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Everything posted by Ishmila

  1. Here is an example https://youtu.be/qFhVEWGcO14
  2. There is a bug with olympiad with porting in, blackscreening and porting back out, losing the match and considered a loss. There is also random disconnecting while in the middle of a fight. The first method you lose 60 pts, and the 2nd way you would lose 30 points. NC soft claims its nothing on their end so can you please post if this has happened to you before to show its a server issue and not individuals.
  3. @Juji @Hime How is it you have time to fix stronghold adena drops but you dont have time to fix ALL summoner pets who cant even farm in the new zone..... this is getting borderline abusive to our summoner class.
  4. I disagree, I cant xp because summoner pets dont scale with the level of the summoner and I cant kill mobs the same level as my character.... Fix summoners instead . Even my OWN pets are light blue to me .... not even white... @Hime @Juji v
  5. still waiting for a response from NCSOFT, This is a glitched system, pets stuck at 110 while players are 119 now...} Make pets the same level and the summoner OR let us Over enchant them , we need a fix for this, I cant XP .....
  6. Any way to create this to prevent clan hoping
  7. When you want to play your main or dual class, the AP points are different but the dual class skills are the same, can we make this the same and separate them ? it makes no sense when you have a mage dual class but melee main, the dual class skills have to be changed EVERY time you change class , this is 2020, why have you not changed this yet?
  8. People are dropping clans to avoid wars etc which is fine but then joining for castle siege every 2 weeks and then dropping again. Is there some kind of way we can introduce a 30 day clan rejoin penalty so they cant just drop in and out of clans like this?
  9. They need to rework the summoner hard, they dont give party buffs anymore, they dont have the DPS they had in the past, they have been ignored since GoD release.... Im just looking ffor small changes but yes they are nerfed hard in all areas of pve, pvp in the game.
  10. We have an update where mobs are 116 120 etc but the summoners pets are locked at lvl 110 and you cant OE them to be higher ( in the past you could +10 etc the pets to increase their levels) . This is puts summoners at a high disadvantage to kill in the new zones because of this disadvantage, how are we supposed to level when we cant even kill mobs ..
  11. let me get this strait.... having 2 computers is ok? but having a VM is not? where is the logic in that lol. Also what if people are not using it to bypass the limit of clients, then its ok ?
  12. @Juji @Hime Keep stronghold the same, we need to have some way to farm adena in game since its nerfed everywhere else. chronos: New update does not match the level of server. we have 3 people 116, most the server is 110 111 112 and cant xp in new zones. so the lvl gap is increasing. PLEASE implement A Leveling WALL AT 117 or something.... otherwise no support will play this game. ( in the top 50 ranked in xp for mains, only 3 classes are support, 2 tanks and 1 iss..... )
  13. So NCsoft is condoning ticket reporting for pvp?
  14. What clan are you in , if you want to pay for a high lvl DD to help you farm mobs that would be a better idea dont you think?
  15. Summoners got ONE boost like 9 years ago with 4 pets, then they nerfed it 3 months later saying it was OP because bot parties would zerg the server with 5 summoner xp parties = 20 pets. The next time a few years later was the retributer, which was not much of a boost since I had to make a new weapon completely to play the class. There needs to be a fix because as of now a summoner cant xp close to any other DD in any zone above 110. Archers, daggers, nukers can all one shot mobs, and summoners take 30 seconds to kill a mob....
  16. L2 since the begining has ALWAYS been about pvp. The stronger the player, the more you could take an xp spot and fight them if you want. Since when did this game cater to the weak and worthless can cry in forums about xp spots .,. Now claiming that the XP spot is yours because you were there first does not mean it is YOURS , Lots of other players respect that pits have been claimed and certain parties go to the same pits every day, and they pvp and fight for those pits.
  17. hey if your doing nothing wrong then nothing to be worried about right? I am saying go after those that are using the exploit of the system.
  18. oh im sorry its a +9 Dragon ring now https://gyazo.com/25b84e8b6c164f7ecb206ac7806bc50b
  19. Last time there was a dragon shirt even over 1 year ago there was a pack that you could buy 1 per account that gave 15 dragons breath. since it was not enough to get the last upgrade stone for a rind leather shit lots of people didnt use them and waited for next event. Here we are over a year later and now you have to open over 500 boxes to get maybe... MAYBE 15 dragons breath.. this is unreasonable to offer something in the past that makes it easy to upgrade and now take it away. PLEASE BRING BACK THE PACK FOR 15 DRAGON's BREATH!!! 1 per account screen shot from September 2019 dragon shirt event https://gyazo.com/fbb4bfb89a6e319630f831b6b1ba3daa
  20. Check Chronos for shilen 10 9 and 8 crystals, also dragon ring +5 and +7 floating around and being sold open market for over 300b @Juji
  21. I think we should have all jumps and my teleports disabled at sieges like the old days. This would prevent players from using exploits or using one party to jump around to every castle within 1 min to gank attackers. This would require better planning and coordination for planned attacks and improve the gaming experience for all players.
  22. The summoners do not scale correctly like everyone else. for some reason we have pets that are stuck at 110 and we cant NOT Over enchant them to make them higher level but yet players are 115. Summoners cant xp in higher zones because of this and in pvp other players whos dmg scales correctly can one shot the pets without issues. Please remove the pvp dmg reduction for pets thats in place as well , as of now pets do reduced dmg to players and its such a nerf that you only do 1k crit to players, and rarely seen anything higher. Not sure how that works when players hitting others for 100k or 500k dmg ....... FIX THE SUMMONERS
  23. Last month I DC 3 times, and lost a total of 100+ points give or take , it was either from porting in, or while i was inside, etc. This is starting to become a point of concern when you cant even teleport in or are afraid to spend all month on something and have one disconnect ruin a whole month for you .
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