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Report Harassment

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Dear @Hime like u writer 

Some example of harassment include:

Obscene, vulgar or inappropriate language towards you or others

Threatening violence or bodily harm in game or in real life

Extorting by PK for hunting spots, items, or Adena

This player allows himself to l2naia pk several times without allowing others to play farm adena and exp as he says he does it because maybe everything. I am curious if any consequences will be drawn or if the principle of who subsidizes this rule applies.

[link removed because of name shaming]

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Hello all, the specific person causes problems to me as well. I reported him/her for abusing L2 game-play to harass individuals in-game. IIn the report feedback, i was told NcWest staff can't do much but they will investigate the issue.

Truth is that *** and some others may not deviate from the rules of NcWest for Lineage 2. But rules by default are absolute.

On the other hand, online harassment is a delicate, sensitive issue and there are grey lines as to what is or is not harassment. I strongly believe that the specific individual bullies people with lower gear that he simply does not like or for fun.


Therefore, i would kindly ask @Juji @Hime to consider this issue.

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13 hours ago, BumFightSparkle said:

Dear @Hime like u writer 

Some example of harassment include:

Obscene, vulgar or inappropriate language towards you or others

Threatening violence or bodily harm in game or in real life

Extorting by PK for hunting spots, items, or Adena

This player allows himself to l2naia pk several times without allowing others to play farm adena and exp as he says he does it because maybe everything. I am curious if any consequences will be drawn or if the principle of who subsidizes this rule applies.

[link removed because of name shaming]

If you can’t handle it go farm storm isle lower lvl area or do instances . Trying to farm in open world  is risky . 

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  • Moderators

Greetings BumFightSparkle,

We are are sorry if you are being harassed in the game. However, we can not look into these kinds of problems in the forums, only our support team can. So please contact them with all the details. We also, unfortunately, have to remove all the incriminating pictures and videos of other players because they pose a violation against our code of conduct.

I know some of you guys feel frustrated about his procedure, but those are the rules. The moderation team did not make them. You either blur the names or head straight to the ticket sumbmition.

Thank you very much.


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So I understand that if I start pk all the goat players are afk on 95+ locations I can and pk is part of the game will everything be ok?

  • Hunt in a party. There is strength in numbers! This should protect you from the lone person of the warring clan looking for an easy kill, or any PKers that might be lurking around.

Unsolicited player versus player conflicts are considered a part of the game and it is not considered to be a violation of the Rules of Conduct or User Agreement. I hope this information will help you enjoy the PvE gameplay in Lineage II.

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