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Everything posted by Sl4yer

  1. Mass DC again, Lag spikes. Game unplayable.
  2. All the guidance and feedback and another gambling event gets put in play.
  3. What is sad is they have seen the numbers dwindling. They had a passionate installed base that gave them the feedback to make it better. The user base has told them what the problems are, but they don't listen. The answers to have a thriving game are in front of them, but they won't listen. It is completely bizarre. What is even sadder is that the developers and Product Managers that aren't listening will likely be riffed out of a job because this goes away. By not listening, letting the servers die, they are working themselves out of a job, and it still doesn't matter to them. Knowing that the game is dying because they don't listen to the player base. How do they then expect the player base to spend more money? As a business man it boggles the mind.
  4. In 600 card pouches the best I got was 1 cloth.
  5. Yes, the server is dying and they know this from the logins and money spent on games. This community has been so passionate in expressing their feelings of how to make things better, but the game product managers just don't listen, or they do listen, but the developers then don't listen to them. 1. PK system is broken, many have talked about it for a long time, however it doesn't get addressed. I think the last server war was the final straw and pushed a lot of people out of the game. How can you play to enjoy the game, when players non-stop grief. We don't make enough adena and coins to buy unlimited feathers or BREZ scrolls, so the game is no longer fun. I mean we had L90 toons coming to our low 8- parties telling us they won't allow us to level here. The L90 would PK us, we would setup and 5 minutes later they were back to PK us. They wouldn't let us EXP in peace, so war was started. Now most casual players are gone, no more fun in the game with no punishment PK and extortion. NCsoft says they don't allow extortion, but they don't do anything about it. The PK people no longer talk about it, they just kill repeatedly and won't allow you to Exp. Call it what you want. 2. Yes Adena is out of line. Always has been and always will be until the server takes its final breath. Farmers setup with VM's and get around the 10 client limit. Pretty easy to do, only the casual players get squeezed out. 3. Casual players don't spend that much, so they have a smaller voice. 4. Dwarves. The largest spend on the server is for SS and BSPS. NCSoft has to pay the bills. So they took that adena maker away from the players and made themselves the sole creator of SS and BSPS. Kind of like Venezuela does with successful businesses. Without the SS and BSPS, they just were not making enough money to keep the lights on. 5. Gambling events. Ughhh. As I have stated before, make the events P2W, no problem. But let us buy what we want. As an experiment, I think they should do the next event as a pay for item event. No gambling. Hell that should make it easier on the developers anyway. For example: Cloak L1 - $20 = 1,600 NCoin Cloak L5 - $50 = 4,000 NCoin Cloak L10 - $150 = 12.000 NCoin Cloak L15 - $250 - = 20,000 NCoin Cloak L20 - $500 = 40,000 NCoin See how much money something like that brings in vs. a gambling event. However all of this may be too late. A lot of people have left the servers. I don't know how NCSoft can get them back. The ideas provided don't appear to be listened to, and enjoyment leaves the game. Many other games out there to choose from that provide easier enjoyment. I will probably be losing my VIP 10 status on my accounts. It just isn't worth it to play a game that doesn't listen to installed base on how to improve. NOt as fun always dodging L90 toons that kill anything they want. If NCSoft has some decisions to make, why not ask the installed base? I work for a SW company, we setup customer peer groups to ask them what is working, what isn't, what can we do better, etc. It is how we improve our position in the marketplace and remain a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant. If NCsoft setup a similar panel with Whales, Farmers and Casual players, they would get feedback on how to balance and make the game more enjoyable. Then they would just have to act upon it. Or they could continue down the path of Venezuela and silence the people while they dictate control over everything and blame everyone and everything else for their problems.
  6. Agreed with the points above. If you play this out to the long game, here is what will happen on the current course: 1. The bullies and PK system push people out. There is no place to EXP or make adena, so why play the game that is supposed to be enjoyable? New and old players leave. 2. Fewer people in game means a smaller market to buy, sell and trade goods. Look at Giran now how small it has become again. 3. More people quit, server gets smaller, another server merge. The merge brings new life to the game for 6 months as alliances sort things out, but then fall back into decline. 4. Bullies push the remaining people out and the server dies or gets migrated onto a Live server. 5. Bullies will then come online and complain that NCsoft isn't doing enough to get new players in the game, when in fact, they are the ones that pushed the people out to other games because NCsoft allows the abuse. And all the money they invested to be top player and bully is gone/worthless.
  7. There are countless posts on how broken the game is. For me, the biggest area broken is the PK system. Most of us play this game for enjoyment, to pass time, build online anonymous friendships, and to escape reality. That is the product you offer us and we willingly spend our time and money on. As the game is now, it is no longer enjoyable for a majority of people. The market is dead again, players are leaving, your cash cow money players are posting here in the forums telling you what is wrong. The ideas are met with deafening silence from NCsoft. PK System faults: Toons that are 3 or more levels higher have higher Attack and Defenses, that is natural. What is not natural is that L90 toons come to L80 or L85 toons and wipe them out with an AOE skill. One shot the whole party. There are clans, that have locked down TOI and LOA as an example. They stated that nobody else will be able to level there. If I setup there, my whole party is wiped within 5 minutes. I then burn through feathers and BREZ. Where is the enjoyment in that? I want the game to be fun, not me rezzing and resetting my party. Instead of rewarding bullying, why not punish it? Given the politically correct environment of the world, here are some suggested changes, pick 1: 1. You can only PK toons within 3 levels of your own level, except on the siege field. On the siege field, everyone is fair game. In this way you give people a fighting chance to PVP and defend themselves. -OR- 2. Don't allow PK, only allow PVP. If you attack a toon and they don't fight back or respond, don't allow the bully to kill them. It also shouldn't allow the bully to bring the HP down low enough so a MOB kills them either. So the bully can take down their CP and if no response to fight back, that is all they can do. That way MOBS won't kill the person because the bully isn't affecting the HP of the person they are attacking. -OR- 3. A toon comes and PK, and goes red. Don't allow them to clean it. The only way to clean it, is by revenge death, and revenge doesn't expire until it is revenged. If they die by mob, while red, they drop their gear as you have implemented now, but the red remains. -OR- 4. A toon that is more than 3 levels above attacks a lower level player. The offending high level player that is attacking the lower level toons should have their Defense and Attack stats cut in half. This way the lower player has a chance. I can't play my main anymore with my party because we can't EXP and we can't afford to burn through feathers and BREZ like we have been doing. If something isn't changed soon, I suspect you will be losing a lot more players. You have a passionate installed base giving ideas to improve and grow the game, but it feels like nobody is listening.
  8. Dimdim - so if everything is free and easy to get, how do you propose NCSoft makes money to keep the game alive going? They have to earn revenue to keep the business going, what is your solution for them?
  9. What classic server are you joining? A couple of things to point out. If you were playing on classic before, some changes that have happened. There is no gear penalty. Put the highest gear you have on a toon and go. IF starting new, follow the newbie guide instructions to get to level 20 in about 30 minutes. The market is still in Giran. If you just want to play casually, then do so. If you want to be competitive be prepared to spend money. How much, depends on you. However the top players spend. Most D and C gear is cheap now, most people are in A and S grade. There are active clans so find some. There are also lots of accounts on autohunt. Use it if you want to level faster than just playing live. Good luck.
  10. If you do the 2 starter quests, you get the moon gear, no quest needed. Get to level 20 in less than 30 minutes and get your moon gear.
  11. Run 10 accounts one computer, why stop at 2? 10 is the new limit. Pick your main and create the supports to back the toon up. If you want to be like everyone else, get a pony, pull an OL, BD, SWS, PP behind it, and go.
  12. I do not. But I know it exists.
  13. Yes, there is a level requirement. Which server are you on? What is your toon name?
  14. I stand behind my comments. How many times have you and others been asked for free items from other players trying to level up? How many complaints on here that it is too hard or too expensive to get things? How many people on here say they want things easier or handed to them? Maybe not in those words, but their point is clear. Too many people want instant gratification or things handed to them, and on that we can agree to disagree. There are lots of threads on the questions the OP placed and the answers are the same. Setup a bot party to farm an area 24/7 with no soulshots. Save money and hopefully one day you have enough to buy decent gear. Or buy items of value in the NCsoft events with NCoin and sell those items in Giran for adena. No matter what you do, you have to pay NCSoft to be competitive and for NCSoft to keep the game alive.
  15. You answered the question in your statements and question. Buy NCoin so they make money; use the Ncoin to buy Shots. Buy enough NCoin and get VIP bonuses. Buy enough Ncoin for VIP10, and get all sorts of goodies. Either way, pay so they make money to keep the servers open. There are also events. The Hat event they are running now, a lot of people just made +10 hats for around $100 I like the improved success rate that NCSoft implemented. I hope they keep it for upcoming events. As you play, if you want to be competitive and not just a meat shield, then you will need Talisman's, Agathions, and better gear, which takes more Ncoin, which takes you spending real dollars to buy, which again, keeps the server alive. A free market society sure can be pesky can't it, when people want everything from a socialistic market (ie free and handed to them)?
  16. I have not seen it but I have 3 at +5 and 2 at +4 right now. When I get 4 of them at +5, I will try to make the +6 and then start from there. For shiats and grins, I tried to make a +5 a +6 this morning and it blew.
  17. 1. Who knows why, but buy the best you can always. Low level gear has no value. 2. Yes the Runes 3. NCsoft has regular events. Those events give rewards like Scrolls, Cloths, etc. You must spend real money to buy NCoin to participate. That is how they make money to keep the game alive. You will have to spend real money to make in game money and get items. The stuff you don't want, need or use, sell it for adena. 4. Dyes not tattoos 5. There are elemental hunting areas. They give good exp but no adena and no drops. You collect elemental particles and extract them turn those particles in to Sven in Aden to get magical tablets to unlock your 3rd class skills. You co go to other areas and farm adena and drops, but the exp is horrible. SO what is more important, Leveling or Adena? Most people have a group farming adena and drops to support their elemental hunting partied BSPS addiction. Many people will say this is my room or area stay out, but their name isn't on the door, so choose to leave or fight for it. Good luck!
  18. I don't bot, I use auto-hunt. ToS, you and I are in agreement. We play the game differently. I spend money on Ncoin. $500 this month for buying brooch stuff increased mine and made some others to sell with gemstones to get more adena. I also just bought another $100 to get some evolution stones from the L2coin store. Buying items I can ++++ and then sell for adena is good.
  19. I don't agree Rsv. As Tool of Society says, not everyone has a full party of buffers to power level themselves, so to expect individuals to be able to do that is not realistic. Some people also don't have real money to pay for power leveling. This event has calmed a lot of complaints down and people are playing the game and happy. I also see the Adena sellers have dried up except for one, so gratz to the team on cleaning the bots up. Keep up the good work NCsoft!
  20. The heck with it, I will say what others won't. Why not just make it permanent? A huge majority of the server is happy, you are hearing very few complaints overall. Let's face it you can't please 100% of the people all the time, so this is pretty damn close. It has driven prices down, there is a lot of horse trading going on and a lot of gear being made. I can't speak for others, but I have also spent a fair share of ncoin this month, so I doubt your sales dropped, just more people happy and looking to advance themselves in game. If it all goes back to the old no drops, no bonuses, low adena struggle, I bet the complaints increase.
  21. The events are fun and rewarding! Things are much better overall. I appreciate you taking into account a lot of the expressed concerns. It feels like a game to have fun and if you want to excel more you can pay what you are able. We aren't having to gamble our money away. These have been very positive changes and coming off a month of EXP boost! Again THANK YOU from me!
  22. Are you on Talking Island Server or Giran Server?
  23. I will take my stab at it. If you are leveling a melee character I would have your fighter account and box a WC, BD and SWS. As for pole users, the more mobs it hits the more SS it uses. You have to decide if you can sustain the SS purchase you need.
  24. I received my response from Support. In short, security features they can't change won't allow me to create another account. I have 7 toons in VIP and 2 of those are VIP 7. And now I am being told I can't create another account. They just want to walk away from money now. Unreal how this company operates. What security issue am I tripping? It doesn't make sense.
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