s so only thing he was getting was fragments of something that when combined would sell for what seems to be a decent price. I’m not, nor I have I ever been concerned with being the top pve/pvp toon, I just want something enjoyable and not too stressful. I am currently boxing an ISS and it seems to be a good combo Pre-99. 

    any thoughts on if it will stay a viable grinding/farming option

    will the plunder make it a decent income supplement??

     Or am I wasting my time? 

    on a side note, I’m on the fence with this auto-hunt button. I was using it and just hitting various skill buttons every so often. Things were going well until I nodded off and started drooling on my desk!!

    A dagger, any of the types, if properly geared can be a very viable option, and solo anywhere with an ISS as you described.

    About spoil, it's nothing to write home about. The spoiler's other unique aspects like the coin buff, self pom, and mainly front facing play style make it unique. If you enjoy the class, I suggest staying with it. 


    All othels are viable as long as the are played correctly. The only class I dislike is advtenurer. The front facing aspect is done poorly imo. On spoiler it's done correctly. Wind rider is all about flanks, and the strongest pve dagger imo. Ghost hunter is all about rear damage, and shadow chase is very important.


    For afk xp, get a mouse or keyboard from Logitech or razor and use a repeat macro to spam your dps skills. That is way faster xp than in game macro. 

    Also, don't use crit wound.




    End game fsrming toi solo, a spoiler would be very good there. The mobs are immune to status effects. Front facing setup of spolier theoretically should farm good, possibly best of all Daggers. I'd love a pts to test this sometime... 

  2. On 2/19/2021 at 4:18 PM, IvanDragunov said:

    +1 red libra and main class change . 
    we are waiting like the baby is waiting its milk

    core takes red libra in 10 days, and no forgotten resets.  i assume we will take the same.  i stand corrected on forgotten erasing.

  3. 4 hours ago, Siri said:

    Since the Support didn't/couldn't answer my question i will bring it up here:

    I tried to make a Lv. 6 or Lv.7 Shilen Soul Crystal. But the rates are extremly messed. So it is kinda insanely hard to make a Lv.6 and kinda impossible getting Lv. 7 to 10 since they removed the restoration on that (while the old abused lv. 10's are still ingame).

    5x failed to lv2, 2x failed to lv3, 3x failed to lv4, 6x failed to lv5 and with the latest 2 tries i have now 5 fails for lv6.

    In total: 21 fails so far getting even Lv. 6

    So dear NCW dev's or whoever makes the restoration rules:
    How are the players nowadays supposed to compete with the ones that got their Shilen Soul Crystals restored on fail?

    Naia has multiple lv 8,9 and even lv10 Shilen Soul Crystals.
    For us not being able to get this its a huge disadvanged to compete against them farm/aden wise and especially Oly/Pvp with the 1-3 hit dmg nowadays.


    What's your fix for that?


    you should have sold 1 lvl 5 and traded the other 5 + adena for lvl 6


    the rate of each compound is publicly stated on the wiki. 

  4. On 2/11/2021 at 7:23 PM, Draecke said:

    @JujiAnother bug found tied to the collection system even though the issue lies with an npc outside it, giran npc Accessory Artisan Denign is missing a few options on the "I want to remove a crafted accessory's ability"

    it doesn't have truth seeker or rulers authority rings listed so how are we supposed to be able to add them to the collection system when almost all existing rings have an ability applied ?

    they do show up under the "want to change ability" so is this some kind of missing code on the npc ?


    u have to remove the craft effect, its a different option



    edit: well i dont see those 2 in the list there, thats odd.

  5. On 2/19/2021 at 12:10 AM, extase1987 said:


    @iHyperliteyou came back to afk in SOS, IOS 112+ and some other hunting zones. Also NC says thank you for your money ;)

    I like SoS, ToI, and the new IoS. New Fields of Crisis is fun but the new Atelia place doesn't give good enough xp to make a recharge stone worth the cost. 

    Also, new 110+ dailies are fun, especially new gludio. It's hard and needs people to pay attention to complete, which is good.

  6. On 2/18/2021 at 9:18 PM, CataPvE said:

    GUYS I CAN HOLD THE SERVER WITHOUT ANY LAG I MEAN ANYONE CAN WHO HAVE 100$ and u cant and u make 500k each month at least lol. Worst shit i ever saw. I disconnect 30 times each 1 hour , i got huge lag, enchant rate dropped, lady luck GONE, lag is huge. HOW IS this possible ? lol . i mean all of this .  The whole things togheter in 1 month, i mean all to come at once.

    No, ppl who pay get dc's and lag too. 

  7. 4 hours ago, voo said:

    @juji  just ask nova to get korean ncsoft bosses to fix...they have better connections than you.

    Karrigan had a RL friend who was a GM on a game that wasn't L2, but Ncsoft related. They could check ticket statuses on bans, but this was years ago. I'm sure that person still exists along with many other unknown secrets to the L2 community, such as skippy's whereabouts and other things of the sort. 

  8. 4 hours ago, voo said:

    luc dyes +15

    insanity talisman

    ruler ring

    kaliel bracelet

    dragon ring/necklace/ear

    luc hat


    nevit cloak

    b freya ice

    alien nano

    maphyr pot

    top art book

    dark beer

    dragon shirt

    armor +10

    gr emerald

    and much more im sure

    cloak of light is a nice replacement for the nevits if u cheap and own a castle


    edit: also the luc buff npc in aden church

  9. 9 minutes ago, DenNiwthwXristo said:

    Its funny how you people think that TOO MANY PEOPLE QUIT.
    Its extremely funny how you think that EU is better than Chronos

    NC is a joke anyway,their only plan is how to make more money


    please start/run a business where making money is not your primary goal. let us all know how that turns out when you are finished.


  10. On 2/12/2021 at 11:11 AM, Degus said:

    I could get a cp support 110 and they'd still have their 50b when done, they'd be needed every day and never have to solo.     They would do dailies, siege, throne, and xp with a little pvp mixed in.    So, looking back, best bang for the buck again I pick tank.   Healer might even be cheaper, never played 1.    To me that sounds better then a useless 110 eveis that all ya do is fill it's ss once a day and check xp bar, that's not playing.


    i think the OP should define their expectation more for this 50b toon. i interpreted their questions as: 50b - what is cheapest thing that can solo kill and make adena on its own

    you interpreted OP's queston as: i have 50b and want to play a character live, what should i play?


    2 hours ago, saverius2334 said:


    I have 15/30 B on start and 15b/every Month later. I cant decide who is better to farm Fields of Crisis, strom isle, isle of souls, etc, Feoh, Othell or someone else?

    there are  24 hours in a day, u should do all instance zones every day. i would not advise an othel unless u have more adena to build it.



    55 minutes ago, Degus said:

    Please tell me what gear my 107 evis needs to farm IoS that's in the range of 50b,  same for crisis.   Even my 107 archer w/ 200b gear is struggling to make any farming worth the money spent to do it. 

    see my earlier response.

    • Like 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, Dwarfsaurus said:

    I meant with it that Naia and Chronos have TONS of people playing on dual class because either their main class is no longer viable (Wynn, Iss, Tank) for PvE/PvP or they got bored of main (reaching a certain level) and focused on dual class. I remember Draecke was doing big campaign to get the Dual->Main service reinstated or do the char split like Korea. So Naia/Chronos have a lot of people having to switch from their grind dual class to main to fight in Oly and farm Mark of Battles.

    Also... to just get into the stupidity of inventory; If you have 158 inventory slots and 125 of them are filled with items you cannot receive rewards any more. Castilla NPC will just drop your reward box on the floor. Even if opening up the box it's MAX 4 items and you have 20 slots to spare. Logic does not apply in the world of Lineage II.

    The dual extraction to a main character would breath some new life into oly, that is for sure. 

    Trasnfers, dual to main, etc, that won't ever come here. Just like this bug will never be fixed sadly. 

  12. 8 minutes ago, Uriel831 said:

    @Juji we are not good with this answers. This has no logic and is madness to keep it as it is. Why NCsoft refuse correct simple mechanics like this? Maybe not ask NCsoft and better demand correction. At least do some simple steps:

    1. make all untradable item possible to destroy in trash (this clear a little our warehouses)

    2. increase maximal slots in warehouse (for free) or better make warehouse unlimited

    3. and for God make swithing option posible on 80% capacity


    Yes, warehouse capacity storage is total trash. 

    I had to delete all my spare lvl 2-4 LA vies just for space a few weeks back. I'm sure a trade in option for powers will come now because I did this. 


    There should be no limit on warehouse, or keep allowing us to buy upgrades. 

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Dwarfsaurus said:

    Koreans had (or still have) MAIN/DUAL split service thus they don't have the issue of having to go main to do Oly while you grind on dual.

    And they can play both chars at the same time on 1 acc? 

    I don't really think that is related to our inventory issue. 



    Edit: nor is the weight issue really related unless u are a dwarf with passive weight increases. 



    The issue is we are allowed to have 180+ inventory slots, but we are forced to be at 93 inventory slots to change main to dual or dual to main. Most people average around 100-120 items in inventory at any given time.

    Event items, runes, multiple event pots, all of those count towards this limit. 

    The only option people have to swap is open a trade window with an Alt, trade everything in inventory possible to that Alt, swap class, and cancel trade.

    If this is "working as intended", the person who decided that clearly doesn't play out region. Nor does Korea have this issue. 

    • Like 4
  14. for 5% skill power, 5% reuse, and active pve/pvp dmg boost, id re-equip the venir.  i dont believe in slotting things like a protection talisman. i struggle slotting 7s half the time, and if atk element isnt needed ill put a wind or fortress in instead.

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