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Is it really Hot time?


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3 hours ago, Slycutter said:

So I see mob spawns double ok check.

Go to PI 30 minutes in how many drops? 0.  I usually get 10 - 12 scrolls an hour..... Did you guys turn off drops? lol

I see double drops in my PI time earlier today. Drops are on all times.

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So I started to kill mobs and notice i was losing scroll before the mobs died they took from my inventory scroll and ended up with  less scroll - 50, - 70, the less I played the more scroll  I had ,so if you get + 60 is good.

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So went back and beated the answer out of some mobes they said , 2 guys camed one with letter i in the name and second with e and beated the sh. out of them and took all the scrolls and now the mobs keep all the scroll for them. 

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