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Posts posted by iHyperlite

  1. 2 hours ago, Dawe said:

    That's nice, but what elemental resist have mobs in Ivory Tower Crater, that's what i need to know :)

    for the lower levels (i havent tested these)

    • 100 - Mob Resist = 80  /  Attack Attribute must be 80-320
    • 101 - Mob Resist = 180  /  Attack Attribute must be 180-420
    • 102 - Mob Resist = 280  /  Attack Attribute must be 280-520
    • 103 - Mob Resist = 380  /  Attack Attribute must be 380-620
    • 104 - Mob Resist = 480  /  Attack Attribute must be 480-720
    • 105 - Mob Resist = 580  /  Attack Attribute must be 580-820
    • 106 - Mob Resist = 680  /  Attack Attribute must be 680-920
    • 107 - Mob Resist = 780  /  Attack Attribute must be 780-1020
    • 108 - Mob Resist = 880  /  Attack Attribute must be 880-1120
    • 109 - Mob Resist = 980  /  Attack Attribute must be 980-1220


    mobs in IT crater are lvl 106. that means you need 580 - 820 atk element.

  2. ill post this as it is related to this topic:

    Lets explain how attack attribute works.  Attack attribute can give up to 24% dmg boost on an attack. 

    If for example a mob has Earth Resist rating of 100, and your attack attribute for Earth is 100, you will get no dmg boost on an attack.  If your attack attribute is less than 100, you still get no bonus but there is also no negative effect from this.  If your attack attribute is 200 in this situation, you will get a 10% dmg bonus on an attack.  The max element you can have in this situation to impact your dmg is 340 attack attribute.  At 340, you will get 24% dmg boost on an attack.  If you have 350 attack attribute, you will still only get 24% dmg boost.   There is no benefit going above the upper limit.


    Now, the question to how much element resist a mob has.  See table below. After 118, things may cap out.  More testing on this update is needed.

    • 110 - Mob Resist = 1080  /  Attack Attribute must be 1080-1320
    • 111 - Mob Resist = 1180  /  Attack Attribute must be 1180-1420
    • 112 - Mob Resist = 1280  /  Attack Attribute must be 1280-1520
    • 113 - Mob Resist = 1380  /  Attack Attribute must be 1380-1620
    • 114 - Mob Resist = 1480  /  Attack Attribute must be 1480-1720
    • 115 - Mob Resist = 1580  /  Attack Attribute must be 1580-1820
    • 116 - Mob Resist = 1680  /  Attack Attribute must be 1680-1920
    • 117 - Mob Resist = 1780  /  Attack Attribute must be 1780-2020
    • 118 - Mob Resist = 1880  /  Attack Attribute must be 1880-2120  *there may be an upper limit cap to element on a mob
    • 119 - Mob Resist = 1980  /  Attack Attribute must be 1980-2220  *there may be an upper limit cap to element on a mob
    • 120 - Mob Resist = 2080  /  Attack Attribute must be 2080-2320  *there may be an upper limit cap to element on a mob

    This should serve as a nice baseline on what to take/use.  

    Also, in my personal experience, mob attack rating is very similar to these ratings as well. 1800-1900 earth resist on defense is a noticeable benefit in places like Wall of Argos, etc.


    edit: some ppl say the element increases on even levels only, moving up in 200 chunks (ex: 110, 112, 114, etc).  If you follow that guideline, default to the previous level rating for odd levels (111, 113, etc)

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Draecke said:

    it will be part of this years L2 Anniversary event which includes 2nd Stone of Destiny, now the challenge here is when will that be cause if you do a google search you will see it ranges from April to June when this was celebrated in the past so yeah..

    open beta players have as birthday 28th of March 2004 but it was never held at that date so meh.. and closed beta was way longer ago :P


    i think libra is our next event for april.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Feryl said:

    Being lv116 you have like 25% damage penalty and that is alot. If u want to farm Toi2 full aoe do you need insane gear or lvl116+ to farm there (ofc geared ppl only)


    116 for me unlocked toi 2 as being more adena than toi 1 per hour on single target.  for AoE, i am unsure, but i see other stacked 116 yuls on floor 2 now that used to be on floor 1 as well (and they just got 116 too).  I think a tank in one of the larger rooms at port may be the key to aoe without a cursed/dragon wep.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Rodah said:

    Kinda tired of arguing with you so this will be my last response.

    Tyrrs are a relatively small population class so we know each other.  There are 9 Tyrrs on Chronos who can farm TOI 2.  I can name them if you want.....  There are MAYBE 10 more who can solo TOI 1.  That is it.

    Earlier in this thread one of the Archer benefits mentioned was the ability to do 2x pits in IoS; that is what I was referring too.  The reason is 2x dash and multi-shot.

    OFC a stacked nuker can solo swamp; that doesn't really invalidate my argument about Yul being tops in PvE.  You are comparing yourself to Exos; I don't really know what you're gear is like now or if you die a lot.  But, I know the Dragon/Cursed Bow archers solo Swamp easily so.....???

    Who cares about 107 toons??  I mean really, what does that have to do with the crux of this thread? 

    Anyway; I guess we can agree to disagree.

    the key to unlocking toi 2 is lvl 116 imo.  and very good gear, but 116 is important.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Slycutter said:

    Ill take that the hunting in circle.   Ok for people do not know archers are terrain based aoes.  So there are very few  circles in IoS that can duo.  Also you have to top end to one hit a circle because if I aoe (i guess above average geared now at 110) I have to crit all the mobs in the circle with the same AOE which is a statistical anomaly unless you can also kill without criting IE Dragon/Cursed bow.  I do well but since the upgrade on the damage on I cannot aoe in IoS as once did because of this reason, I can still do it in PI because there are no range mobs but yet again depends on my spot I need a flat terrain spot, and I have gotten to point of pking slow killing melee toons out of those spots in PI since they can go to any spot and kill archers can't.

    FYI this changed really did nothing to my aoes it went from just under 3 second reload to just above 3 in Olympiad or pvp that might be a little different but not PvE.  So really if I cycle through multi rain and tornado by time it goes back to multi its ready to go /shrugs.

    ios2 is a yul 2 spot dream.  multiple circles can be done easily.  very few obstructions.  its not like IoS1 where there are maybe 2-3 good dual spots. there are easily 10+ dual spots in IoS2, probably more.

  7. 25 minutes ago, Ambicija said:

    All about balance = $.

    You can balance if:

    1 have greater saphire - 2 have supherior saphire +5 (or more) (plius 5 other )

    1 dragon rind +5 - 2 have dragon rind +10

    1 have b.valakas, b, atharas and etc - 2 have God +3+4

    1 have +16limited waep - 2 have drago 2 or zariche

    etc etc etc - its just items.

    abaut skils im event not talking - they are totaly wrong. All game mechanick now totaly wrong. Now even not iportant class skills - iportant just items skills and how much ud or others skils you have. You go pvp - must to mage with 20 skils....

    How to balance? I see just 1 way. Kick out from job developers L2 game manager/boss. Bring new people with clear plan an new ideas. Its only one way.  Developer prove more then 5-8y that totalLy not understan what costumers want.



    You want to learn me how to play this game ? :) Are you sure? From mobs/market every month im getting 100-300kkk (and im not have so much time). Its look that you must learn from me  :):):) 

    I farm about 35b in adena drops alone in 1 week, as a dagger and soloing it all with only my iss.  That's 140b/month. ToI and IoSx3/day only. No market play. 


    If you are doing 1-3b per month, that's not very good. IoS once a day will net more than that, even on 1 hour/day only. 



    I assume aoe chars and better gear than me farms more per week/month.

  8. 43 minutes ago, Ambicija said:

    here you not right. some your topick i like - but here you totally wrong.

    In l2 im 15. So really not need to think that i can something dont know. Its just 1 difference - I have other priority in life - and l2 just hobby.

    If i play l2 and "no real life" - no one cant bit me. This was 10 or 12 year ago (i was student).

    So after 15y in game - you think im interesting to kill lets say "wintra" or other "top"? Im iteresting who will spend not 10.000$ but 50.000-70.000$ for win? No - im not interesting in this. No one normal person not iteresting in this.

    We are totally in different position - you new in game - ant thinking pay money for top - its "high" lvl... All this I was have long time ago - in the past. Now its just hobby.


    Other question - and all people shame to talk about this.

    So who is TOP gamers (and aprox not pay for game)?

    I can explain: - asocial people, some kind of sociopats. Why? I can explain. They play 14-18h per day, every day, many years. They not have time for real life. So they not have real friends. Sex with woman they newer not have - they just masturbating. Because no 1 woman not start to wait person who play l2 14-18h.

    Now question. Do you thing im interesting to kill sociopats and masturbators in game... No ... im sorry for this people... God not give brain...

    I can get ban for this pos - but true its true. His cant hide.

    The game is what it is with the p2w stuff. I accepted that long ago. We were discussing balance of classes, not cost to play the game. 

    These are different discussions. 


    • Like 2
  9. 56 minutes ago, Ambicija said:

    I do think i not meet in 2y Wintra or other mages in Oly ? :)

    Yes i can increase def.  - Forgoten skils +30, God jev's, +10 artifacks (just all this im not have). I have money.  But for what? For what to spend more 15.000$ ? To kill some "wintra' ? :) For this money I can travel in all Europe. For this money i can buy house in Ukraina, Moldova or Bulgaria. And now what more interesting for most people - kill "wintra" (grinMan, or etc) - or travel and buy houses? Im not so stupid... Can spend money - bul all stupidnes have limits.

    oly and open pvp are different animals. 


    you can scoff at the cost to make the gear on those top mages all you want, but the game isnt balanced for mid gear pvp/pve unfortunately. if we balance for mid tier fights, at end game, uber gear would be even more god like and people like wintra/grinman would solo entire alliances with minimal support (aka be more broken).


    you are kind of all over the place with your arguments.  you have mid gear and typically fight mid players.  that is fine for you but you really have no clue about end game fights and balance, sorry m8, even if u match up with one in oly randomly. 


    i mean no offense. we just play different games.

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  10. 4 hours ago, Ambicija said:

    common... if DD cant remove FEO mana barrier - he just must to stop play this game.

    And i can explain:

    im FEO 113 ,

    i have def items:

    +11 limited Leviathan set (in Naia it have max 5-10 people)

    +10 kaliel bracelet (in Naia it have max 3 people)

    +5 top arti book

    bless antharas

    abu 4

    +7 navari

    +8 ruler

    +7 rind dragon

    +2 4lvl seed bracelet

    22 venir

    +8 protektion

    g. obsidian

    and something more - forgot what i have

    for oly i have +5 radian grace (tank circlet)

    im changing AP skils for def

    im changing dual skills fir def (dual 110 lvl)


    And in Oly  midle geared dd 112-115 - can broken my all mp barjier in 1 or max 2 hits!


    Because im also just midle geared...

    Go hit wintra and see if you think the same. We play different games man. We fight completely different calibers of people. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Feryl said:

    AoE: Feoh's are better here. They havent problems with terrain and his mass debuff have short cooldown. they have mass stun too.

    Range: Feoh's have same range than yuls

    A2MF: Feoh's have 2 jumps and can use Skipping kid too

    Survival skills:

    - Feoh's have barrier with 95% damage reduction and that 5% of damage taken affect only his mana

    - Feoh's have celestial

    Critical Rate: Yuls have almost the best skill critical rate (any other class can be very close too if his setup is in that route)

    So, at the end... yuls have better skill rate but not so good survival skills like Feoh's.



    1 hour ago, LordDragnil said:

    Vote for remove mana barrier, increase monsters m.def (cuz this is decreased) and let them unlimited critical.. Let they play like that

    I 100% agree about mana barrier. 

    Feohs also pretty busted and super tanky.

  12. 55 minutes ago, Degus said:

    why does every 1 think every class should be as strong as the next,  rhodah, i've seen you destroy dino island, you're in for a huge upset if you switch to archer.   i've seen plenty of tyrr/dagger clearing ios pit and my cp mage is also clearing it almost max speed, with a few books he should be fine.  aren't all classes  100x more survivable then archer too?   i think people have lost track of the role their toon is supposed to play in the big picture.  daggers crying about aoe, i mean.... thats not your job, get in a aoe grp and leach like the rest of the specialty classes, idk, i see an obstical and i try to over come it, not change it so it's easier for every1 else.  imagine if half these cry babies had to do exhaulted the old way, lmao!

    added :  im dagger/archer, if wasn't for melee lag i'd be playin dagger a lot more

    Things that matter in L2 to succeed:

    Crit rate / aoe / range / ability to move fast


    Please show me 1 class better than yul at any of the above. 




    Edit: also, everything including pvp is a 1 shot game. Any "boost" wouldn't fix the issues of yuls doing everything 2x as fast. Nerf are the only way, and they start on the yul. 


    Edit 2: not only way, but only way we will ever see. 

  13. 16 minutes ago, Chanix said:

    From 7 to 10 so 43% reduction, after all depends on the couldown of your gear, but yes there is an impact, and we are simply back before the 7%, the class of yull is very strong and is advantageous to Storm, @iHyperlite can we also nerf the dagger class which is also very strong, com on 😉

    How do you want to nerf it? It already has 0 aoe ability, requires a kidney sale to gear properly, and still does things half as good as a yul. 

  14. 50 minutes ago, Degus said:

    So why not ask for a dagger upgrade so we can all level faster instead of praise a nerf that slows down more then just the archer.  my aoe groups every one is leveling faster, this nerf hurts them too

    I have been asking for barrage of nails to 1 shot stuff like a yul skill for a long time. Dagger is a dead class, much like a few others. Without insane gear, it's trash. 

  15. 4 minutes ago, Degus said:

    just what I thought

    What, you need to do a test and check things? It's not hard, takes like 5 mins... 

    3 minutes ago, Degus said:

    if it wasn't for the lag I'd be playing my dagger

    My dagger is one of the top geared Daggers in NA. If I was a yul, I would do everything twice as fast. Xp twice as fast, adena farm twice as fast. It's not even comparible.

  16. 3 minutes ago, Feryl said:

    Irrelevant nerf for top yuls. Im still thinking mobs design is the problem here.

    Yuls arent the toon with the higher damage in game nor a good rate between damage/invest, but u can stack enough to 1shot almost everything and that is the problem... or maybe is working as intended haha.


    Mob design is part of the issue. There is no pve place specifically designed for certain classes anymore. 

  17. 13 minutes ago, Degus said:

    yul has:

    max crit rate including on aoes = those are skills, archer does NOT have max skill crit rate

    2 skills that can move well over 1k distance away instantly from whatever they want (out of ranged dmg limit), 3 if you count the jump agathion = needed, glass cannon

    has full range on skills = simply not true, try aoe on non-flat plain

    adena is picked up automatically = all classes!  archer does NOT pick up drops in range


    the forum is filled with people openly admitting yul is far and beyond better at everything over every other char in pve.  pvp it is top 2 (tyr is best pvp atm).  anyone who claims it is perfectly fine clearly doesnt understand what makes the yul great in the 1st place, which are the 4 points referenced above. 


    the class has the most mobility, the most dmg, and can do it all from max range

    So yul cannot achieve max crit rate on skills? 

    Elevation is not the same as range. Just because multiple arrow has terrain issues doesn't mean all aoes have terrain issues


    We all get it, you think yul is fine, and you play a yul. But your arguments are based off a low/mid gear yul. If you aren't full skill crit rate by now on a yul you are doing something wrong. 

  18. 4 minutes ago, Degus said:

    you should try playing on official server, much different here

    1 guy just hit 120 and you think it's ok that every1 else  is gonna slow down now.  last i checked adena is auto pick up for all classes,  mage, tyrr, dagger can all jump, archer max their crit rate, all classes max "their" crit rate.   pretty sure next libra all you will see is tyrr, not archer. 

    I play on naia bro... 



    You also convienently ignore the aspect of aoes being max crit rate in your comparison.


    1 button kills entire circle > 1 button jumps to 2nd mob group > 1 button kills entire 2nd group. No other class can do this. 



    Edit: if auto adena pickup didn't exist, yuls wouldnt be so overpowered

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