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Posts posted by iHyperlite

  1. 1 hour ago, Gizzer said:

    cmon man destiny is only to be used with an XP event, jewels are a luxury, you can build a toon to get to 110 just by using maybe a tauti (or in some cases a creation ring) and an orfen soul with pdef. 

    this is just plain incorrect for the majority of ppl 113+

  2. 2 minutes ago, Frasato said:

    I’m 60+ and my main toon it is 114 (close to 115) and it is not an easy Archer... I made many actions active cos is faster than game macro (unfortunatelly slower than mouse or any other "external program" macro) maybe it is you that dont have a clue about how to play... Don’t relate age to being stupid... Idk your age … but let me tell you that your comments (not necesarily you) looks very stupid to me....  

    ❤️ frasato

    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, SafeStash said:

    It is so cute that you all talk about compensation for that long downtime and not asking for the compensation wee had been promised 1 year ago when the melee and general lag started.

    We never got anything back for a full year of hectic gameplay...

    we have an almsot lag free server now for us melee toons 😛

    • Haha 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, IAioI said:
    I went back to play because I lost my job thanks to covid, with only xp rune so with only 200% xp, and lvl 102 is difficult upa. I hope that with lost time of serve off you keep gaining xp for longer, for me try to put my character 105 and sub 105 so I can try to play normal, it’s not tough anymore to be able to play well


    unfortunately, L2 is not a good choice for someone with no income source. 

    • Like 3
  5. 22 hours ago, Konflict said:

    When/If the NCsoft Subscription Service kicks in, do you think you could out a 30 day free trial to all active players? 

    they removed the sub fee long ago when it went to free to play.  as @Degussaid, your sub is prestige.  i would also argue, like him, that the destiny pack is also looked at as a monthly sub cost for most players.  the epic accessory pack could also be looked at as a recurring monthly sub cost for lower geared players.

  6. 2 minutes ago, extase1987 said:

    I am the one who killed you often in WoA and who exp near you in SoS ;)

    The Eviscerator has permanent the buff even when moving around the circle killing 1 by 1 since it mostly 1 hits everything.

    Vitality only improves Adena when wearing the right Juju.

    Haha hi :D


    Yea, everything is a 1 shot too. I'll mess with it again tomorrow to see what's going on. 

    • Like 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, extase1987 said:

    I usually do approx 5.4b in dual spot as a Yul.

    Now with the Buff, I am able to hit 6.6b like before they nerfed IOS 112+.

    Seems to work for me.

    Same experience with an Eviscerator 110 who stays all the time with the buff up.

    You are chronos though right? 


    You mention the evisc has perma adena buff? My dagger has solid 30-40s segments with no buff proc'ing. I even manually do 2 spots to force more mobs, same thing... 


    Edit: I'm perma vit too

  8. 27 minutes ago, MyShop said:

    defies logic as to why they would choose the XP event to do it.. but hey most of what they do does

    the xp event wont be extended bc red libra is coming next (in think) and red libra usually has a set start/end date based on the anniversary event.

    this xp event was tossed on to boost income on a few lack luster event promos that fell flat. and to give us a small boost before libra.

  9. 3 hours ago, Hallucin8 said:

    Greetings  all. This is my first time writing here so I will make this as clear as possible in order to be understood.  I am oldschool l2 player and i have returned a couple of months to offi driven by nostalgia. I see that everything is different yet the same.

    As the title suggests Ive managed to level up a Othell FS till 105. I am fully aware that this isnt the best class and Im not willing to change it.  For box ISS I have Hiero for POM. 

    1. The main question is now what? I will like to hear the opinion of high level spoilers if there is a light in the tunnel. Somewhere I read that before 105 there is nothing to spoil, just low chance to get augumenting stone crystal. I am fully aware that I wont make bilions per minute just by grinding somewhere but is there some way to make profit by spoiling 105+, 110+? I would be happy to know some spots. Atm im grinding  in Sillent Valley but... lets say that it isnt what Ive expected.

    2. For dyes I have 3x Luc +5, Cha + 4. Should I change them?

    3. My set is just generic blessed r99 + 6. Will it be good enough for the upcoming 106, 107 and 108 levels or needs and upgrade?

    4. The same question goes to my wepp (Kelbim dual). Is it barely good enough?

    5. RB Jewels and Talismans suggestions?

    Thank you in advance and sorry if there are any grammar errors!

    All the best!. :))

    hi, i am a 116 ghost hunter but will give you some input on spoiler.


    you are on the right track with a boxed pom iss.  spoiler is a very good othel for PvE, arguably one of the strongest when you consider the front facing aspect paired with high end adena farm zones like toi.  they also get self pom.


    onto your questions:

    1: the items you spoil are an afterthought really.  it shouldnt be an income source you are going to rely on bc timed instance zones for adena farming will make way more.  it is a nice addition for the toon, but its not over powered or anything.  for spots to grind, stay where u 1-2 shot mobs, even if those mobs are green.  using 3-4-5 stabs for a single target is slow xp.  all daggers live in the 1 shot world, or should if they want to xp at a decent rate.


    2: for dyes you need +15 str.  you can pair +15 luc with that if you want.  the higher end dyes dont feature luc, and i dont think its a critical state for fortune seekers anymore as it used to be.  dex is a pvp stat not needed for pve.


    3. for armor set, a +8 bloody r99 would be all you need for a long time.  a dagger shouldnt sit and tank, they sit and evade.  a spoiler has more aoe aspects with its forward confusion debuff, so i may be slightly underestimating this.  +8 is for 10% reuse passive, and thats the main focus.


    4: kelbim dual is fine for now, but you should look into a bloody r99/r110 wep if the budget allows.  You can add better boosts such as death/fire sa's along with a tyrr or shilen for maxing your crit dmg.


    5: raid jewels: everything in the 30 day epic accessory pack, plus a +12 atlas earring.  the trasken and tauti rings are decent because the cirt dmg applies to your stabs.  talismans would be linging/insanity/heaven, y2/epic, abundance, sayha, venrir, lasts lot would be an additional crit dmg mammon one or anything else that gives dmg (christmas talisman, giant tracker.  Agathions: main slot = anakim, sub slots = aries/scorpio/leo/cancer or an xp one for pve



    daggers are very expensive to make good.  you will end up needing all of the top dmg items (patk, patk crit dmg, p skill crit dmg, skill power) to make the toon really shine.  i hope you enjoy the class.

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  10. 6 hours ago, bikoula said:

    Today I dc 5-6 times ,

    don't know what wrong 

    they jsut migrated the servers to a new location, new, host, new everything.  give them a few days lol.


    so far, the game is a night and day difference when we are logged in compared to what it was last week.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Traingirl said:

    I get that and I wish we had more high lvl zones similar to beleth or Instance zones like Coal or Storm. Ngl, in Storm I feel like a boss. I haven't seen anyone else do what I am able to do with my 3 man group in Storm around my level and gear range. I did 108 9%- 109 on both tyrr and feoh during the first week of the event despite the lag. I doubt I would be able to do that with any other tyrr/class.

    Also, my sub on dread is titan and I had to rely on my iss sub(dread with exalted spear) to carry me to 107 in a 6h coal session.

    End game titans are broken and unkillable. They can run around with perma 1million patk, 100k+pdef, and cap hp on a reuse build. Just insane. 


    I wanted to like the new dread very badly, I'm just stuck wanting the old Warlord which the current class doesn't do it justice (like so many other classes: bd, sws, spoiler, maestro to name a few) 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Traingirl said:

    Btw while we are at it, @iHyperlite

    Do you know what Provoke actually does? Is it extra dmg or what exactly is the debuff supposed to do?

    Reduces the resistance a target has to polearms. Basically, makes a polearm/spear do more dmg. 


    I don't disagree a dread is good, but in the current state of the game where most xp exists on a single monster spot, the other tyrs have most boosts to their damage, netting in a faster kill speed.  The increased target count for dread isn't really realized outside of a siege. 


    If we still ran trains of multiple rooms to pull them all together and aoe them down like old times, a dread would be top pve tyr. Sadly, that play style doesn't exist any more and is the main reason I don't play a dread anymore. 

  13. 12 minutes ago, Traingirl said:

    I am not really impressed with Evi as much as most ppl are. I think tyrr is a lot better overall, especially Dwarf tyrr and Dreadnought.

    If I was gonna main a single target toon I'd pick dagger over anything else hands down. 

    Evisc is so popular because it's the cheapest toon to make good and profitable.


    A dagger is extremely expensive to make very good.


    If I played a tyr, it would be maestro or titan. Dreadnought is very underwhelming on skills vs the other tyrs which sucks bc my nostalgia pulls me to that class. Duelist doesn't interest me.

  14. 27 minutes ago, Ambicija said:

    Hardcore was run from TI to Giran with legs - becouse not have adena for tp :) And after come back :/

    I swam from talking island bc I couldnt afford a boat ticket to goudin. Also did 1st and 2nd class change by hand, when it took multiple days and tons of running. Oh, and no combo guides really existed to merge all 3 quests into 1.

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    • Haha 1
  15. @Juji @Hime


    I've had 2 days of this buff now showing 30s of time and something seems off. Adena income per hour has only increased by 10%. I would think a 100% increase in buff time would net more than a 10% increase in adena per hour.


    It "seems" like the Adena boost buff is not proc'ing as often now, but it's hard to verify this as I can go back to an older game build. I just know what my normal income was, 900kk/hour, and now with new buff it's barely over 1b/hour.


    Maybe this is the nature of me being single target, but I keep a spot clean of mobs in IoS2. Other people I've talked to are experiencing the same issue, less than expected adena income. I'm on Naia.


    Any chance you can look into this? 


    All toons in party have prestige etc. I've even tested total solo, same results.



    Anyone else wanna share their experiences from either server?

  16. 7 minutes ago, ffs said:

    dude... if i played like when i was a student 15 years ago, i would die. not willing nor interested to do that again. But also not interested to play a casino with elves and orcs. Ideally i'd rather actually play a game to get stuff. something that gets diminished by every update :(  


    In no way can I do what I used to do when I was younger and in school. No kids, no job, no bills, man that was the life 😂 

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