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Posts posted by iHyperlite

  1. 1 hour ago, ProDigY said:

    I'm not concerned about how fast others gain their levels. I play games for my personal enjoyment: this includes strategy & gaming skill. Using macros while AFK is lazy & unskillful. 

    You're dealing with an old-schooler here. We used to play for 6 to 12 hours straight (with our fingers) during the weekend. 6 hours during epic dragon raids & 12 hours because of the old birthday buff. So for a person like yourself to say to me that "after 2-3h will be tired" is laughable to someone like myself.

    To conduct your own behavior by following "99.99%" of others because they decide to jump off a cliff says everything about yourself. When I'm done, I courteously leave a hunting area so that my other fellow gamers can have a turn. I guess empathy & decency is a rarity now-a-days.

    I remember pulling 24 hours straight on a birthday buff in green spot in hell bound.  How times have changed....

    • Like 3
  2. 45 minutes ago, Hime said:

    Hello Adventurers,

    Game servers will be down for additional AWS optimization on Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 9 a.m. PDT  / 6 p.m. GMT+1 and will be unavailable for approximately 3 hours.

    With this maintenance:

    • AWS server optimization

    Other Notes

    • Compensation will be determined and shared later.


    Thank you!

    way better time choice, thank you

  3. Just now, AndyT said:

    Chronos DOWN or out yet again and this time 2 hours And all these people that just got the 2 hour Oly Rune SUCKS for you!! So sad GM's!! GM BUFFS!! for all and I'll give a Heart! ❤️ HAHA  These NC GM's do a very bad job if or when they try to fix things only make the game worse!!! GF

    send a ticket for the rune to restore

  4. 1 minute ago, orcpower said:

    @Hime @Juji You should negitiate with the dev team for vitality maintain for a week + reset all instances



    imo, just sell the vit maint rune for 20k ncoin and be done with it, make it last 30 days, and make it available at every xp event :)


    also the combo pack of maint pot and erupting havent been around for the last 2 xp events.  these were always a good buy.




    edit: im not advocating for 20k ncoin cost on the rune, but anything lower and it wont make sense for them financially.  especially when u consider 20k ncoin barely gets 1 week of perma vit.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Traingirl said:

    Maybe when/if Lineage 2 remastered comes out.
    But if they decide to remove l2store, they 'll also have to remove most of the roflstomping items many people have stashed over the gears or just make them far more accessible.
    Never gonna happen though imo, the game is too far gone into p2w that you can't really turn it 180 degrees without pissing off either the haves or the havenots.

    In a pay 2 play setup, those p2w items would be obtainable in game via other methods. Or at least that's the thought process behind it. 


    I'm not opposed to a p2w store at all, but yea. I prefer the monthly subscription setup and less p2w stuff. 

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Gizzer said:

    you know that you do not need a bot to detect greedy boxes, right? I guess people cant really put 2+2 together....

    Its like back in the day, any1 that was loosing pvp was accusing the other side of using programs...


    Nostromo was straight up hackz back in the day man. 

    Hawkeye cp pot spam for days... 

  7. 14 minutes ago, Toooldforthis said:

    Your gear is just for begginers... +14 bloody weapon is for begginers?M skill power 11% for begginers too?Valakas truth seeker cloak pve +10 and alot more for begginers too and alot more.I  dont have saphire 5 yet i think only yuls can make that adena.

    I'm a dagger m8


    Any class can, u need more crit dmg. 


    Edit: also, sapphire is pretty big on how it modifies dmg

  8. 1 hour ago, KissMyKnife said:

    I feel no1 link a picture to prove it :D but lets try :D

    So i'm on rare status :D
    Main Crafter 103 Dual SOS 104 :D, and yes i have mentor :D
    You probable can guess  the questio
    n, if i lvl up my SOS Dual to 105, do i lose my mentor? :)
    If not then prove it with a picture :D

    if u are 104- and have a dual, u can lvl the dual past 105 and awaken it without ruining mentor status on main

  9. 34 minutes ago, Ambicija said:

    cheaper to buy "IF" someone stop play - and want to sell - and you at this moment have adena. I was making cloak +15 - for me scrolls the same price - and its not important mage im or archer. But for example mage weapon more expensive to make - enchant chance 2x more bad. Or,  for example i must to buy 21+ bow and WAIT 6-12 when will be "libra".. Wait 6+ month... Its idiotic sistem :)

    Exeption just ruby, cat - but its becouse mages just 6 and 3 healer clases, and 30+ dd, tank, iss...

    But all other thigs its absolutely the same: dw fragmets, bloody/zare fragments, jev upgrade stones ,artifakt fragment and etc -  more then 95% items the same price.

    And more correct - for mages more expensive: mages making items for the same price, but if want to change class - they must to sell for less price...  They farm less, and if stop play - getting less...


    we will agree to disagree. 

  10. 13 hours ago, C4RAJO said:

    The problem is in the melodies, which start too tight, causing the buff to be lost for a few seconds.

    Although it is not much, it causes the tank to be naked for seconds and dies from a blow on occasions.

    Casting these three is faster for my toons.


    thats lag, hopefully thats fixed tomorrow after maint and new server hardware

  11. 33 minutes ago, Ambicija said:

    What is cheaper? :) Abudance 4? Maybe weapon? :) Set? Maybe cloak? Artifakts? Or other things?  All this items - parts, cristals, enchants and etc - the same price for everybody. I'ts not questionable. But fact archer making 2-3 times more adena then other classes. So - its just question of time when will be big nerf. Game cant go like this.

    sapphire vs ruby / red cat vs blue cat / aden cloak vs elmore cloak to name a few


    on naia, all mage items are substantially cheaper than archer items.

  12. Just now, meatbun said:

    Oh interesting of them to move to us-east-1 AWS. If properly configured I could see this being an improvement for east coast players at the very least.. possibly EU playerbase as well.

    south america should benefit as well.

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