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Posts posted by iHyperlite

  1. On 4/11/2021 at 10:04 PM, NightReaper18 said:

    How do i get duals swords?


    buy them or craft them or get as a drop from a raid


    you do not make dual swords from 2x single hand swords anymore.

  2. 5 hours ago, LordDragnil said:

    1-2 year old items and you make discounts 25% only? Keep it up... 😏

    I simply won't go to buy. Good luck, marketers.

    and they remove features, like the trade in for +1/+3 boxes.  sweet event.  literally directed towards ppl who have +6 through +8 artifacts and screwing them with a higher price to make +++

  3. 1 hour ago, Slycutter said:

    Oh completely agree but also I believe that also just don't care.  I mean if you removed equipped items from Item count that reduces it 30 or so items right there lol  Think about it Weapon 5 pieces of armor Siegel / shield (7 right there) 5 pieces of jewels 2 head pieces cloak belt shirt (10 more) brooch (min of 4 jewels) (5 more), talisman bracelet up to 6 more slots (7)  agnation bracelet (2- 6 more here) and artifact book (not artifacts counts)      So what is that  28 - 38 items that should come off your count since they are equppied that alone will solve 99% of people's problems.

    Lets not let them say they cant do it they already do it with the artifacts tab.

    i 100% agree with the dont care part.


    i also agree that equipped items shouldnt count towards inventory, but i doubt the game is intelligent enough to handle unequipping an item when you are max inventory limit 😛  the server would just explode, aws included.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Slycutter said:

    Ok for 100th time Juji attempted to get this fix multiple times and last word from S. Korea was IT WAS WORKING AS INTENDED AND HAVE NO PLANS ON CHANGING THIS IS ANY FUTURE UPDATE.     This was their exact words in December of 2020 so stop asking.

    i dont think they understand the issue though.  the issue is we have 3-4 types of the same pots and paid runes count towards inventory limit.


    during an xp event like this, it is practically impossible for me to change class

  5. @Juji @Hime

    is the following going to be enabled?


    Artifact Box Exchange

    +1 Fighting Spirit Artifact Box

    (4) Fighting Spirit Artifact Box

    +3 Fighting Spirit Artifact Box

    (13) Fighting Spirit Artifact Box

    +1 Protection Artifact Box

    (4) Protection Artifact Box

    +3 Protection Artifact Box

    (13) Protection Artifact Box

    +1 Support Artifact Box

    (4) Support Artifact Box

    +3 Support Artifact Box

    (13) Support Artifact Box

    +1 Balance Artifact Box

    (4) Balance Artifact Box

    +1 Balance Artifact Box

    (13) Balance Artifact Box


    source: https://www.lineage2.com/news/artifacts-of-power-2020

    • Thanks 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, BlackGoddess said:

    compensation we take when the server will close...they even bored to use the correct page from artifact event..probably they took the old page because if you see correct you cant find the new artifacts inside there..like resist bow or balance p.def..continue to do your crap works...and about compensation in the past i mean before 4-5 years when you was making this mistakes with the server you was putting on l2galleria free cakes or erupting or maintaining potions because then you was respecting your customers..now you care only to take and you dont care if ppl lose cakes or destiny pack that they bought because of your freeky lags and dc..


    the trade in option for +3 boxes also isnt listed as being re-enabled.

  7. 40 minutes ago, 231964596 said:

    no is not unless you plan spend 10k $ in nckoin shop or 8k for Adena sellers(and its not for top end items), but if you enjoying died in one shot for 2milons dmg or do dailies in 2.5h when other do in 30minutes yes you can play and enjoy.  check YT for "Why I quit playing Lineage 2 Official Servers"

    dude, if u are the poster of that video, im sorry, but u are a fool and u wasted a ton of money.

  8. 5 hours ago, Slycutter said:

    I leveled up an entire support system to push my main when I can't get certain classes.  I have 109 Iss, 108 healer, added a newly minted 105 tank, 107 dagger, and 109 evi just to keep leveling my main.

    I gladly swap out any more support toons for a live player and got burnt on helping many support people level leaving me soon as they get to that 108/109 mark to a clan that does end game content but lacks live support.  So yes people kill their own classes, if you do play support don't leave the people that helped you level up behind or it just makes worse for next person.  If that is your mentality just play a DD with slave toons to level yourself up.


    why no healer?

  9. 2 minutes ago, Traingirl said:

    This is ridiculous. bad info.
    It is true that if you decide to make a support class as main you need either a group of friends or your own DPS carry.
    However, hear not those naysayers, with just prestige I gotten my own iss Hierophant to 108lvl & 60% in less than 3 months with a DpS combo armed with mostly basic gear.
    The Dps is now 109 and 45% after 3 months of play time as well using prestige and a destiny pack for the event.

    i know a handful of iss mains that straight solo ios2 for decent adena.  iss isnt bad, but no one builds the char the way it should be to be good anymore.


    edit: healer can mage spec too and be a decent aoe pve mage with good gear. 


    healer/iss isnt dead per se, just more challenging and expensive to make it a good solo char.

  10. L2 can be fun with spending or without spending.  you just need to understand what is required financially to get the experience you are wanting to get.  After that, its up to you on if that is a good purchase or not and if L2 works for what you want.  The game is quite different from C3/C4 days but is still a fun game with quite a few people.


    I would say 100 usd/month is a safe bet on investment to have a somewhat functioning character.  Now, if u want a top 25 char, that number needs to be higher.  If you are happy with a lower end char, that number could be lower.  It truly lies in what you want from the game.

  11. 10 hours ago, C4RAJO said:

    Thank you very much for the information.

    This is the awesomeness that makes L2 unique. Politics play a major role in sieges regardless of participant signing. 


    Now, the balance of this, is the attacker and/or defender can still openly kill the non signed clan on siege field without penalty, the non signed clan can't res on siege field, and they can't take control of a castle. They will also receive all dmg from both attackers and defenders (except from their own party members) . There are negative aspects to not signing to try and balance this. 

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, illuminaJP said:

    Is it possible to increase the size of the UI in this game? It's too small for my 32" 4k display.😭

    I also play in 4k. I have not found a solution for this. Sucks but that's what we get with an old game. We've never had ui mods like wow or other mmos. 



    Edit: they want to make it smaller because the UI is massive on the smaller resolutions that the older pc's use. 

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