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Posts posted by iHyperlite

  1. There is so much gear not being referenced here...


    Artifacts, agathions, forgotten skills, skill enchants just to name a few. L2 is no longer ++wep = stacked in gear. You need so much more now.

    Even a basic artifact book filled with +0 artifacts gives a decent boost for almost no adena cost. 

    People need to spend more wisely and look into what stats/gear will give the best bang for the buck. 



    For haters of @socketka they been playing forever, and is not a spender. Adena can buy items that are p2w only, and socketka knows how to farm adena.


    You 3 month players thinking you will be top 100 instantly have done pretty much no research on the current game and/or you're stuck in a c3/c4 mentality bc that's the last time you played. 


  2. 2 hours ago, Juji said:

    The 20% is related to the chance to get the Energy of Protection from the box.

    So the paid event box gives 1-3 energy of protection 20% of the time you open? 


    I'm guessing the answer is no, but can we know the rate for the other items? I forsee alot of angel accessories.... 

    • Like 1
  3. 55 minutes ago, Slycutter said:

    @extase1987Thats the problem if a one 1 -2 h it would be 50 - 80k damage for most toons, why does the game allow stupid damage in the millions? If i was a level 1 toon what would of it been a 1 billion damage?  It can be done to be hard cap on crit you see it on epic raids i know can do more than 20k damage to epic but the game does not allow, would it be so stupid to do this in pvp too?  Or even just limit it to castle siege pvp.

    A pvp dmg cap completely eliminates the dagger class from relevance

  4. 2 hours ago, MrJones said:

    @Traingirl @Slycutter @mixa @iHyperlite @Rodah

    Hi guys I wanna know your opinions. The best tyrr to pve farm with exalted gear? I know with investiment, any tyrr can be a "pve beast machine" :).

    Evis, Dread, Maestro or some other tyrr?

    Traingirl is Maestro if Im not mistaken and per his/her video, hes doing allright (at least until 110).

    Evisc isn't really a tyr, it's its own thing.

    If I went a tyr, I'd go titan and do a patk build as @Rodah referenced. A geared titan is sick in what it can do. 



    To your question tho, evisc is what I'd choose. 

  5. On 2/24/2021 at 7:11 AM, QutLaw said:

    My question is why they can do it like that why they do not nerf toi where just whelthy ppl cab farm like 20+ the rest server have to share or do it in full pt witch not so much benefit as they get now we actually can make in 3 h with mid gear 3 to 4b and here we go they realise to much normal ppl farming to easy straight nerf so those stupids can buy nc and only way to gear up faster. Thanks again big thinking to move to 4game live or new starting servers essence

    OK, no... 

    1: this update nerfed toi to about 70% of what it was. Mobs used to drop adena every time. Now they don't.

    2: toi 1 week = 10-20b max / player, and that's a fairly geared player, top 100 of server only. Top 20 or top 10 of the server obviously farm more.

    3: IoS1 = 1b/day which is 7b a WEEK if single spot, 14b/week if 2 spots. Ios2 = 2.3-2.4b/day for 1 spot, double that if 2 spots. Thats 16.8b/week or 33.6b/week if double spot. 

    4: fields of crisis was added which nets 500kk-20b/week depending on luck.


    This complaint about toi needing a nerf is rediculous. More adena is farmed in other places, you just need to understand how to farm better. Toi is the only content to focus on once you get 114+. Nothing about it needs to change, except they should sell recharge stones. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Traingirl said:

    I guess I misunderstood what you meant as low level because that is my plan already. Though I find it hard to believe 110 is low level I reckon for you it is.

    Still, I was always a min-maxer in games and more often than not I found that extra utility or raw dmg brought by an extra char is better in almost all situations.
    I am not saying my current combo will work as good after 110 because I haven't tried/tested the areas. AoE must be out of the question with just 3 toons but then again it's out of the question for most folks in my gear/lvl range in the current areas I am grinding in. 

    Also, from what I understand the current version of the game gives paramount importance to level difference between player/npc. I've tested with almost same gear/stats a different toon doing bleep all dmg while struggling to stay alive to beleth mobs at lvl 102 comparing to my 107 where I 2-3shot if I crit them even with exalted gear.

    In that regard I would still chose a higher level support/utility dps in group over a very expensive/unattainable goal that focuses around stacking 1 character.
    As example, how much gear do you need to get in order to make PoM + cripling attack + healing hymn obsolete? Until you reach a point where u kill mobs faster than they can react or suffer unsustainable dmg then a support/utility char is better imo.

    Lvl difference between player and npc is roughly 10-20% dmg per lvl. That adds up. All solo areas should have a focus of 1-2 shotting the mobs regardless of class.

    A yul can easily farm 2-3 spots of white mobs purely on their damage alone after 110. An iss's debuffs are "needed" for dailies and raids. 

    What you don't understand is you miss so many events to upgrade dmg and atk element. Artifacts, agathions, LA vie, the list is never ending. 


    The game is now focused on 110+ content. A new player would be wise to understand the current game at 110+, which is typically a solo/duo setup as dd/iss. I would also highly recommend trying to find a clan/friends as that makes things alot easier when the gear is lacking.


    Like I said before, if you are enjoying your experience, keep doing you. But, you mention min-maxing. If you intend on getting into the true aspects of L2 (siege, oly, pvp, raids, etc) and min-maxing a char to do some crazy things, you should start focusing on those goals earlier than later and focus upgrades accordingly. There are helpful high lvl players out there, just may be hard to connect with them for tips. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Rodah said:

    My "average" 110 Evis alt is doing fine in FoM.  I'll also add that after some testing, Duo with PoM > Solo with OOP OL.  Sure XP was better full solo but not by a whole lot.  Also hardly ever die because I kill a fair amount faster.  More Adena too. 

    that OL vop is overrated, and most ppl dont know it got nerfed (and most likely was nerfed in last update but the skill tool tip was typo'd still)

  8. 5 hours ago, Traingirl said:

    Yeah, I am still waiting to see many things.

    From the moment I came back to the game and started asking ppl around for info, the only thing I kept hearing was, you gotta pay for gear or you wont be able to get past 105, will never be able to do Storm/PI or anything else in the game and blah blah.

    Boi were they wrong it's almost criminal of them even voicing their stupid opinion. So misleading.


    what we are telling you is that after you get 110+, doing anything more than a dd + iss in duo is a bad idea. if u need to duo for pom, thats fine. but adding in other characters isnt needed and just slows down your progress for no reward.


    in order to farm adena in this game, you need a single dd with appropriate gear and levels.  the most support anywhere warrants is an iss.  sadly, this is the state of the game today.    edit: excluding ketra/varka/spores/swamp/dv/fafurion and new 110 dailies, which only ashen "needs" support.  but these are light years ahead of your content at the moment.


    You can progress in the game without spending, but it is very hard to do without spending if you dont know anyone and have no clan/friends to help you out.  The market can still be played but requires a bit of adena up front to invest.  Most p2w events have good and bad gambles, and like with all gambling, sometimes you win but typically you loose. events are all about getting a specific item or selling items for a specific return.


    ultimately, you by all means can get 115+ and awesome gear by continuing your current path.  there are just more efficient ways to go about that path.  if you enjoy what you are doing, by all means keep at it. but once you hit the xp walls at 110+, you will (like many of us before) be forced with the issue of needing to remove chars that arent required from party in a solo situation bc it no longer makes sense. 


    to each their own, im glad you are enjoying l2.

  9. 8 hours ago, Degus said:

    dude, beast gear for average 107,  come on,  how many other 107's running around with 4 greater brooch jewels, top ones, and a +15 cloak, again, my buffers dual.

    100% agree, this trio idea is for people that are content , i watched that video, i would of been out in under a min. 

    archer w/ oop OL, way to go

    if the 107 has 4x greaters, they shouldnt be in party with anything in a solo area...

  10. I can solo the new 110 Baylor and Kama. 

    Have a nice day ;)



    Btw, the new ashen is fun. You actually have to try. 



    You low lvls should pick 1 toon and lvl it. Trio in solo area = aids




    Edit: "beast" gear includes so much more than what is being referenced here 😂 

  11. @Juji @Hime


    when will you learn that a pts is needed?  Most other regions have them.  RU, gamecoast, etc have pts's for updates.


    i guess you guys enjoy pushing an update out with cool features other regions have, only to remove or nerf them 1 week in?  you almost couldnt try harder to make your player base more upset.


    people talk about top spenders leaving. crap like this makes it hard for the ones who are still here to not consider the options all of our friends are moving to. im not doom and glooming, but this is past the point of ridiculous.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 11 hours ago, dej4vu23 said:

    @HimeWhat’s wrong with you guys ? Why you don’t let us enjoy this game ?? You just lost 200£ on Ncoins for tickets , destiny pack  and one monthly customer! I had enough of your Sh....! Enough is enough! It was only instance that a middle player 112 could make 3 bill per day, when others 118 made same amount in 1 hour toi ! So gl keep 20 pple in game ! Pathetic team

    ToI was nerfed from last update. It's about 70% what it was. 


    New IoS2 will be about 2.2x IoS1. Currently is about 4x IoS1. 


    I dislike the nerfs, but what you say about toi not being nerfed is incorrect. 

  13. 1 hour ago, BAION said:

    It is good to see that many still have problems in the level of xp. (Of course not in a bad way, the same thing happens to me).

    It is still rare to see players with prestige pack complaining about the issue, usually the xp nerf hurt us who do not pay.

    High level players don't seem to be affected by these xp issues.

    True and strange is that the areas are giving no experience at levels up to 107, if you don't have vp, it isn't even convenient to play anymore, I leave the toons fishing.

    If NC knows about these data, of course they do, these settings are given by them.

    It is even rarer that not many have complained about the lack of adena drop from the mobs.

    Only half gives adena in level zones up to 107. (This is what I can prove.)

    For those who pay things should be easier, they have added xp, damage, sp and other buff.

    Although not so worrying, many have gone to POE echoes of the atlas.

    the loss of 150 element was felt by all the mid lvls big time.  We still havent had many ways to bridge the element difference outside of cursed weps and stage 2 dw's.


    most players dont realize how important that atk element was bc they dont even know how the calculations on that game system work.



  14. 1 hour ago, Slycutter said:

    Ive gotten up to level 8 so far in my collections.

    You need a 1 4 8 10 and 9 and 10 for 4.4% pve/pvp damage increase.

    I sell level 4 for about 700 mil (i found after 4 enchant chances go way way down, i still need 9 and 2 10's.)

    3, 5, 8, 10 = 2.2%

    8, 9 = 2.2%


    to compound rate, ive made a stage 5 as highest, which was logged.  burned about 40 of em or so i think.

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