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Posts posted by iHyperlite

  1. 44 minutes ago, Degus said:

    was sorta a joke, although, if it did roll back, I would of been twice as high for what I wasted

    this is the single biggest frustration i have atm.  if the current server was here 3 weeks ago, i would be 118 for my money, not 117 and 20%.  i mean were talking an entire week worth of perma vitality cost in ncoin...

  2. 8 minutes ago, Degus said:

    Roll back the server 3 weeks so every1 gets everything back what they lost, it's only fair 

    if we have a redo on the entire xp event, and i get all my ncoin back, yea id take that.  i would be 118 if servers were what they are now for same amount spent.

  3. this is my wish as a melee toon who paid for vit maintain pots 24/7 the entire xp event:


    please extend xp for 1 week + 7 day vit maint rune + 100% party bonus + something special for melee toons, like a bonus xp rune or something


    ok, ill go back to game now.



    edit: and a flash sale on deton purples or eruptings. kk thx bb

  4. @Juji @Hime

    When did Heavenly Enchant Weapon R Grades become account bound and non tradeable?  It has to be very recently because there are some on the AH that have the same tool tip stating they are not tradeable.


    Why was this change done without notice?  Was this done inadvertently?  Why has hero coin been completely forgotten?


    Please advise.  Thank you.

  5. 16 hours ago, IvanDragunov said:

    hello friends!

    do you think that the +50% front damage that the adventurer has as passive skill is better for auto hunting than the ghost hunter's +10% critical damage boost?

    if mobs are just 1-2 shot then i think that the ghost hunter is the only way..

    I think an othell spoiler does from facing dmg better with self pom and plunder.

    All othells will 1 shot pve mobs solo with the correct gear. In afk macro, even a ghost hunter will 1 shot from the front with Heartbreaker, chain blow and shadow reverse will 1 shot from the back (stabbing the front). 

    I'm surprised you aren't considering wind rider. It's 2 special stabs always get the flank bonus and reset their cool downs. It dishes out dmg fast.


    My biggest gripe on adventurer is the front facing bonus. You will still use shadow chase to move, and still utilize the back. In practice, the adventurer is the worst dagger imo. You don't need mp, and the front facing bonus is weak compared to the flank bonus of a wr, rear bonus of a gh and/or self pom and forward bonus of spoiler. 

    • Like 1
  6. You are forgetting tanga

    Top tanga is more dmg output than top ari on an othell. Top nymph on paper should be more dmg than tanga, but I don't have it to test.

    If you 1 shot everything, ari is better because more reuse = more xp/adena if you perma 1 shot.

    Kind of depends on where you hunt. I have top tanga/ari/Juju and use all 3 in different situations. If I had nymph, I would consider it over tanga depending on how it tested. 


  7. 5 minutes ago, Hime said:

    There will be an unscheduled NPC server maintenance at 11:30 a.m. PDT (8 p.m. CEST) to continue to address the latency issues. The NPC servers will be unavailable for approximately 20 minutes. Game servers will continue to be available.

    With this maintenance:

    • Monster spawn times will be increased by 2x for the following hunting zones:
      • Altar of Evil
      • Blazing Swamp
      • Bloody Swampland

    So will areas that aren't those 3 be affected during this time? 

  8. 1 hour ago, Hellbender said:

    Doing my first exhalted quest, solo because although I have joined party's there is no communication regarding getting together for hunting, anyway already up to 101 with 102 not far off.

    I estimate that , with no servers going down, I will kill 40,000 monsters in about 3 weeks. Does any mob drop anything???..the ones I am fighting now drop nothing.

    No, the main point of blazing swamp is to farm to 105 and get the quest items. 

    Drops after 105 areas aren't super amazing unfortunately.  It's more of an adena farm game. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Adding said:

    So i want to know a real answer about compensation, i bought prestige pack + destiny pack, + alot of cake with ncoins, sometimes i use a cake, and lag get into the way, server dc, etc, i havent been able of using everything i bought.

    Maybe the compensation can be as simple as extend for 15 days the xp boost settings, and maybe put the 100% party bonus again.

    dude, you dont even wanna know how much some people have spent on items that went to nothing for this event.  submit a petition and they will most likely restore whatever was lost.  you just need to be polite and reference the server downtime.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Degus said:

    I'd say to his face, or any ones, exactly what I type.   Maybe that wasn't directed at me, but let me ask, what are you grateful for from this paid service?  18 hours of silence?  Lies about Korea controlling everything?  Lag, disconnect, I'm actually ok with the unscheduled restarts as they thought they had something, scam "events"  Lies about keepin an eye on greedy chests?   Do you know him personally, to say he's doing the best he can,  because from what I see, and what I pay for, he's doing little to nothing.  If he came here with ANYTHING 12 hours ago, half these posts wouldn't exist.   Anywhere else I ask to speak to the manager, here, they won't let you!! 

    My mom lives 10 minute walk from wave statue in Newport, RI, most people here would kill to live in her basement

    it wasnt directed at anyone specifically, just making a comment 😛

  11. 14 minutes ago, Hydrogen said:

    That might be my worst post ever, but i am not throwing rocks to an already bleeding man.

    You believe that any trashing to Juji will fix server faster? You believe that he doesn't want or trying to fix server on purpose? 

    Apparently he does his best, but if you want to curse someone, put your arrows to NC Korea, they are responsible for any delay on this situation. 

    ppl are ungrateful bitches when they can hide behind a screen and type.  juji does the best he can with what he has.  most of these angry posts are ppl living in their mom's basement.

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  12. 9 hours ago, iAndouille said:

    @Hime @Juji

    Please give me a logic reason and helpful reason for removing the Exchange at NPC for +1 and +3 Artifact boxes 

    Now i have to make my own +3 artifact clicking like a re tard to enchant my artifacts when there was an option to just trade them in a click

    Except for wasting our time, what was the purpose of that??

    i will tell you why:

    last artifact event in summer 2020, many people made +6-+8 artifacts before being tapped out of cash, specifically fighters/protections

    now the new event came, ncsoft knows we all have more than +0 artifacts and we are upgrading already +'d ones, so they remove that option to make us gamble (and spend) more

    its kind of insult to injury when its on top of the lagged server that we are all paying for perma vit on but yet have all xp running at a 70% rate.

  13. On 4/15/2021 at 9:48 PM, C4RAJO said:

    Yes, the siege a castle and fortress have been almost prohibitive.

    Good old quests have been erased, factions erased.

    Today I enter the game knowing that I will only activate a macro, and I will continue with another game in the VM. Sad. Yes sad.

    im miss factions.  thatn was an awesome feature that pushed you to xp in different zones, not just the best xp or adena zone


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  14. On 4/14/2021 at 11:20 AM, Slycutter said:

    Yea my clan does a fort just for easy rep points and some extra items like fort talismans etc but its kind pointless since they dont give clan buffs like they use why they removed that feature is beyond me too.

    my guess is bc of the self buffs we all have.  but i agree, dumb to remove them.  were the old fortress buffs the old non awakened buffs?

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