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Posts posted by iHyperlite

  1. i dont think @Juji even understands what the issue is.  no sane individual would think forcing players to open a trade with an alt, move everything into the window, swap class, and then cancel the trade is working as intended.  swapping dual class should be as simple as hitting the button to swap.  nothing else should be required.

    im guessing korea doesnt have the inventory limit issues we have with 5 different rose and dragon pot types, events that spam inventories, and paid items (runes) taking up inventory slots for some stupid reason.


    the responses so far are an absolute joke.



    edit: forgot to add the ridiculous change threshold: 93ish / 182 items required to swamp.  just dumb.

  2. 3 hours ago, ffs said:

    so any gm gonna take some time to check this out or what? any NC team member actually working?

    Being weird isn't really against the eula so I doubt any gm looks into it. I just don't know what they're doing. It's creepy. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Draecke said:


    honestly no way that's correct what you say Hyper as this has been tested by many different ppl and there's a noticeable difference, see above picture

    feel free to react on that discussion in 4r4m's discord as I tagged you there ;)

    im going off what ive read from ru player testing, which referenced the 110-120 numbers i posted for last patch. if you have better numbers, please post them.

  4. 5 minutes ago, iSDT said:

    ty a lot man i apreciate your time and effort


    if u have other questions feel free to ask. i can try to help answer what i can.


    another main dif between gh and wr is the special evasion skill they have.  wr can evade all physical dmg for a specific time, gh can evade all skills at 50% rate for a specific time. the play styles are similar but different enough to be unique.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Traingirl said:

    Are you sure that you get no negative effect aka dmg reduction?

    I am testing in Primeval/storm on a lvl 108 tyrr with exalted stormer tier 2 vs enhanced shadow stormer and the difference is astronomical.(up to 15-20%+ more dmg on high crits. Maximum dmg I saw on primeval was 42k with exalted vs 58k with ESW)

    In both cases my attribute is quite lower to what the table you posted suggests for a lvl 110 monster.
    (785 with exalted vs 995 with ESW) 
    I doubt the difference is generated by the 10% extra p attack ESW gives.


    in all my tests, there is no negative modifier to element.  i do the same dmg on 118 mobs regardless of how low my element is.


    also, dont underestimate what 10% patk can do to dmg on the right class.

  6. 7 minutes ago, ffs said:

    so i've noticed numerous times when i go to fields of crisis, dwarf daggers just pop to my spot with shadow move and just stand there for the 58 mins i'm there! They do not attack, they do not move, just stand in the middle of the spot  for the duration i'm there. the frequency is every other day or almost every day. Anyone knows what's the deal with that? or noticed similar activity?

    same thing happens to me. 1 daggers name is colon on naia that keeps doing it.  cant figure out wtf theyre doing.



    edit: but its exactly as u describe. they come and stand on your spot for the entire crisis time. never attacking, nothing. just going exactly where i went to.  even if i do a dif circle, they come randomly.


    bleeping weird.

  7. 9 hours ago, iSDT said:

    Hi guys i am about to start a new class... I need your lights.... 

    Which dagger is the most potential on pvp with same gear end game

    Plz dont spam troll or tilt i need some good opinions and advices cause i havent played this game for ages

    Is the damage gap on skill between those too big? can you give me an example? skills land rate etc....

    Help me...  Love you all

    they are both very good end game if played the way theyre meant to be played.

    wind rider is all about flanks and the 2 side step stabs resetting the cooldowns which ghost hunter is mroe of a true dagger where everything matters on the rear for max damage.  wind rider the position aspect isnt as important bc the side steps always move to the flank unlike the ghost hunter which can bug and force you to the front which is bad.

    for macro play, a spoiler or wind rider would be best setup. ghost hunter will still hit the hardest on a single target over any class in the game.

    to your question, it really depends on how you wanna play a dagger.  wind rider is a speed setup where direction isnt overly critical. but it does less damage per stab.  ghost hunter is the true rear damage dagger, position matters the most of all daggers, but its a unique play style.


    with all that said, im a ghost hunter and i love it. the ppl i know who are spoilers love it.  the ppl i know who are wind rider love it.  i dont know anyone who plays adventurer.  that dagger blows.



    edit: i will warn you, daggers are very expensive to make good.  you have to stack all skill crit dmg and p atk crit dmg items, and skill power and patk and sacrifice pretty much all the survivability items to max your dmg.  it is a very expensive class, and if it only runs mid gear, it will be a rough toon to level.

  8. 22 minutes ago, Draecke said:

    @Juji roll back w/e was done server side during yesterdays maintenance ASAP as you guys broke the game to the point it's just dc fest for certain towns and it's not only aden & giran

    blazing swamp is also a dc fest.  ive logged my 1 mentee in about 20 times today, but the healer standing next to him never dc'd.  they on the same laptop...


    tested them in aden bc why not.  yul perma dc within 2s.  healer doesnt.  bleeping weird.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Slycutter said:

    I have loads of crap piling up because I cannot sell it the auction house and if I setup in giran or aden it disconnects after a few hours so I run through sell what I can and auction what I can lol.  Have plenty to sell that I cant because no buy shops for it because the price of how much item is worth lol

    we need cross server AH.  the fact this doesnt exist is a bit ridiculous.

    • Like 1
  10. well, fun story:

    die in an instance zone where you relog into aden = char no longer playable.  dc happens 3s after logging in.  you cant alt tab and run a char to res yourself quick enough bc they dc.

    login > dc dead in aden > login > try to buy feather > fail > dc > log in again > buy feather successfully > dc > log in > use feather and manage to port to rune > dc > log in again in rune > good to go


    this is bad man....

  11. 50 minutes ago, FatherFortuitous said:

    What the hell is going on around here? I logged on and 2 seconds later I get D/C. It has happened 8 times so far and counting. I did a full scan twice already.  Please fix this.


    im also having this issue.  i have 3 clients up.  all 3 loaded. only 1 kept dc'd (my main) 1-2 seconds after logging in.  I was able to leave aden before a dc and it seemed to fix my issue.

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