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Everything posted by magistralis

  1. @prodigy For good communication between two (or more) people, being as clear as possible avoids misunderstandings. When you say that "any DD in mediocre equipment can do this", it leaves room for different interpretations of what you tried to convey, which is what happened, even if you didn't wanted to. If you had been as clear as possible, for example: "any DD with this gear can do the same" or "any DD with your gear can do the same", i wouldn't have commented here.
  2. @ProDigY Even if I just asked "I just want to know whats "mediocre gear" is" the context of my question say enough that I has didn't asking for the meaning of 'mediocre' word. And even that, the total sentence is "I just want to know whats "mediocre gear" is, that is less expensive than the gear the autor told he has.", thats clear that i didn't ask for the meaning of 'mediocre' word, so, because of that, i was sarcastic in my answer, not because i was upset. As i said, when you say (after seeing the rodah's gear info) that "any dd in a mediocre gear can solo EV", it implies that there is something weaker that does the same job, so me and he asked you about this gear. I can't do anything if you haven't been clear enough, but i get your point now. Hugs.
  3. @prodigy Im not upset. Why do you think that everyone are upset just because asked you something? You said thats not the owner of the truth, so I asked whats the meaning of "mediocre gear" for EV, so you replied that im upset, just because i asked you? Whats that? The autor said that are using TW and you said that everyone with "mediocre gear" can do the same, so, it implies that have a gear that can do exactly the same as the autor told (kill fast enough to need to wait mobs respawn) and this gear is less expensive than the autor gear, so he asked you about it and so did i, but you don't accept and say that everyone are upset with you.
  4. @prodigy Wow, that's the meaning of the 'mediocre' word? I dind't knew, thats surprised me. Ah, well, you know that I dind't asked for that. In your exemple, you know that have lot of items in this range, right? tw+5 ++, blessed tw, r95, blessed r95, r99, blessed r99, bloddy/dark +0+7, bla bla bla. The autor said that have +8 blessed tw, so, by mediocre you mean +7 or not blessed +8? Or even lower than that? You didn't told whats the meaning of "mediocre item" for EV and thats what the guy asked.
  5. I just want to know whats "mediocre gear" is, that is less expensive than the gear the autor told he has. I'm lv105 and just have exalted gear (and ring of creation), I keeping dying in Phantasmal and kill slow. So I want to know about that gear.
  6. Wait for a good event and spend real money. Is the better and most effective way.
  7. @Barbarossa It's funny. I have 3 clients opened and in only one the tour UI disappeared.
  8. @extase1987 It's time to NCWest bring to us the "Luck Game".
  9. And i in my innocence, thinking make profit with 50 if no one buy my boxes. hahhaa
  10. To make money as new player you need to afk fish. Someone can tell me whata kind of game tell to your potencial player that to make money in their game (without spent real money) he need don't play the game or to level up and finish quest (exalted) you also don't need to play the game, just afk? The progress in L2 is the worst ive ever seen in a MMO. I back to the game few days ago and I don't really played, just macrod because don't have anything good to do, nothing attractive. And it's funny, because i keep in the game just because i don't need do play the game, like mobile MMO that you put in auto-hunting and go do something better. They really think that will get more new players with it?
  11. If you aready 99 and finished the lvl 99 quest, just one/two days if you join an AOE PT in Blazing Swamp. Do alone with ISS is pain in the ass.
  12. Well, Juji said that will have changes in pk system in few weeks. So, we need to wait to see this changes.
  13. Finish the first exalted quest.
  14. "hur dur Will kill the PvP if we not be able to kill afk low geared players hur dur" The PvP of the game is already dead when you call the act of kill afk players as "PvP".
  15. Because if they do, will gain less money. Americans like cassinos, why not put in the game? hahha
  16. @LenKz Yeah. If you have doubt, have a video in youtube of a guy doing it with just paulina's gear.
  17. And you only get one of these crap items. Not even to get 10x or more. hahaha
  18. NC plays with people's hopes of getting something good from the loot boxes.
  19. This game is already P2W so I think NC soft should put better loot boxes or put the 'Luck Game' that have in JP and KR servers.
  20. To create new characters you need to wait for wednesdays.
  21. Now the PvP is based in how many items you have to protect you (by put you invencible, untargeted, damage barrier...), and when you run out of activations, you are one-shotted. Everybody is a glass cannon now. It's funny to see how a game fully based in PvP don't have a good PvP. I already can see in the future Dragon Armors coming to the game.
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