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Posts posted by iHyperlite

  1. 3 hours ago, OneOfSeven said:

    Dont't think ppl still buying em. Price on Naia for example went down from 270kk buyshop to ~200kk buyshop.


    Also several quitting and selling all their stuff on naia.

    most are done with this event. defensive/pvp items never do well. 

  2. 39 minutes ago, Chanix said:

    Let's not forget that the NC West servers are based in State of Oregon (Dalles, Portland ...) for the most part, so these are the laws of the United States Of America and the state of Oregon.

    It's a long way for transparency.

    Pretty sure they're in Texas

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, ThatNiceGuy88 said:

    Nothing gets past you :D Yep, I meant like we havent had a brooch event or an artifact event since I got started and the server would greatly benefit if we had an event that allowed players to gear up in these two areas.

    Artifact is going to come in mid summer. 

    Red Libra is hopefully next after this crap event.

    La vie, we had the brooch make event a while back, 4-5 months, so probably be a while on it 

    Also, an agathion event will probably be tossed in there as well along with 4-5 gamble boxes in between :)

  4. 7 hours ago, Lowlita said:

    I’m aware of the math and numbers. My point is: I have 19 billion SP (in thesis, 3 points), but I’m not allowed to use them. The “+” sign is disabled. 

    My question is: Do I have to get the 50 billion points first or is a problem happening in the Homunculus?

    Thank you.

    Maybe you already added 50b? Or maybe a homu isn't being birthed currently? 

    I also recommend adding a screen shot so we can see what you are seeing. 

    5 hours ago, SweetSacrifice said:

    The thing with iHyperlite is that he pays hard so why should he waste VP 😉?

    That doesn't make any sense. If I spend so much, I would have tons of vit items to waste on this. 

  5. 51 minutes ago, Lowlita said:

    I’m trying to have my first Homunculus. I’ve filled the slots for Blood, Tears and Time, but the part of the SP is not adding the points, it’s blocked. 
    Does ir unlock after? What to do?

    Each click is 5 billion SP.

    5,000,000,000 SP

    A full capped SP bar is 50 billion. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Slycutter said:

    Answer never.  Until people stop spending on them.  I avoided the temptation and didn't buy into this event or last, I am still sour over the cloak event.  Usually during enchant events chance of enchanting goes up but this cloak event was a joke and make cloaks ultra rare and expensive now.  I lost money on that even without anythintg to show for it.  Since then I have not bought any event chests.  Until there is a reason too I do not see that changing.

    The last la vie event was a major slap in the face too. Then right after they introduced greedy chests. Some choices they make is like rubbing salt in an open wound. 

  7. @Juji @Hime

    This is absurd. Some type of response from either of you would be nice. 

    I typically do a 300-500 chests after every maint on an event. I don't think I'll be doing any more.

    The event rewards given vs the loot table and how items are listed is misleading and frankly, insulting as a paying customer. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. 22 hours ago, Slycutter said:

    @RodahDo you even understand an EVI or how to play one.  Obviously Extase does but I do not think you have a rented clue.  My evi was fine could solo many areas before the last update, now I have to upgrade its armor and elemental defense for it to go back to those areas.    Those macros were given to me by 114+ evi's so I guess you know more than them lol.

    I think 1 major factor missing to make that work is the note that the Evi will need a full reuse build to support it. 


    Most solo spots, the Evi should 1-2 shot mobs. If you spend 5s casting a skill when u could get 5 hits in, it's just slower xp, even if you are doing more dmg on the target. 


    Minimal actions to clear a spot = fastest xp

  9. 14 hours ago, Draecke said:

    can confirm that there most definitely is something wrong with the odds for many items as so far none have shown up as what Ando and others have mention here

    got to the point that a meme was created


    @Juji recommend someone from your team looks into this as when server wise 100+K boxes are opened and not 1 Authority Ornament pops up or any of the other items something is very obviously amiss

    I got stage 2 and 3 protections. 2x 2, 1x 3



    Edit: I went in on this event for Authority ornaments mainly. Very disapointed. Keep this up Ncsoft, it will bite you in the ass. 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Ambicija said:


    I have Acer Aspire ES1-523 = imposible to play l2 (amd a87410+amd radeon r5, ram 12g).

    I have Lenovo-Y720  = imposible to play l2. (intel core i7-7700hq).  With this laptop i can play many other games but not l2. Now i get ssd +32g ram - so can play. 

    If computer not have 16g ram - this old game cant play.  Because just window 10 and l2 using 9.5-10g rams.

    Then please explain the massive population from south America. Many players have very old computers there. 


    Hell, I have a laptop from 10 years ago that can handle 3 clients. 


    You speak ram, memory is dirt cheap. L2 doesn't need new hardware. 16 gb of ram and 1 processing core and you can go. No massive video card, etc. A budget pc can play this. A budget pc can't play new games. 

  11. 5 hours ago, Draecke said:

    Tanks can actually do decent damage with using same skill dps set up as Yul or Tyr that's skill damage based but yes takes good to crazy gear for making it a walk in the park experience

    this is based on my personal experience as my main is a severely neglected Tank that every odd year I level up a bit with my Tyrants dual class gear to get back in top 10 class ranking - yes Tanks can use light armor and fist weapons & use skills when set on macro

    anyways hope folks are aware that with the upcoming Red Libra & 2nd Stone of Destiny many support players will change to DD, not me though as unless I can change the Tank to Evi there's zero reason for me to change the main class as I will not play it period - Dual class only for me. would need a main - dual exchange service for me to play again "main class" :)

    my biggest annoyance with the new stone oof destiny is that the erthia class is still locked to xfer to, but an erthia can xfer to any class. that sucks :(

    • Like 1
  12. Rates for items are always best after a maintenance restart. Odds are dynamic based on what's currently on server. They will never post the rates without a law change in the USA. 



    As to the boxes, at least on naia, all have given crap with a shiny protection being best take, and no one to my knowledge getting more than 1 of those regardless of Qty opened.



    Edit: my 525 got 1 shiny. I know someone who did 1500 and also got 1 and no other reward better. 


    Also, angel ring boxes don't drop at all like the necklace or earring. I got no ring boxes from 525...



  13. On 2/26/2021 at 12:16 PM, Bloodstryke said:

    Thx to both of you for the insight. I also have played and loved daggers since ‘04. I dabbled with other classes but dagger was my “go to” guy.  I definitely like the forward facing style over rear and flanks..that requires a bit more effort (not that I’m lazy) and someone  to hold aggro so you can get to those spots.  As of right now I’m just solo two-boxing so it seems the FS is the best option for a dagger for me and my situation. I don’t expect plunder to make me the richest toon on the server, I just like having that little extra something.  And if they will be accepted in parties later, that just helps even more. 
    I’m just finding the grind from 99 to 100 to be insanely slow.  I am still using the free R grade stuff cuz I cannot even come close to affording the good stuff folks are selling and I am trying hard to not buy Ncoin to get the 30 day stuff....trying hard!!

    Dynasty pack and the 30 day boss jewel pack are both very good purchase ideas. They will greatly change your pve experience and xp gain. 

  14. 2 hours ago, EviAgnieska said:


    I am an evi 108 full exalted with some RB jewels:
    + Enhanced Octavis Earring +3
    + Atlas +12 Earring
    + Enhanced Istina's Ring +3
    + Enhanced Octavis Ring +3

    Have advanced lv 5 Water Tanga

    The rest is just exalted and I completed all exalted quests until 110...

    I go and do Imperial Tomb and my normal damage is 55... 88... And Critical hits of 1.2k... 

    I belong to a lvl 12 clan and still shitty damage... How is it possible that we can freely play having that nasty damage...

    I see only one difference between a private pvp server and this server, the private one is cheaper


    PD: I am not complaining about killing mobs slowly, I am complaining about not even possible to progress with extremely low damage against mobs...

    u need artifacts / agathions / talismans / bloody wep


    sadly, the game is not balanced for purely exalted gear and what u list.


    you with that gear in a proper party should still be able to complete the quest in 1 hour though.

  15. 14 minutes ago, slutface said:

    Received coins (100) a while ago and that's been it.  the last few hours have been no coins even with the ticket on well into the time

    "If you didn’t win, you will receive 100 Oriana’s Coins for participating. " - i've not one since reset and only have 100 coins on each of my chars.  thats at least 7 hours of coins, 700 coins per char, and only received 100.  Either your text is wrong or the issues are still happening.

    max u can get is 300/day.  you have to use one of the 3 buff items to qualify for 100 coins


    1 hour ago, Slycutter said:

    Ok soooooooooooo someone want to explain how their can be no winner?  I mean why would that happen except maybe in the middle of the night when no one is playing (even then).

    @Juji@Himecare to explain that issue?

    there can be no winner, which i agree, is dumb as hell.  cool event, yea?  enjoy the lag, thats all oriana has ever given anyyone.

    • Like 1
  16. On 2/11/2021 at 4:38 AM, Ambicija said:

    Less Apperearances - less lags. This game so old - that even new computer cant accept and work good with this graphics mechanic.

    Um, L2 has the population/following it does because it can run on older computers with less than stellar hardware. 

  17. 3 hours ago, TEVAS said:

    I opened 525 boxes


    1 shiny protection

    134 protection things

    200ish storm scrolls

    115ish shiny dragon pots

    Stage 2/2/3 protection tali full item

    44 rune stones

    90ish angel necklas boxes

    60ish angel earring boxes



    I made the stage 3 into an 8 and crashed it to 5, I'll sell everything else. I don't use a protection tali


    The small loot table was deceiving. Shame on me.  Too bad deton purple wasn't in this box, naia is almost out of them. 


    • Thanks 1
  18. 1 hour ago, Degus said:

    Maybe give them a few ideas, idk how to help you if you don't have friends or a clan.  Are you asking for enough dd power where your support is now a damage dealing support?  Who are you healing or buffing?   A tank isn't supposed to go out and smash monster by him/her self.   It;s called support for a reason, be thankful you don't have to spend the money a real DD has to.   They need to bring back permanently party bonus, at least in a few more areas.


    All support needs a pve transformation that only works in pve, and makes them as viable as a middle range dd.


    Also, a healers can spec into dd and solo, and a stacked iss can solo as well, but the amount of gear required is alot... 

    Tanks, well I don't have a good idea for them yet.


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