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Posts posted by iHyperlite

  1. 22 hours ago, Brimstone said:

    For levels 105 - 108, PVE, some dailies, but mostly hunting field mobs aound my level (no higher than 110) overnight while I sleep. I want to maximize XP and not wake up to see my entire party wiped out. 😄

    All characters are in Exalted gear. Nothing fancy.  Is it a simple formula like 1 tank, 1  tyr, 1 ISS for buffs, and 3 DDs? Or can you get away with 1 ISS with 5 DDs? 

    As for DDs, is it better to have nukers or archers for AOE? And for close quarters, dagger or Evi?

    It depends where you are talking. There aren't any true party zones like ketra/varka for the lvls you are describing. An ISS and 6 dd's would be good xp, but way too many chars for most of those spots in my opinion.

    On dd's, all aoe. 



    Edit: to a proper 7 man

    Tank / iss / healer / yul / yul / Feoh / tyr or yul

  2. Just now, iLdm said:

    it is super worthy though. U can enchant blessed exalted set now to +10, upgrade and augment the new exalted weapon , jewels, talismans..... its amazing for begginers and for non pay to win players. I am very excited to see this event running 

    The new exalted set is like 70% of an r110 set bonus. Those will be very nice for newer players. 

    • Like 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, Connex said:


    this is called double standards but hear me out.

    you quote a single item out of everything they offered just to prove something or are you that naive?

    1 week extension for the XP event is the compensation, the 30 day jewels is just something extra, plus the 7 day rune. Don't even try to argue about the 1 ncoin price, we have spent so many so far plus it is supposed to apply to people that actually spend on this game, if you are totally f2p then you only get the 1week extension, period.

    What people don't understand is how much that 7 day rune equates to in vit maint pots.

    That's the same as 26880 ncoin. Literally like ~$300+ usd in value.  And ppl complain. Ncsoft literally just gave up 1000s of dollars worth of revenue to give that out. 

  4. I'm very happy for the extended xp event and 7 day vit rune. The bonus pots in those armor packs are insanely cheap for the cost. 


    The compensation being a rare acc pack. I'd rather get greater red cat in a box to save for later. Or maybe a 30 day gran kain stage 2 necklace. Those would be more fun for someone like me (and I'm sure others). But, meh, can't have everything. 




    The maint rune and an extension is what I was asking for when compensation came up. Upped party bonus would have been nice too, but it's still a nice thing to get. 

  5. On 4/17/2021 at 8:45 AM, Avon420 said:

    I see that you can do it with R110 items in Blacksmith of Mammon.
    Is any way to do it with R grade items?

    If you send a petition, I'll bet the support staff swaps it to the other set type. 

  6. 2 hours ago, GreedyFarmer said:

    Hello Ladies and Gents

    If someone could assist with this.

    I have a luminous Juju and it keeps spamming the Vitality ON and OFF every few minutes as u probably know...

    Is there a way to  turn off the bloody system message from chat?

    I have disabled everything and it keeps coming on.


    Thanks in advance!! 



    nope, its buggy like that.  ncsoft knew about it but its no been fixed yet by korea.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Goldfinger said:

    As I said, all augment effects are listed in my passives. But from my past experiences with L2, I don't have trust that it means what it suggests. So still I would like a comment about skill crit rate

    i dont really understand the need for juji to comment or test anything.  what past experiences has a passive been listed in your passive skills and not been applied correctly?


  8. 17 minutes ago, Goldfinger said:

    I see the augment effects listed on passive skills. I also have one XP augment and it gives more xp when the accessory is equipped, so that all fits my expectations.

    But in particularly I heard the skill crit augments don't properly work. It's hard to measure if a skill crit rate augment works or not.....

    I have 4% skill crit rate augment and that effect is listed in my passives.  


    As you mentioned, measuring 5% skill crit rate is hard. The people who are telling you it doesn't apply haven't done a proper test validating the claims. If they have, they need to come explain the test. 

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