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Everything posted by extase1987

  1. Battle Pass should be items that we can choose in order to progress. Right now, we get lousy scrolls/passes which majority of time don't upgrade our toons. Put in there Dragon Weapons, +12 to +20 weapons, +10 armor pieces, top kaliel/Circlet/Book/Brooch, +10 Elmore/Aden/Ferios, Wings of Splendor or Fragments, God Jewels or Souls, Artifacts+1/+3, Forgotten Books, then it will be worth buying it. Instead of hunting mobs, PVP festival where there is no PK penalty during one month, means if people want to actually get points, they need to PK/PVP people to get those rich items, this everywhere in the 105+ zones, except Blazing Swamp and below. You can't do it? This is why they allow you to do it with 3 logged toons. Kill 10/50/100/200/500/1000/2000/3000/4000/5000/10.000 people in one month, boy this would be a festival if 10.000 kills would grant you a Stage 2 weapon or Stage 2 God jewel. Rule: not allow to kill same person more than 10 times a day and toon must be 107+.
  2. Oriana = big boss wants to see statistics of how many people are still around. So people will log 10-100 boxes to participate in this event to get maximum of coins for free. Seen it happen, and it will continue.
  3. Oriana = big boss wants to see statistics of how many people are still around. So people will log 10-100 boxes to participate in this event to get maximum of coins for free. Seen it happen, and it will continue.
  4. Gather your scrolls at least 5k each of them and let other enchant. I stopped enchanting myself and traded scrolls for straight made items, since 99% of people I know have done the same. One server specially, enchanting is nerfed to the ground. Most items came from other server. I let you guess which server is nerfed and which one works properly.
  5. 115-116 you make an average of 1.5-2% per day at 1000% XP bonus, when killing 80-90b XP/mob in high area and 400b XP/mob in Swamps of Screams twice a day. So one needs approximately 60 days = 2 months to level from 115-116 which is pretty decent without Dethrone. Speaking about someone who runs +30 Limited Weapon and fairy reasonable gear. 120-121, you are happy if you make 0.5% a day! Don't expect to XP in the same zone after next big update, free to play has always to go back 1-2 zones. If you don't do at least 2% per day at your current level for everyone <116, don't expect to hit 120 in the next 2-3 years, when everybody will be 125-130. And Aden dailies + Castilla + IT + Hunting zones are maybe 10% of the game, rest 90% you are doing what? Afk and play Playstation or Xbox. The game is siege, daily sword fights, pvp in open field (bother actually people), Dethrone fights, Ceremony of Chaos, Olympiad, trades/buy/market analysis, free events, farming books, trade gear to alt toons to farm more in order to progress in a reasonable way, unless Visa/Mastercard allows you to skip those. If in 2-3 years, you are unable to stay alive for more than 10-20 seconds in Giran, Rune, Schuttgart or Aden siege, you will never do them and you will hit mobs forever. Last update we got, they wanted people to be 115 for the skill requirements. Collection wants you to have main + dual 120. They implemented skills until 120. This should give pretty much a sneakpeak what happens next, 121-125 is the new goal. Everything below is playing catch up and is difficult without spending a reasonable amount of money, or playing smart the market.
  6. They will push people to Phantasmal Ridge if you don't progress enough. I had the same a year ago on my Eviscerator going from Field of Silence to Forest of Mirrors, until it hit 112-114 and got an update boost, otherwise I would still sit there instead of Sel Mahum now. After each update, either you get hit hard, or you stay strong as top 100-150 people and you notice only a slight difference.
  7. @Hermes Did your team run the SQL query that checks how many people had Greater+5 before the event? What is the outcome of the event so far? How many people have downgraded their Greater Agathions? It would be interesting to see how many people these events actually are beneficial to see that your rates are totally bad.
  8. Blessed Exalted Set covers you at least to 115 depending the rest of your gear. They gave a boss jewel for free couple months ago, which was handle for many people and allowed some to upgrade to God Jewels. I would rather recommend a free pre-made 105-110 set (weapon, Jewels lvl4, armor+10, accessories, +1 artifacts, greater kaliel+5, Greater brooch+5, Greater Circlet+5, Greater Artifact Book+5) that everyone can buy for 100 bucks. That set should be good enough to cover Phantasmal Ridge, Silent Valley, Aligator, Tanor, Field of Silence. After Field of Silence, one need to inject money to go further. Everyone can enjoy the game, just many are afraid of PVP even with low gear you can have fun, if you don't run in box toons from someone 115+.
  9. At the current state of the game. You need at least 2 or 3. That is still 1000€ at least. Then you need to fine tune them to +10. You need Leo, Cancer, Aries and Taurus at least to be +5. Even going only 1 at the time, costs a lot. Realistically, check before event how many people had +5 or higher, and make stats after event. To see if people were able to do it. If more than 80% of the server did it, I call it a good event. If less than 80%, means the odds or pricing is bad. I opened 100 boxes with Adena, made keys to try all my +3's, around 12-15 tries. The same Greater Agathion went from +3 down to +0 and the 12-15 items didn't help me to get back to +3. So I had to sell the useless stuff I got from bad box rewards for 200b approximately , in order to make it stay at +2. I call it a downgrade. 100 boxes, 100% wasted and downgraded an item. Call it normal? I don't. And this is what happens with too many people I have been speaking with. Other than straight up items from event, the enchanting rates via Pay events is really bad, even when boosting slightly the rates. Why? Cost of acquiring the items even through Pay event is just too high. In the end, yes it is overpriced in order to make items go Greater or +5.
  10. Hi @Hermes, I understand that a company has to make some income when the game is F2P. We have been complaining for years that the marketing & prices are too high for the player base. Now you are lovely and bring us a Greater Agathion Event, which is needed for the majority of the player base. Unfortunately, you did not listen again to the player base when it was complaining about your pricing. According to your math: 1 Greater Zodiac Agathion Book of Growth > 45 Keys 1 Dragon Treasure Chest > 5 Keys 1 Dragon Treasure Chest > 80 Ncoin 10 Dragon Treasure Chest > 720 Ncoin 90 Dragon Treasure Chests > 10 Greater Zodiac Agathion Book of Growth 9 x 720 Ncoin = 6480 Ncoin > +-10 Greater Zodiac Agathion Book of Growth For 50 Greater Zodiac Agathion Book of Growth: > +- 32400 NCoin > +- 350 euros Considering that you need nowadays 5 Greater Agathions, this would sum up to 1750 euros in a best case scenario! Best I saw was 50 Greater Zodiac Agathion Book of Growth to make from +0 to +5 in a very lucky streak, heard stories far worse than that without successes. I cannot imagine how much worse it becomes for the players once the fail rate algorithm start hitting people. Is there something you can do about the requirements of Keys for the Greater Zodiac Agathion Book of Growth?
  11. The goal is to milk, get money, inject in their new games. No one wants to play on a game that is 18 years old with an old game engine.
  12. Cow still has milk, we saw it from last pay promo for the Wings 8
  13. Solution is simple. Boycott for 2 weeks until they decrease the prices... We told them to stop putting overpriced events. Who has the biggest wallet event from last week showed how much they can milk.
  14. You got yourself the answer. P.Atk is the difference. Going stage 2/3, the P.Atk will be different again and the gap gets bigger. Overall, unless you go Trickster for the PVP aspect and to get a small advantage, overall the Shooter is a dead end weapon in the game, since nobody goes for one, except for Zariche/Akamanah due to PVP UD & cage. Even a Limited+20 does more damage than those Cursed weapons when you go PVE route. Skill Critical Rate is necessary in other to crit all the time, so the Shooter can be handy due to its Skill CR which is higher with the weapon. I would not recommend going for a DW Shooter unless Trickster get any major difference.
  15. Again an overpriced event. Blood-Stain event > good DW event > good Since then: Night Market Coin > overpriced until we backfired Cloak event > overpriced, you did nothing This upcoming event > overpriced, ignore again? When is it going to stop? When the last 5 whales are on the server or when server costs & paying employees will be more expensive than what the game return in investment of the customers?
  16. Hi @Juji @Arctic We gave you feedback to stop this agressive and overpriced events. Last event, the community yelled, what do you do? Exactly the same again this event. Stop putting nuts prices for 5-10+ year old items. Return to the headquarters and tell the developers do decrease prices by 10. Cloaks +10 - +15 are a major item required for good farming. Putting again a restricting on such item does not go in favor of your community.
  17. Don't increase it. Simply decrease Adena drop rate by 100x everywhere. It should fix the issue. Everything 1T or higher is considered RMT anyway in most cases. It should alert players and incoming scams.
  18. Sel Mahum and higher zones are quite empty. Why? Because the gear requirement after Sel Mahum and further requires some expensive items to stay alive. Fafurion? Empty. Dragon Valley? Empty. Beast Farm? Empty. Sea of Spores? Empty. Revamp hurt much. Ketra/Varka? Don't go there unless you oneshot mobs. Better go to Wall of Argos or Sel Mahum instead. Kill rate is better. Unless you are a DK/Dagger/Tyrr or Yul with amazing gear. Wall of Argos? filled with toons and their boxes. Valley of Saints? Quite empty. Hot Springs? Quite empty. Wasteland? Quite empty. Cemetery? 1/3 of zone maybe is filled. So basically everything 114+ or higher is empty, because it required a solid 10.000-20.000€ gear to hunt there. Why is everything so expensive in Naia? Because some players need to feed their families so junk up prices for no reason in order to block new comers who have to spend 20k or more to even enter the game. The fact items are worth 1T or more is literally only there to get RMT anyway... End game player are so bored that they can allow themselves to make new toons and powerlevel them with current event and make even more Adena so they can put even higher prices for newcomers. Why should I invite a random into my party, when I can do dailies or hunting zones by myself? At some point, it makes no difference on the long run unless a random player can pump 20k into the game to get a decent gear and become relevant. In order to put down market prices, NC needs to cut the cost of event by 10 and increase outcome of box items by 10 in order for newcomers to actually play decent. With the Night Market Coin event, when the whole community was screaming because of the prices, they reacted quickly. Since I stopped buying the loot boxes and just buy items from market with Adena, I am progressing way more. Opened a lot of boxes in the past, never seen a God Jewel, regular jewel to crash in order to make God Jewels. Cloaks, with their enchanting rate, no thanks. Overall, Naia box openings are worse than Chronos, due to the amount of players which are opening boxes. Better open boxes on Chronos than Naia. Did a test once. Both server, return of items was better in Chronos, same for enchanting.
  19. I was running yesterday 3m P.DEF no kidding during 2 hours. Seeing 20-30 people hitting me, stun, Shilen, etc. PS.: I am only 119 and a Tyrr on Naia No God Jewels. About Shirt, my box made 15% & 3%, with 3 Augments. All about luck. But indeed, in order to get decent gear, prices must decrease by 5-10x what they ask. Juji said:100€ for Ruby 5... "Dude, put it at 25-50€", why align prices on ingame market price....
  20. Let them drop prices. Because the community is against this pricing system.
  21. Tell your buddies on Chronos to stop spending money like nuts. I wanted to make that 11% Damage Artifact some day. Guess it "only" costs me +3750€ to make. Literally NC is giving a damn about its player base. 750€/each Artifact for 300 Fragments, who the fack falls for such a scam.... Not me for sure. I am skipping 100% this pay event. At some point, we have to backfire this situation. This is why Juji came more often lately to Discord Community, so he can show his finger towards its community. Who on earth choose such a pricing event.... Example: Current store price for Blessed Armor scrolls = 40ncoin each Night Coin event price for Blessed Armor scrolls = 72ncoin each. Who is the marketing manager? He should get fired for not even making stuff cheaper on a basic Blessed Exalted set....
  22. @Juji @Arctic Just saw prices of the Night-Market event. Are you guys out of your mind? Everything is 2x - 10x more expensive than the current ingame market price. Night Market Coin (x200) = 720 NCoin = 10 euros. 1x Artifact Fragment = 55 Night Market Coin With 10 euros, you basically can buy 3x Artifact Fragments. There are Artifacts, which require 300 Artifact Fragments. Going the cheap route, one needs 55 x 300 Artifact Fragments = 16.500 Night Market Coin = 59.400 Ncoin = 600 euros for 1x 100% Artifact. Now we need 5 of those to make at least the 11% Damage Artifact, which requires 3.000 euros. This is also the type of example, which shows how nuts your marketing is going in order to let people get items. I would not mind spending 1/3 or 1/2 of that price, but 3.000 euros. Boy this is a full salary in good European countries.
  23. @Arctic, I made a post couple weeks ago: https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/24262-quality-of-life-ingame-decreased/ If even a 119/120 player is tired of the constant mess that you guys do, don't expect new players to play this game and inject money. We told @Juji(Mr.Liebermann) million times to stop doing what he is doing. Listening to the wrong players. Make a new character 105, and play Exalted or Blessed Exalted for 6 months and come back and tell us how was your experience with that account. You'll see that the updates are worse and worse, items required are more and more. You do not play the game as a new player, you macro afk only because you can't kill anyone. L2 is the only game I know that a new player won't see end gear content for at least 2-3 years, because it requires 100.000-200.000€ to make a decent progress there, who wants to stay? No other game has such a pay wall. For what at the end? See your account afk hunt or 1 hit players are recently joined the game? Ain't fun for anyone. But keep doing what you do, push players away, we got used to it. Meanwhile, don't expect people to pay any longer. Because RMT is doing just fine as long we have rich kids around here who keep the server up with overpriced items.
  24. I recommend you to backup your data and reinstall Windows 10. I have gotten myself Windows 11 couple months back and I have been gone through a lot of disconnects, closing windows randomly, freezes. The game is not supporting Windows 11 yet. Since 3 days I went back to Windows 10 and it seems to work flawless.
  25. We all know who are those people. The fact @Juji is not doing anything tells you that he supports it for many year. It highlights the downside of being low lvl pretty much. Unless you spend 24/7, nobody will achieve a decent gear in less than 1-2 years. Who is willing to wait for a game so long if it does not allow you to play the actual content which is supposed to be PVP, and instead leave the PC afk doing nothing. Today Field of Crisis was full, I simply KS some random person, he tried to kill my Feoh 109 and failed and left. That was a 5 second "PVP" on that toon for weeks now. Should give you an indication where the PVP is left. It is not a bad thing they did there, but they did not take into account the required gear difference to do it effectively so newcomers can actually catch up a bit. Juji likes to pull new updates every time and waits months before throwing a bone in the L2Store for the people to buy. Just put Dragon weapons, +20 Limited weapons, +10 Limited armors, specific artifacts always in the L2Store and see how things turn around and people finally can get specific items at any moment. This would ease a lot the game.
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