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Quest: Way of Wandering Knight bugged


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Herphah gives quest Way of Wandering Knight and tells you to speak to the Adventurer Guild to get buffs.

The NPC gives the message 'The quest buff can only be obtained for characters that are level 85-99' my character (mentee) is 85.

Unable to progress quest.

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Hello, the bug is that when u go to talk to the adventurers guide and ask him for quest, it saids that “the quest buff can only be obtained for characters that are level 85-99”  and I’m lvl 85. Please check that. Thanks

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On the second day of the quest of the Apocalypse, players have begun to emerge from their shelters with tears in their eyes and quiet whispering among themselves: - They still have not forgotten about us...

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1 hour ago, Dhakwan said:

What's even more weird is that on my freshly created Sigel Shillien Templar, it doesn't give the error, but on a Feoh Storm Screamer it does....

Probably due to the fact that buff for give adena only Symphony of the knight...that is tank.

If the admins will fix the error from the topic "The Adventurer Guide is only giving Buffs, Knight's Harmony when playing with Adena for buffs" then I think everything will start to work.

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Attention! Bug quest can be circumvented if you take a sub class of the tank. Pass the quest for a sub - medium tank - shake it to LVL 85, take the buff from the Manager - switch at the Foundation and everyone is happy) Then just change the sub to the one that you need( dual class to be exact).

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2 hours ago, Ariesus said:

Attention! Bug quest can be circumvented if you take a sub class of the tank. Pass the quest for a sub - medium tank - shake it to LVL 85, take the buff from the Manager - switch at the Foundation and everyone is happy) Then just change the sub to the one that you need( dual class to be exact).

Maybe, but change dualclass not need 100kk?
And i hope when fix buff npc (now give knight only) will fix quest.

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Herphah bugged on my Feoh .. I cant take the rewards - chain- quests cuz adventurer guide does not give me the buffs !

On my tank  i had to delete it once and then re-get it.

Hope you fix it soon !:|

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13 plus days and this bug still existes. what it means its a known issue? why they just dont change the mission? i mean everyone knows what a buff manager is and hat he does. First u learn what is a buff manager and then u learn how to walk.

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How important is it to solve this problem?
Until 5/28 the quest was working, why did they pick up on something that was working?
Either they really do not want the quest to work or they are not worried about making the game work properly.



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52 minutes ago, NegoDrama said:

How important is it to solve this problem?
Until 5/28 the quest was working, why did they pick up on something that was working?
Either they really do not want the quest to work or they are not worried about making the game work properly.

They don't want it to work.

It's been a while since I've done this questline, but if I remember well, you can't complete the remaining adventurer's quests without this one. And it so happens there were posts on forums complaining about hundreds of bots doing those quests to get lvl1 jewels. It is my guess that they will keep this quest bugged until they get a patch from devs that will replace lvl1 jewels with 30-day ones as rewards.

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1 hour ago, Helv said:

Eles não querem que isso funcione.

Já faz um tempo desde que eu fiz esta questline, mas se eu me lembro bem, você não pode completar as quests restantes do aventureiro sem este. E acontece que houve posts em fóruns reclamando sobre centenas de bots fazendo essas quests para obter jóias lvl1. É meu palpite que eles vão manter essa quest chateada até que eles recebam um patch de devs que irá substituir as jóias lvl1 por recompensas de 30 dias.

But it's unfair with new players to put jewelry for 30 days.
After 30 days new players will not be able to buy level 1 jewels.
Unfortunately they are not thinking about new players, just blocking boot's.

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How about making them like every other item that is from event/quest - unable to trade/ah/drop etc>? or some variety of that.

Im a new player aswell and I can't get my gem Im almost lvl 100 now... I also can't get brooch from anyware.

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31 minutes ago, Aggress1ve said:

How about making them like every other item that is from event/quest - unable to trade/ah/drop etc>? or some variety of that.

Lvl1 jewels are bonded by default, but you still can grind them and get the gemstone powder which you can then trade. One way or another, they would have to change the reward item's properties (either make it event type and non-grindable or make it expire after 30-days or whatever), so my guess is that they are waiting for assistance from devs.

I agree it is not fair and yet again, regular players are punished because of the sneaky ones who use illegal software. Unfortunately it's always been like that here, for example because of bots adena and item drops were nerfed etc - at least that was the official story.

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