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Everything posted by mixa

  1. Giran is your better choice of you are looking for English speaking players. In Talking Island are mostly Latinos that rarely speak that. Good luck.
  2. Make proper macros or don't use them, easy.
  3. Yes, that's that I meant. Not sure if anything related to gaining clan points have changed.
  4. Win heroes, CoC hero, Hunter's instance first place, get castle, defend it, get conquerable CH like devastated castle, if no castle get regularly a fortress and so on and on.
  5. It's only in normal physical attack critical. That's normal.
  6. No, the rates are probably going down on some more areas like Sea of Spores.It's quite the norm here since several years now.
  7. Oh, no no no, you're yet to see what the L2Store can do and by that I mean the players that will buy hard and destroy anything that's left to be played for. Exactly this happened on the Live servers.
  8. Haha, yea, but that's completely different story
  9. It's rather normal to get them around the release date or exactly at it. This is the norm in many many games.
  10. Nothing has changed in the pvp/pve mechanics since I've stopped playing. There have always been these ppl that were getting the nobs red and dropping their items, they've tried on me plenty of times, didn't work. I'm absolutely sure if I had my equip now that I can go and farm afk no problem. Unless you can prove here that something has changed, which I'm sure it didn't. So be my guest.
  11. How is this related to the topic? I can go offtopic too and tell you that despite I don't like ColdShadow and probably killed him hundreds of times, he's right in his actions. The moment you step out of town, you're not safe, this is the essence of Lineage 2. Not sure if your live in s safe space irl or what, but even more sinister things may happen to you if you're going with that attitude. Not to mention that nobody cares if you lose xp scroll, cake or whatever, it's your own problem, deal with it. What's the difference now and like 1 month ago?You're being silly.
  12. I'll ask you this question, let's see if you can answer it.... Why I never lost any items and never been a victim of such thing, while I was in macro 24/7 for more than a freaking year in GC (everyone on Naia and ex-Freya knows this fact). So, tell me why I never lost any items?
  13. Well it is your own mistake. Leaving your toon afk while using a macro system you don't understand in a game you are clueless about. Just sell more ncoin and you'll recover the loss.
  14. This is not true, cheaters were always tolerated.Remember the kind reminder that Conguero or w/e posted for the cheaters to stop using crap.They didn't, so 3 and 5 day warnings were issued.That completely nullifies the above line you posted. Also, keep your hands off the loop macros
  15. The bot owners are smarter than the average Joe. Most nobs that bot have no idea what are they doing and get banned much more often than the bot trains.
  16. rofl, someone wants to bot so hard, but afraid too lose account xDDD There are looped macos on live, go play there.
  17. As soon as the ppl who buy adena stop buying, then the bots will be gone
  18. There is an official stance from NCSoft on this and they won't return you there items, because you've used the macros irresponsibly. As I've said several times now, if you don't understand what you're doing, then don't do it, be cause someone will surely take advantage of your foolishness. Lesson learned, move on.
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